Chapter 24

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Tharn POV

After I found that type is nowhere to be found in the rest house I quickly step out of it and go to the garage to rode the car that we first rode when we get here.. I never thought we would be able to ride this car again.. I thought we have to find an escape from everything that is pulling me and type away from each other

I quickly step on the gas to fasten my speed.. I need to go  and follow type, I'm sure he was dragged back to his house by his father.. I need to go there immediately because I don't know what his father will do to him.. I will not be able to forgive myself if I'm too late already..

I need to make sure that Type is okay.. I need to make sure that he is okay.. Please be okay!! Please baby be okay!! I'm coming..

After a few minutes arrive at the Phawattakun Mansion.. I was stopped at the gate by their guards but thankfully One of the guards is friends with me but he didn't forget to warn me

"Tharn, be careful as you enter the house, Sir Anton is so furious when Sir Type arrives earlier.. We can hear so many times breaking sound as Sir Type was drag by the other men of Sir Anton.. Sir Type's maid was already brought to the hospital because Sir Anton broke his vase on her head.. I can't believe he did that to a woman!! The other guard of Sir Type was also brought to the hospital due to a gunshot.. Sir Anton is in a berserk right now.. If Only I didn't need this Job I will surely run away!! Where have you been we thought you are with Sir Type.. We have been on alert because of you two!! Why did you run away!! Please be careful Tharn!! I Don't know what will Sir Anton do to you once he saw you.. He knows that you help Sir Type to escape.. Please be a careful man.. You shouldn't have come back here!!" He said to me which made me more anxious and afraid for my Type's safety.. Sir Anton is in a crazy mode right now!! I don't know what he is doing to type right now..

I didn't answer him anymore and just proceed on going inside..

Before I enter the mansion, I breathe  deeply at first to try to calm myself.. I don't want to do any recklessly that will only aggravate the situation right now.. I breathe deeply for how many seconds then I enter and what welcomes me made me want to be in berserk and kill somebody..

I saw Type laying on the sofa unconscious... While Sir Anton busy hitting Type's driver using his favorite steal cane.. The driver was already down but he just keeps on hitting him..

He quickly looked at me furiously

"OH!! The prodigal slave comes back!!" Type's father said sounding so amused.. He stopped hitting the unconscious  driver on the floor and sit on the sofa chair beside him with the help of his man Luis..

I immediately run into type not minding Sir Anton.. My heart literally stops beating for a second when I saw him unconscious.. He looked so exhausted and when I'm fully near him I saw that his face is swollen like someone just slapped him really hard multiple times, his lip was also cut and has blood on it..

I literally want to killed and hurt somebody right now but I know it will never do good for the both of us so I immediately dropped on my knees and kneel in front of Sir Anton

"I'm so sorry Sir!!  This is all my fault please don't punish Sir  Type for my mistake.. I saw how scared he was because of the sudden proposal so I immediately  ask him to just lay low for while.. I didn't mean to hide him from you.. Please don't hurt Sir Type.. This is all my fault..  Please punish me instead.. You can kill me if you like but please don't hurt him anymore.. I'm begging you, sir!! PLEASE!!!" I'm begging sir Anton!! I know I may look pathetic now but I don't care.. I can't let this evil man hurt my Type anymore..

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