Chapter 35

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Type POV

We are currently here at the seashore walking side by side while looking at the beautiful scenery in front of us. No one is speaking. It's like we are just appreciating this moment for a while. It is so peaceful and light right now. I wish to have more of this.

"Boo, what should I do when we get back to all of that??" I asked him. I want to cry again remembering all the things that I have left behind in the city but I know I have to go back to all of that later.

"I don't know to bii, I don't know.." He sadly said to me

"I guess I should just take it and get used to it for a few weeks more right?? Our graduation is near already. We should just bear with it for a while then after this, we can finally get away from all of this. I don't care wherever you will take me. Just take me far far away from her boo! I just want a peaceful life with you.." I smiled at him. I can't help but imagine what my life is gonna be like in the future with him. I'm sure I will be the happiest person in the future, but I can't help it too but be confused why Tharn is not smiling at all. It's like he was thinking so hard about something.. I stop from walking then made him look at me.

"What's the wrong boo, is there something bothering you. Is there something that you want to tell me?? " I asked him

"Nothing bii, I'm just thinking about the future. It made me think if we can pull through this. If we can live together without thinking about what your father would do again if he finds us. If I can provide you the life that you deserve. You have everything bii!! More than anything that anyone can have.. I'm just thinking if we can survive all of this. What if you get tired of me. What if you realized in the end that you deserve better. That I cannot give you the life that you deserve. I'm just thinking about those things in the future bii.."

He said to me. He sounded so confused and afraid. I can't blame him. Those thoughts came to me too. I may be deprived of my parent's love but I'm spoiled with every other thing. My future is secured if I choose to remain as a Phawattakun. I will have the power in the world to do everything that I like to want to be.


I held his hand tighter and made him look at me straight in the eye.

"I'm telling you Boo!! You don't have to be afraid because I don't care about any of those things... I don't care if I don't have those material things that this life is offering me if I remain as a Phawattakun. I don't care about any of those. You are!! You are the only aspect of my life that is more important than any others things and I can't live without you. Please don't be afraid boo. I made my choice already and you know me.. Once, I made my choice. I will never take it back. I stand by my choices and I choose you. I will always choose you. I love you so much boo. I love you more than anything in this world. More than anything!! " I said him.

I was shocked when he suddenly pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged him back. We are just hugging each other feeling the warmth and love for each other.

A few more days of waiting. A few more days and we can finally be free.. I'm so looking forward to it. I love this man so much.




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