Chapter 43

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Type POV

I was so devastated upon reading what my father said in the letter... This is his doing!! All of this is his doing?? Tharn is right!! He doesn't have a choice at that time!!

Oh My God!!! Tharn!! What did I do!! OMG NO!!!!

I quickly dropped the letter that I was holding and face Hai!!

"Where is the Hai!! Please tell me where is he!! I need to go to him!! We need to talk!! Please help me!! I messed up! Please tell me" I keep on asking him where is Tharn!! I need to talk to him... I need to fix the biggest mistake that I did for the rest of my life!! I didn't know!! I didn't know but instead of answering me Hai just drop his face down and not look at me when he spoke

"This is why I told you to listen to him last night!! I told you this is for your own good!! I'm sorry Type!!!" He sadly said to me which made me feel worst... I immediately run in front of him...

"What do you mean by that Hai! Where is my Tharn!! Where is he?? Do you where he is staying? Please help me find him!! We need to talk!! I need to say sorry to him!! Please!!" I'm starting to panic... I don't know where is he!! I don't even know how can I contact him...

"It's too late Type!! He is gone!! He is gone already!!" He sadly said to me, I feel so shocked upon hearing what he said, I quickly pulled him up so that I can look at him straight in the eye!!

"What do you mean he is gone, Hai!! Please tell me where is he! Is he angry at me after what I did last night!!" I exclaimed at him

"It's late Type! He told me that last night is the last straw !! He said that if you still don't take him back he doesn't have a choice anymore but to come back to his company in the US... The board of directors of his company is pressuring him to come back!! He doesn't have any choice... Many people there depend on his decision. I'm so sorry Type!!" He sadly said to me which made me feel worst and devastated...

He is gone?? He left me again?? I push him away!! This is my fault! All of this is my fault... I instantly drop on the floor. Helplessly, my tears started to fall from my cheeks consecutively... I did it again!! I lost him again... I quickly went on my knees in front of hai

"I lost him again!! I can't!! I can't lose him again Hai!! I'm sorry!! I didn't know!! I didn't know!! Hai, Please help me!! I can't lose him again!! Please help me find him!! Please!! I will do everything just please help get him back!! He said that he loves me still... I love him too!! So much!! Please Hai help me!" I helplessly asked for Hai's help!! I don't know what to do anymore!! I can't lose him again!! Not this time!! Not after I learn that he doesn't leave me for anything!! I can't!! 

I felt Hai held me on both of my arms and made me stand on my feet...

"Don't kneel in front of me Type!! You don't have to do that... Of course, I will help you!! You know I can't see you die again right! All I want for you is to be happy!! Don't worry!! I will do everything to find him!! Wait here..." He guided me to sit on the bed then he started to call on somebody while I just remain sited on the bed feeling so nervous that may not be able to find him!! That I'm already too late!! I'm so afraid!! I don't want to lose him again!! 

After a while, Hai finally came so I immediately stand to face him... I continue to feel so nervous and afraid... He looked at me so seriously at first then he smiles at me

"I found him type, he is already at the airport because of his flight an hour from now... You can still go after him if we go there now!!" He excitedly said to me...

"What are we waiting for come on!! We have to go!!!" I nervously said to him then I started to run to go outside my room and go after my Tharn...

Wait for me boo!! Please wait for me!!


Author POV

Hai and Type arrived at the airport nearly 20 minutes before Tharn's boarding time... Hai doesn't have a choice but to park the car into a NO PARKING area because it's the nearest place he can drop Type... As expected, some Airport Security Guard goes near them...

"Oh no! what are we gonna do now!!" Type worried said...

"It's okay Type!! I will sort this out myself... Go and save your heart!! Go after your man before it's too late!! I'm sure he is unknowingly waiting for you... Do your best to get him Type!! This is your chance to fight for your love!!" Hai smilingly said to Type... Type can only smile so widely and feel so thankful that he has someone so genuine like Hai in his life

"Thank you so much hai!! I owe you so much I don't even know how can I repay you!!" Type smiling said to Hai

"Just be happy and be free... You've been engaging yourself for the past 5 years already... I want you to be happy and be free with him Type... You both deserve to be happy!! 5 years of sadness is too much already..." Hai smilingly said to Type while holding both of Type's arms... Type let out some drops of tears looking at Hai...

"Go! Get your man Type!! I hope you all the best! Here is your passport... You will be needing this for you to enter the Airport..." He smiling said to Type

"Thank you so much, Hai!! Thank you!! thank you!!" Type repeatedly said then he proceed on getting out of the car and started to run to go inside the airport... Type look back to check on hai again, he saw that Hai is being inspected by 3 Airport Marshalls...

"Thank you so much, Hai!! I owe you so much already and I will make sure to pay you back someday!!! I definitely will!!" Type smilingly said to himself then he proceed in running inside the airport...


Type POV

I quickly walk all over the Airport to find him then I saw a man who looks like Gulf from behind. I run into him.

"Tharn!!" I grab his shoulder and made him face me

But I was disappointed he is not Tharn!!..

"WHAT??" He said

"I'm sorry, I thought you're someone I knew.." I left and continue to find him

I feel so frustrated now. Boo, please... Where are you!!! Boo!! Please come back to me...I'm feeling so hopeless now!!! I just to walk all over to try and find him!! What should I do!! I cannot find him!! This place is too big!!

"Tharn!!!!!!" I shouted all I can hope that he will hear me. I don't care if I'm currently making a scene now!! I need to find him!!! "Tharn!!! Tharn!!!" but still nothing...I feel like all of my energy left me that my legs give up on me. 

I'm now sitting at the Airport ground looking so helplessly...




then an Idea came to me... I quickly run into the announcement section are... The girl is still talking but I aggressively pulled the mic away from her... She quickly pushes the button to mute the mic

"What the...!!" She is about to get angry at me but I just try my best to beg and reason to her.

To be continued


Short update for today, I'm still recovering hope it's okay!

What should I do in the next chapter, Should I let Tharn go and let Type go after him this time??

What are your thoughts??

A comment is so appreciated...

Love lots... 

Waanjai MJORA

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