Chapter 22

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Type POV

It's been a week since I and Tharn started to live at my mother's rest house and till now it feels like I'm living the dream. I really love being with Tharn!! He is the best boyfriend ever!! We had our small business in town, I don't know where Tharn gets the money to be able to buy his tools to start it but it seems that he had so much skill to gain one..

I know how talented Tharn is when it comes to drawing and he has been using it to gain more money.. He has been drawing and painting so many beautiful and stunning things and he will sell them in the town market.. 

He is so popular here now with the townspeople that sometimes it really made me jealous.. I know he is so handsome and charming.. He will surely gain so much popular but now that I'm seeing it myself it keeps me wanting to gag all of their eyeballs!! I really hate those people who are eyes raping my boyfriend.. 

I'm currently here at his small stall watching him while he was drawing some girl portrait while the girl is sitting in front of him.. This girl with his girlfriends that is sure if eyes can make someone be naked, I'm sure my overly friendly boyfriend here is already been raped!! Gosh!! I really hate this girl.. 

Can't they see me sitting here!! I know they have an idea already of who am I to Tharn because I'm always with him when he goes here and they have witnessed so many times how sweet we are to each other but it seems that they are not affected by it cause they are still looking at my tharn with so much loved and adoration!!

"Hi! Your name is Tharn right?? We always want to go here and have our portrait made by you but it seems that you are always jampacked by many other customers so we just waited.. We are so lucky that we got the chance to do that now.." Girl 1 said while waiting for her turn

"Ahh yes! Ma'am! I'm sorry that I haven't been able to cater to you but Thank you for  keep on waiting for me to be able to do service for you!" My Tharn smilingly said to them while still working on his drawing

"Of course, We are not going to miss the opportunity to be able to be drawn by someone  talented as you!!" Girl 1 said then he stands up to walk beside my boyfriend. It seems that my boyfriend doesn't notice it because he just keeps on doing his own business.. 

It made me flinch on my sit but I'm still trying my best not to make a scene here  especially I know how it would affect Tharn and his business.. I don't want to add more to his burden so I just keep my mouth shut and mind my own business here and that is to count our earnings for the day.. It's already 5 pm in the evening so after this flirt client of Tharn, we will go home.. 

I was really trying my best not to explode but it seems that this girl is really pushing me to my limits..

This girl1 who stand up and went near my Tharn started to talk again and do something that will really push me

"Ahhh, You know.. I and my friend has been watching you for so long. We waited for a week to have this opportunity to talk to you like this.. The first time we saw you, we really admire how masculine and gorgeous you are, we don't see any woman here!! Is that mean that you don't have your girlfriend.. I and my friend here are available and we would like to take our chance if someone between us and will attract you.. Can I by any chance get your digit?"

 This girl one seductively said to my boyfriend that she even trying to touch my boyfriend by his shoulder thankfully my boyfriend is fast enough to stop her by standing up quickly and try to go away from this slutty girl but it seems that this girl is so determined to flirt with my tharn that tries to go near him again.. I really want to stand  and grab her by her hair but I'm still trying my best not to burst!! I'm letting tharn to deal with her.. I know tharn will never flirt with any woman.. 

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