Chapter 33

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Tharn POV

My heart literally stops beating when I saw where type is!! The time seems to freeze at that moment.

"Type!!!!!" I yelled as I get off the elevator and run into him.

He looked so lost and out of it. He was just staring straight of nowhere. He was standing by the ledge of the roof.

Just a slight movement and he will fall.

"Type!! Baby!! I'm here!! I'm here!!" I said to him.. I'm trying my best to calm down and convince him to get down. I don't want to startle him more. I'm afraid he will jump off the roof any moment if I do.

"I want some air.. I can't breathe!! I can't breathe!! I just want air.. It's so refreshing here!! There is so much Air.. I feel like I can fly any minute!! I can fly!! Do you want to see me fly?? I can!! I remember when I was in first-year college, my philosophy prof asked us what do we want to be when we are born again. I told him I want to be a bird!! I want to have my freedom like a bird. I can fly and go wherever and whenever I want. Do you think I can be a bird??" He asked me as he looked at me slightly than look in front again.

I'm really nervous right now.. He was acting so strange.. its like he doesn't recognize me anymore..

"Yes! Baby!! You can be a bird.. Both of us.. We can be a bird.. We both are.. We can go wherever and whenever we want. but not right now baby!! We still have so many things to do for the future. We have so many things ahead of us.." I said as I try to step forward on him but I stop when suddenly he turns around looking at me looking so confused about what I have said to him

"Why are you calling me baby!! I'm not your baby!! Only Tharn can call me that.. but..." he said looking so sad then he started to cry.. He is crying.. I was right.. He doesn't recognize me.. What is happening to him..

I was doing my best to protect him..  What is this.. What happens to him for him to act this way.

"But he left me.. he left me too.. he doesn't care about me anymore. He abandoned me!! He is gone too..  All of them are gone.. he is gone.. " he said sounding so sad and devastated.

"Baby!! I'm here.. I'm tharn!! I'm not going anywhere. I was just... Ahhhh!!! I'm sorry.. baby!! PLEASE GET DOWN THERE NOW!! YOU'RE SCARING ME!! you shouldn't be there!! It is dangerous.. Please baby!!" I said to him

" No your not my Jake!! He left me're just tricking me to go down then you will bring me back to my cage... I don't want to go back to that house... I'm happy here!!! I can't breathe!!! Jake already left!!  He said that he will always choose me. He will always be there for me. He left me.. He finally left me.." Type hysterically said to me then he was starting to move around. My fear that he might get off any minute rises on so many levels.

" please Type!! PLEASE LOOK AT ME!! IM THARN!! YOUR JAKE!! PLEASE LOOK AT ME, BABY!! I'M HERE!! PLEASE!!" I said to him while I was trying to step forward to me.

He lifted his head and look at me. He looked like he was scanning me all over

" It's me, baby!! It's me!! I'm here.. I'm here.." I said while looking at him intently.

He got so shocked when he realized that it was me. He was about to cry more. He extended his arm to me

" OH MY GOD!! you're here!! You're here!! I thought you left.. you choose something else instead of me. I need you.. I need you but you didn't come.  You left me... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"





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