Chapter 28

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Tharn POV

"Who are you!!!" I asked him

I asked the person who just pulled me which after a second I finally realized who it is when I looked at him

"baby!!" I exclaimed and without a warning a pulled him into a tight hug.

"BOO!" He exclaimed to hug me back. My heart skips a bit after I heard him called me Boo!! He called me Boo!! It means he still mine!!


It made me feel so happy and relieved!!

" Boo, you're back!! You're finally back!! Omg!! I Feel like I've been waiting for you for so long. Please don't do that again boo!! DON'T LEAVE ME FOR SO LONG!! I Can't Take it!! I FEEL like I will die any minute!! I MISS YOU!! I MISS YOU SO DAMN MUCH!!" I heard Type said while crying.  I let go and look at him intently.

Looking at him like this made me feel happy at the same time sad because he si crying again!! I really hate it when he cries like this. I don't care about anything anymore. It's like I don't feel angry and sad earlier!!


I caress his face and try to wipe away all his tears away..

" I'm so sorry baby!! I didn't mean to make you sad like this.. I miss you so much too!! God knows how much restrain I'm putting on to myself just to stop my body from barging into your mansion and getting you!! I really miss you!! I miss you so damn much!! " I intently said to him and was about to kiss him when..

"Ahem!! Ahem!! Ahem!!" We heard someone intentionally cough beside us which made us flinch on our spot and let go of each other..

I looked at him with my questionable eyes.. He saw me.. He suddenly put his arms into the air

"OH! Sorry to bother you but I just want to tell you.. if you are going to do what I think you about to do, please!! Can I excuse myself first..  To tell honestly, I'm still single!! So just for your information. A single person like me Never wants to see people like you doing love stuff in front of our own eyes!! It will only make me want to gag my eyes out..!!" This guy said, I remember him!! He is my boyfriend new bodyguard/driver

I was slightly shocked when I heard my boyfriend laugh so hard after hearing what this driver of his said..

He is laughing?? Are they close?? He never acts like this to anyone who is not close to him or his friends..

It made me question and be curious on what is their true connection or relationship with each other...

"Hahaha, I'm sorry!! I forgot that you were there in the first place.. By the way, this is my boyfriend Tharn!! You should have known him by now!!" Type happily said to him then look at me

"Boo!! This is Hai, my bodyguard/driver/friend.." Type happily said to me..

So I'm right!! he is more than an employee to him.. I wonder how they became friends..  Type has been so wary in terms of opening himself to anyone..

I looked at this Hai guy and handed him my hands to shake

"Nice to meet you, bro!! So your the one who replace my spot ahhh" I said to him, he looked at me seriously at first then smiled.. I don't know why but I feel like this smile is just forced..

"Yes! Nice to meet you.. Yup! I'm the new you in his life!!" He smilingly said.. It made me look so serious when I heard what he just said.. Why do I feel like he is pertaining for other meaning instead of just being Type's driver and bodyguard..

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