Chapter 37

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Tharn  Pov

It's been 5 years ever since I decided to go here to the US to start a new and try to fix myself... I gave no choice but to leave my home, I have to do it that time and if will be able to back in the past, I will do it again... I have to do it to save him... I have to make the hardest decision I have ever made in my entire life just to make sure that he will be okay and he will live... I did what I had to do to save him... I don't care if I may be living the hardest and saddest life if I can make sure that he is okay.


5 years ago night that Type and Tharn ran away to go somewhere right after Type attempt to jump from their school rooftop

Tharn POV

I woke up from the sudden noise coming from my phone, so I slowly slip off my body from Type's embrace... I don't remember what time did we sleep last night after our steamy and tiring session... God! My baby is so sexy that I feel so aroused just by looking at his body and hearing his sexy voice whenever I pound myself into him...

He is making a grumpy sound maybe because he felt that I'm moving...

"Continue to sleep baby" I whispered to him as I kiss his forehead... He smiled while sleeping which looks so satisfying for me... I lived for that smile baby then I proceed in answering the phone

"Hello, who is...." I didn't get to finish my question when the person on the other line suddenly speak

"You really have no intention in follow my order huh!! Are you testing my limit... Do you want me to blow up that f*cking room that you staying in right now!! I don't really care!!" I felt alerted upon hearing his remarks... The terror feel has risen to my chest that it's starting to suffocate me... I quickly stand up on my feet and speak to the evil person I'm talking to right now...

"Please don't!! I did what you told me to do!! I tried to step away from him to save his life but he attempted to kill himself earlier... I can't abandon him right now!! Please ask me anything else please not this!! Please talk to me!! Please!!" I don't care if I have to beg this sick person who is threatening my baby's life, I will do it in a heartbeat...

Yes! This is the reason why I gradually step away from the gulf's life... I have to save him!! Someone has been doing bad things around him... All of those death threats that he has been receiving are because of me!! All of it is because of me!! Someone, I don't know who is blackmailing me to keep my distance to Type, then they will stop what they are doing... I don't know whom because he using something to disguise his voice. Day by day he is winning in making me feel so much fear for my boyfriend...

I can't do anything about it but just follow what's this crazy person is asking me to do... I'm hurting while I'm doing it but I don't have a choice... Type is my life and I will do everything to save him even if it means I have to hurt myself and broke my heart. I tried my best to know who is it but every time I try something, this evil person will know and do something to threaten me by doing something to Type... Type will be hurt by someone we don't know because they always come unexpectedly for us to see... It always happens whenever I and Hai are not there to protect him... I try following type one time just to see who is it but then again my attempt failed because someone attempted to poison him... Thankfully, Type has a mannerism to feed his food to Mild or someone he was with to taste if his food is good... Mild suffered from food poisoning that day that he had to be admitted for a day in the hospital, it will be worst if he had so much... I was so scared that day, it was close enough!!! One time, something just falls from above and targets Type, Thankfully, Hai was fast enough to pull him away... Then one day, Someone even fired a blank bullet at us... That person is really sick but he is winning... He has proven to me that he is true... I tried telling it to Type but every time I try, someone will text me to stop what I'm about to do... I don't fucking know how they know it but they do... So I never attempted again because even though I told everything to Type, What good can it do!! It will just rattle him and that person will get angry... I don't want to risk anything...

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