Chapter 4

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Type POV

I was silently crying so hard on my bed when I felt that someone snuggle himself beside me and snake his arms on me. I quickly turn around cause I currently turn back on him.

It was Tharn. How the hell can he came in here. My dad's minions are just outside my door.

"Hi Baby, Can I sleep beside you. I missed sleeping with you already even it's just today." He teasingly said to me, I missed him too!! We are always together even when we are sleeping. Our maid and butlers are used to it because they know Tharn and I are friends. They don't blabber me with my dad not because they are afraid of me but most importantly they are concern about my Tharn's welfare. Tharn is close with everyone. I snaked my arms into his body attempting to hug him but he suddenly winces because of pain. I totally forget his back wounds!!

"I'm sorry Boo, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry!!" I can't help but start to cry again. This is all my fault. Tharn has hurt again because of me!! Tharn looks so concerned when he saw me crying. He immediately sits up and pulled me too to sit in front of him. He started to caress my face to remove my tears away.

"Don't cry bii, I'm okay. It's just a minor scratch. I'll be okay. I promise. Don't cry. it's more painful for me to watch you cry instead of those slashes I received from Sir Anton!! You know how much I hate to see you like this. This is me, protecting you bii. I would rather be the one who received all of those pain instead of you. You know when your father slapped you in front of me. I was about to confront him if only you didn't stop him. Even if he is your father he doesn't have the right to hurt you like that. I really want to protect you earlier but I'm not powerful yet but I promise you, baby!! When we graduate and I finally have the means to support you. I snatch you away from this cruel world. I promise!!"

I can only cry while listening to him. His life became like this ever since he came into my life. He was punch, he was kicked, he was smacked, he was slashed by many things and pointed by a gun on his head just because of me. this is all because of me!

I keep on crying that is Tharn just pulled me into a tight hug to try and calm me down. I can't help but keep on blaming myself for every bad things that is happening to Tharn. This all started when I was 7 years old. Days after my mother died, that's when my father brought Tharn to me to be my slave but for me, he became the most important person for me ever since. Tharn was a gift from my mother before she died that is why my father doesn't have a choice but to oblige.


A/N Let's go back to the 7 years old Type and Tharn

Author POV

Days after Type's Mother died because of her heart disease, his mother was always weak which is why she cannot give birth to more children. Type's mother is so loved by Anton that it made him became a different person when she died. He became this cold person that only treats people with no importance. Part of Anton blames Type for what happens because his wife's heart condition deteriorated after she gave birth to his son Type. He tried everything to prolong the life of his wife but it's useless.

Type's Mother stated in her letter that she found some kid in the orphanage that she wants to get and help in the future but cannot do so because she already died. But before she died, she wants that kid to be Type's companion after she left the world. She knows how much of a busy man Anton is that's why she doesn't want his only beloved son to be alone when she died. Anton doesn't have a choice but to fulfill it that is why he got Tharn from the orphanage then brought him to his mansion.

But instead of making him Type's friends, he declared it for Tharn to be Type's slave and companion. He will be with Type to attend to his every need. he will play with him if Type wants to and do every task that Type wants him to do. Tharn, whom that time is a very intelligent kid. He knows what he needs to do to support himself and survive. He followed every single thing that Anton instructed him to do but little did he know. Type became the most important person in his life.

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