Chapter 36

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5 years After


I am busy with all the paper works that have been piling up on my table... I'm currently working as the executive assistant of the chairman, I mean Type,  here at Phawattakun Corporation. Besides me being his assistant, I'm still working as his Personal Guard...

Type doesn't trust anyone except for me and his best friend Mild ever since that stupid boyfriend of his left him behind without any apparent reason!! I don't understand him!! How can he leave someone like Type behind after all the things that they had faced before... How can I know all about it? Type always tells me about it whenever he got drunk...

He still misses that son of bitch whenever he is drunk, he is like someone else but when he is sober... Type is the most terrifying person you can ever face for the rest of your life... That guy leaving him changed him a lot...For many people, he was already like this ever since before. For them, he is the most Heartless, Arrogant, Spoiled Brat person in the world but they don't see him as I know him... He is the most caring, selfless person I have ever known and I care about him...

Don't get me wrong, I don't care about him romantically but mostly like a brother who cares about him... He is my family now because I don't have anyone... I'm an orphan since birth so It's not hard for me to learn to care and love him like my own true-blooded brother...

I tried my best to take care of him after his father died, yes! He is also an orphan like me now... His dad died right after that day... The day I would never forget in my entire life... The day that I swear to my life that I would never betray him and leave him just like what that bastard did to him

He is all alone but no one understands him as I do... His best friend Mild is already living abroad with his husband Champ which is more reason for me to stay with him... I don't want that day to happen ever again... I swear I will never let that happen... As long as I'm alive, Type is never gonna be alone again...

Here I am busy compiling the things that need to be submitted to Type desk later for his signature when one of Type's secretaries runs towards me... Type has 5 secretaries beside me as his assistant... My job is to help and attends to Type's needs in the company... I also help him manage the company, it's a very big corporation so Type needs help on managing it...

Besides me being a 3 times black belt in Judo and other martial Arts... I'm a business management graduate so I think I fit the job... He even offered me a much higher position but I declined it... Being his assistant, made it possible for me to be by his side always... Secretary is responsible for other things like doing some research, reports, scheduling, and other secretary stuff...

"Sir Hai!! Sir Hai!! Please help!! Sir Gulf is acting again... Please Sir hai help!! He is hurting Sir Clyde!! Please, sir!!! Hurry!!" Jam worriedly said to me... I quickly stand on my chair and quickly run into his office...

Clyde is the son of one of our competitors... He is there at Type's office to discuss his potential partnership of our mall to their mall... They were okay when I left the office I wonder what happen again...

I was shocked upon seeing what's happening inside Type's office...

I saw Type above the laying body of Clyde on the floor while Type was busy punching him nonstop!! Clyde was also bleeding so much already but Type is not stopping on hitting him...

"F*ck you!! F*ck you!!! F*ck you!!! Don't ever lay your hands on me because I will kill you!!! I will kill you!!!" Type repeatedly said as he was hitting Clyde...

"Call the guards here!! Also, alert the clinic that a patient is coming their way!!" I quickly said to  Jam who is also was shocked upon seeing what is happening inside her boss's office!!

"Yes Sir!!" She is panicking while saying this then she proceeds in running to follow what I asked her to do!! Then I quickly run to Type's and try to stop what he is doing...

"Type!! Type!! Stop!! You're gonna kill him!!! Type!!! This is not right!! You might kill him!!" I said while trying to pull Type away from the man... At first, I cant pull him away but Thankfully after the guards had come to the rescue, They quickly help me to pull Type away from the Clyde!!

I quickly pull Type away then pin him to the wall... He is still trying to get away from my hold but I'm holding him so tight on both of his shoulder that makes it more impossible for him to run away from me

"I will kill him, Hai!! Let go of me!!! Let go!!!" He angrily said to me while looking at me straight in the eyes but I didn't bulge!!

"No!!" I said to him then I turned my head to look at the guards who are holding Clyde, there also Sam who is also one of Type's Secretary

"Sam, go!! You know what to do already... Fix all of this!! Do whatever it is to do to fix this!!" I seriously said to her, She just nodded at me... Sam is already used to doing this kind of task because Type is someone who always gets into trouble like hitting somebody like what he did just now also like facing some lawsuit due to the wrongful termination of an employee just because of a simple mistake... Sam is well aware of what to do here... This kind of issue can not be known by the board of directors or another investor of the Corporation because Type's position will surely be at stake again... Many people aren't still convinced that Type deserves this position after Sir Anton died... Many people want him to be outed from this company that his own family and heritage owned

"I said let go, Hai!! I'm not done with him!" He angrily said to me but I just hold him tighter...

"No!! Have you forget who you are!!! Have you forget about what you said in your dad's grave!! You promised him right!! This will not help to fulfill what you promise Type!! I'm telling you it is not!! But if you don't care about anything anymore then by all means!!! Go!! Do whatever you want and I will never stop you anymore!!!" I firmly said to him as I let go of him

His face suddenly changes... His angry face became sad then he started to cry... He even collapses on the floor... I was shocked upon seeing him like this so I quickly get down on my knees to help him... I hug him while he was crying... I look around to see if there are still other people in the room... I know how much he hates letting other people see his vulnerable state... thankfully, there is none!!

"What happen Type!! Tell me!! Tell me what did he do to you!!" I repeatedly said to him while I was trying to calm him down... I repeated caress his back to ease his pain...

"He knows me from College Hai, He said he saw me and that person kissing... He knows that I'm gay Hai... He started to touch me!! He attempted to molest me, Hai!! I tried to stop him then he said that person is right for leaving me!! He said I didn't deserve that person because I'm a bitch!! He touches me!! I can't take it that is why punch him!! Why did he have told me that!! Is what he told me is true?? Am I a bitch!! Don't I deserve that person that's why he left me!! Am I undeserving of love!! Tell me hai!! Tell me!!!" He is crying again and it's because of that man again... He might be molested by that man but he not crying because of that... He is crying because that f*cking Clyde guy, made him remember that f*king coward of a Man named Tharn!!

"It's not true Type!! You know it's not true!! You deserve every love this world can give!! They are the one who is not deserving of your love!! They don't deserve you!! Don't cry Type!! Don't waste your tears just because of them!! Don't worry we will deal with that f*cking Clyde!! I will make sure that he knows that he mess with the wrong person!! I will destroy him for you Type!! Don't cry na!! I'm here!! Your best friend is here!" I said while he is crying so hard... I just continue to caress his back...

It's been a while ever since Type cried like this... I know how much Type tried his best to moved on but that guy is still hurting him. He is still massively hurting him... I know how much Type loves him...




To be continued

A chapter POV of our dear Hai... Don't hate him Mi-loves... he is just a friend... Really!!

MG_waanjai5 wish granted shhh ka lang sis 😅😅

Waanjai MJORA

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