Chapter 31

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Type POV

2 weeks before graduation.

I don't know what is happening but there is something different about him. I don't know what it is but I'm really starting to get anxious about it.. I'm currently on the way home with Hai. Dad wanted to talk to me about something really important according to him and I know that important thing can or will ruin my life again. I just want to run away from here.. If only I can just run away right now!! I WILL.

But what bothers me the most is Tharn. What is going on with him?  After I told him about those threats that I've been receiving he had been acting so different just like yesterday


My class was postponed earlier so I decided to invite him to our room at the university. I missed him. These past few days, I haven't been able to be with him because of my school activities. I'm the summa cum laude of our course.  I expected it already but I'm still happy about it. I have so many requirements to do and to pass to my professor.. Added to it that Eye has been clingy into me more..

She always wants me to be with her only.. She wants to spend every little second with me.. God!! she even asked me if she can live in our mansion instead.. 

This is her line about it

"HON! We are going to be married right? I think it's time and it's more convenient for me to live with you already.. We need to be more attached to each other. You know I really like you. I really want us to get along. For us, For our future family. I want us to be happy and so in love with each other.. I know it may sound too soon but I think this is the only way for you and me to learn to finally love each other deeply..  If you don't want me to live in your house we can just live in a condo... I don't care where it will be but what matters the most for me is that you and I are together.. Isn't that a good idea?? "  she said to me which I just answer her with a smiled, not knowing on how to say no to her!! I will never live with her.  NEVER!!

I only want Tharn!! Only him!!

I asked Tharn to go to my room because I want to celebrate my appointment as the summa cum laude and also I really missed him already..  I called him on his cellphone

"Tharn, can you go here to our room. I have something to tell you.. It's a surprise actually.. I really want to celebrate it with you.. Maybe we can.. " I was speaking to him but he didn't let me finish

"Ahh Type I'm sorry but I can't! I can't go to you right now.. I still have so many things to finalize with my project.. It needs to be passed this week so I and lhong are rushing into it.. We need to finish it or else I can't graduate.. I'm sorry.." He said to me.. I admit I started to feel disappointed and sad about this.. I've been looking forward to this moment that I and him can have this moment but it seems that the hindrance is on his corner now..

"Even if just for your while. I promise!! it will just be for a while!!  I just want to be with you even just for a while. I just want..." He didn't  let me finish again

"Type, please I really can't right now.. I really can't.. I'm so busy this days and you want me to toss everything just because you have something to say to me are you being serious?? " I was shocked when I heard him say that to me!! Why is he acting this way?? Did I do something wrong?? Is it really wrong for me to ask for his little time..

Maybe I'm really disturbing him and he called me Type!! He never calls me that since we are together..  What is really going on.. I don't understand!! Are that activities of him more important than me now?? This is not him!! He never acts this way with me!! Never!! What change??

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