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Type POV

5 years later

I'm currently busy fixing our dinner when I suddenly heard my son running towards me again... I wonder what happen this time!!

"Mom! Mom!!! Dad is making me choose him over you again!! He said he will buy me toys if I said that I love him more than you!" Spade said to me while hiding behind me, then there is my dear husband running to tell me something else

"That is not true bii!!" Tharn hurriedly said as he stopped in front of me. I put both my hands in my waist and looked at him suspiciously

"So Mr. Tharn Jake Kirigun! Are you telling me that my baby spade is lying to me huh??" I asked him. He then started to look like he was panicking and starting to rub his neck again signaling me that he doesn't have any alibi left to say to me

"Ahhh ehh! hehe! I'm not bii!! I'm sorry! I just want him to say that he loves me... He always acts that you are his only parent!!" He said to me sounding like he is pouting again... He proceeds on sitting on his chair in the dining area, while I started to fix my baby Spade on his chair...

"Of course he loves you boo!! It's just that he was always with me maybe that is why he is saying that he loves me more but our baby loves you... Right, Spade?? You love daddy right??" I asked my baby but instead of answering me, My baby just picks up his spoon and fork then started his eating his meal already... I saw my husband looked so defeated again!! I can't help but laugh at him... I started to walk near Tharn then I sit on his lap... I encircle my arms into his nape and smiles at him before speaking

"Hahaha don't worry boo!! I will teach him to love you more!!" I said to him trying to console him

"Hahahaha no need to do that! I don't want you to push him to love me!! I can understand him!! His looks exactly like me and sometimes I see myself in him already and I know someone who is like me always ends up loving someone like you!! So it's very understandable!!" He smilingly said to be... I can't help but smash his chest a little... He loves to say these teasing words to me... We've been married for 5 years already but still, he never changes!

"Cheesy!!" I said to him then I decided to stand from his lap and sit beside my 3-year-old baby!!

"Hahaha, Bii!! i'm just stating the fact you know!!" He smiling said to me... Then we decided to eat our dinner which of course was prepared by our chefs... I still don't know how to cook!! I even enrolled myself in a cooking school but no improvement at all. I don't know but it seems that cooking is my weakness

The last 5 years are so much far from a perfect life that Tharn and I always imagine when we decided to get married... It's always ups and downs between us. We are not a perfect couple but we always make sure to never sleep at night without mending any misunderstanding that happened between us... Our love for each other before our marriage cannot compare to how much we love each other now...

We live for each other and with every decision that I will make, I will make sure to inform and involve him so he did to me too... We want to always be involved in one another business which for others is so suffocating or hard but not for us... It makes us feel secure about each other.

We may fight and be angry at one another but it never stops us from loving each other. Our life is like an adventure, a very interesting and entertaining adventure! Sometimes, we cry! we laugh but most importantly we love... It only amplifies and elevates after we had our firstborn Son, Spade Oliver Phawattakun Kirigun...

He became the center of our world... He is the reason why we pursue to be the best person and best parents for him. We have him through Surrogacy, 4 years ago with the help of my bestfriend Hai... His wife agreed to be the surrogate mother of our son Spade. He is 3 years old now... We have never been so happy after we had him...

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