Chapter 25

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Type POV

"What?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE IS DEAD!! WHAT HAPPEN!! WHAT HAPPEN!! TELL ME!! " I hysterically asked Lisa what happen to Tharn..

 I tried my best to calm down even though I was about to lose my mind already after I heard her said that Tharn is Dead.. I will never believe it!! I will never accept it!!

He can't be dead!! No!! Never!! Lisa looked at me then speak

"I'm really sorry, Actually I didn't know if he is really dead but just saw your dad shot him then he collapsed.. There is so much blood.. Your father was about to shot him again but Thankfully his right men stopped him because he was afraid that someone will call the police on him.. Then Luis ordered Sir Anton's other man to get Tharn and brought him to the hospital!! I'm really not sure sir.. All I know is that he collapsed.. He was unconscious.. so much blood!!..." I didn't let her finish..

I quickly walk away from her and ready to go to my door to go out of my room.. I need to go to Tharn!! He needs me now!! My Boyfriend needs me now!!

" Sir! where are you going!!" Lisa asked me as I walk away from her

I didn't bother answering her cause I'm really in a hurry now!! I need to go to Tharn immediately but....

As I was about to walk out of the room, My father was also about to walk into my room which made me so shocked, and immediately steps back away from him

" I see that you are finally awake!! You!! Get out of here!! You are not needed anymore!!!" He angrily orders Lisa after he spoke to me

Lisa didn't wait anymore second and proceed on stepping out of the room

"So you're finally awake!! You stupid son of mine!! I haven't been able to talk to you properly!! WHY DID YOU RUN AWAY???" He slowly started to walk in my direction but I just keep on stepping back to walk away from him but he cornered me

"I SAID!!! WHH THE F*CK DID YOU RUN AWAY!!" my dad shouted so loudly at me which made me flinch on my feet, I immediately and subconsciously dropped to my knees to beg him for forgiveness

"I'm sorry dad!! Please forgive me!! I wasn't thinking straight!! I was crazy to think that I can finally run away from all my responsibilities. I ADMIT DAD!! I WAS A COWARD!! I WAS AFRAID TO FACE AND DO WHAT YOU ORDERED ME TO DO!! I WAS AFRAID TO COMMIT MYSELF INTO A RELATIONSHIP WHICH I NEVER TAUGHT I WOULD HAVE.. I DIDN'T THINK.. I didn't think about the consequences of my action.. please forgive me, father!! Please forgive me!!" I was really trying to beg my father to forgive me.. I need to mend his feelings for me.. I need to get out of here and go to Mew!! I need to get out of here!!

My father furious face became different after he heard what I said then he smirked at me before stepping away from me and sitting on one of my sofa chairs here in my room

"Good!! You still have your brain cells!! I thought you really become a fool to ever think that you can run away from me!! No Pwattakun is a runner!! We are responsible for all the responsibility that is assigned and given to us!! You have all the things that you have right now!! What more do you want!! All I am asking for you is to use your brain and do what I asked you to do!! You're soon to be a partnership with Eye will surely benefit our family!! Don't ever think that you can ever run away from that ever again cause you can't!! 

My decision is final!! You and Eye will be a couple and I will make sure that will happen if you don't want to continue the things that I did earlier right!! I DONT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING OR ANYONE!! I JUST WANT TO Make sure that everything is according to my plan!! You are my greatest plan so don't ever think to ruin it again!!" My dad warningly said to me!! His words are like dagger that slowly puncturing my heart over and over again

" I understood dad!! I'm really sorry dad!! I will never defy you again.. I'm really sorry!! Please forgive me" I keep on begging him.. I'm trying not to break down now!! I need to make him believe that I finally Agree with everything that he is saying and ordering me to do..

He just smiled insultingly then he stands up.. He started to walk to my door.. I was about to stand and walk too when He turned around again and face me so I stopped from walking

" Don't even think that you can get out of this house and go to that f*cking useless slave of yours.. Stay here!! You are not allowed to get out unless I said so.. You will be having another bodyguard from now on!! I don't trust that f*cking guy anymore!!" He seriously said to me

"But dad!!" I was about to protest but he didn't let me finish.. He just pointed into my chest his cane and speak

" Or do you want me to finish what I just started to that f*cking slave of you!! You know I can do that in a snap right?? No one would even be able to know about it cause there is nobody to see anymore!! Do you want it??" He said sounding so sinister

I immediately dropped on my knees

"I'm sorry dad!! YES!! I won't go to him anymore!! I PROMISE!! I WON'T!! Please forgive him, dad!! It is really just my fault he tried to stop me but I didn't listen!! Please!!" I just keep on begging him

" Enough of that useless man!! I don't want to hear anything about him anymore!! By the way!! I already called Eye's parents that you are finally back from your vacation and will meet their daughter tomorrow!! Don't ever tell them about your disappearance!! I don't want to embarrass this family image more!!"

" Okay, dad!! I promise I will not go anymore!!" I said to him which he just brushes off and continue to step out of my room.. while me??

I instantly dropped on the floor and Weep all my heart out...

Tharn!! I'm sorry I cannot go!! I'm really sorry!! Please be okay boo!! Please be okay!! Please be okay!!

I cried and cried and cried...

Why is this happening to us!! We just want to be happy!! Can't we be happy!! Why can't we!!! We just want to be together!!

Please be okay Tharn!!!


3 Days after

Tharn POV

I woke up feeling so weak and hurt like I've been in bed for years.. My eyes are still so groggy.. It takes me a while to see clearly.. Al I know is that a man is sitting beside me looking so happy when he saw me woke  up but I can't really see his face clear

Type??? Is that you???

"Type?? Are you here?? " I asked the man, I tried my best to clear my eyes even though I am really having a hard time doing It because of my IV..

" OUCH!! THARN AHHH!! I'm THE ONE WHO IS HERE BUT YOU ARE STILL LOOKING FOR OTHER PEOPLE!! IT REALLY HURTS YOU KNOW.." Lhong teasingly said with matching acting moves like there is something that hit him in his chest part.

I LAUGH A LITTLE and started to look around but it made me confused and disappointed when I realized that my boyfriend is nowhere to be found..

"Type?? Where is Type??? Type!! Type!!" I tried my best to sit up and call for his name.. I'm sure he is just around.. Maybe me waking up is a bad time because he is not here beside me when I did

"THAT'S THE question of the year!!! Where is Type?? Here you are in bed being in a coma for 3 fucking days but where is that f*cking guy?? I really don't understand why you are so in love with the kind of human being.. Selfish Irresponsible B*tch!!" Lhong angrily said without looking at me

What does he mean that Type is not here?? Where is he??

" What do you mean he is not here!! Did he know what happen to me?? Where is he?? "I asked again

" You tell me?? Where is Type!!"

To be continued

Waanjai MJora

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