Chapter 17

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Author POV

Type and Tharn are kissing like crazy in their room at the university, It's been weeks after their anniversary but Type is still so happy and over the moon about it. He just keeps on wanting to kiss and feel his boyfriend whenever they are alone. It's like they are on their honeymoon.

Everything is like bliss for Tharn and Type, it's like everything is in place right now. Type's father hasn't contacted him for the past few weeks now it's like he forgets about them already and it is good news for Type and Tharn because It's like they are finally given a breathing space. Type wishes that this will last forever. He just to be happy with his boyfriend and nothing else matter.

Type has been doing his best to control his temper but it's hard especially if Type gets used to getting everything in a snap except of course his freedom to love that man the lies. He is trying his best to act mature for Tharn. He doesn't want the man to get mad at him. He will lose his mind if Tharn will stop talking to him again.

Even his friend Mild was shocked about the behavior of his friend Type. Lhong is just observing behind, he cares about Tharn's well-fare and just wants him to be happy and if Type is the only one who can give it, He will always choose to step back.

Type is now on top of tharn, while Tharn is laying in the bed flatly. Type is just kissing him all over while Tharn can't help but moan so loudly, Thankfully! This room is soundproof.

"Bii, We have to stop!! We still have to go to the auditorium right, It's our orientation about the commencement of the start of all thesis presentations for all courses here at the university." Tharn said while trying to push Type away from their kissing session but it seems that Type has another plan cause he only pulled Tharn more tightly which made them be skin to skin.

They are naked from waist up!!

"Boo. Can we skip that? I just want to be with you all day. I want to kiss and feel you like this. Please boo. Please." Type said in between his kissing. He is exploring all over Tharn neck and shoulder.

"Uhhh bii, ahhh, God!! You're so good at this baby!! but are you sure? You know your the student council president right? You have to supervise everything there. I'm sure they are going to look for you there especially you are the one who organized it right?" Tharn said in between his moan. Type keep on devouring him until he stopped and looked at Tharn

"I know babe!! but I just want to feel your right now and besides, we still have 10 minutes. We can still do things boo!! Please. Please uhhh I just want you to please??" Type is seducing Tharn with matching begging.

Tharn can only breathe deeply and fall for the charms of his boyfriend.

"Okay!! Okay!! 10 minutes baby! and that it!! I don't want you complaining to me after that you are accused because you have been neglecting your other duties like the student council just because of me." Tharn seriously said to Type, which made the man laugh a little and think to himself.

"Do I act like a b*tch all the time??" Type cluelessly asked himself

"Okay!! Boo!! I promise. We will not feel each other inside of me actually because I'm sure 10 minutes is not enough. I just want to be with you like this. I don't know but this is so surreal. My dad has been so quiet these past few days. I want to be happy right now but at the same time, I am so afraid that all of this is just my illusion and everything will be destroyed after that. We are so happy now Jake, It's been a while ever since we became so happy like this. I don't know when all of this will last. I don't want to feel this way, Jake!! I don't but I can't help it. I can't." Type sadly said to Tharn, he steps off from his boyfriend's stomach and sits properly on his bed.

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