Chapter 46

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Warning guys, This is chapter contains a smut scene update so if you think that you can't or don't want to read any of it. Please do skip it. I don't mind. I don't want to be a bad influence haha

I hope I can give you all the satisfaction.

Thank you for reading guys.

so here it is.


Tharn POV

I'm currently here at my company in Thailand. I and Lhong just decided to switch responsibility regarding our companies... He is the one who is now in charge of the US while I stay here... The board of directors finally agree especially after Type agreed to be partnered with our construction company... Our company is gonna be responsible with everything that regards to construction for The Phawattakun Corp... This is a very big opportunity for our company so they don't have a choice but to agree. 

My Type is the big boss of one the biggest corporation here in Thailand and all over the world... No one can say no to him!!

I was busy arranging all the stuff that I will be passing to my interim chief... He is the one who will handle my position in the meantime while I and Type are on our honeymoon after our wedding... We plan to do our wedding a month from now which is very fast for some people especially it's Type's wedding but Me and Type can't wait any longer to be wed to each other... I can't wait to make him my wife...

He already told me what happen in the past, that everything that happened is done by his father... All of those bad things that happened to us, the threats, the accidents that happened to Type... My suffering for the first year that I came to the US was all done by his dad... Type said that his father left him a letter admitting all of those sins and saying sorry to him... Part of me still can't believe that a father can do that to his own son!! I know he is very strict about what he wants for his Type but putting his son in that situation is too much...

If Type didn't do his suicided attempt, I don't think Sir Anton will ever wake up from his ambition. He is a very strong man... It's very scary but too bad he is already dead before he can say those sorry words to his son!! I know Type may not say it to me himself... He is still hurting about all the things that his father did... He ruined 5 years of Type's life... Type is still so hurt that they never had any moment where they can talk and tell each other how much they care for one another in person... I really hope he is happy with Me and Type now. I hope he was in peace...

I was busy compiling everything when my assistant Megan suddenly enters my office...

"Hi Sir Tharn, your fiancee is here..." Megan smilingly said to me, I immediately close the folder that I'm holding...

"Oh! Let him in Meg! Thanks for letting me know..." I smilingly said to her, then the next thing I saw is that my baby who is busy checking his clothes for the wedding is here already... I really want to go with him today but I can't because of these stupid documents...

"Hi boo!!" He smilingly greeted me, then he quickly runs into me, I turned my chair to meet him...

"Hi bii!! How's your tour in the different boutiques! Have you found your dream wedding tuxedo" I teasingly asked while letting him sit on my lap and encircling my arms into his body... I already know him so much, I'm sure he will not settle with only one boutique shop. I'm sure he walks all over the mall or other place to check hahaha

"Don't tease me boo!! You know me already and this is our wedding!! I won't settle for something simple!! I want our wedding to be memorable so my tuxedo should never be just simple!" He proudly said to me... I just buried my head into his neck and started sniffing his neck...

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