Identity is Revealed

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I rushed back to my home, wondering if any more of my people got hurt. For a moment I held my breath, hoping that only a few were injured at most. Surprisingly when I walked in, I only see Wayne in the clinic. The nurse was tending to his wound, and wrapped his chest with gauze. Immediately, I felt relief. Only Wayne was hurt, everyone else was fine. Although Wayne was injured, it was obvious he would be fine.

Stepping out of the clinic, I was greeted by Ethan.

“I’m sorry Scott we lost the other rogues… We weren’t able to catch any of them…” said Ethan. He slicked back his blond hair in complicated swirls, a style unique to no one but himself. His strong Swedish accent sometimes made it hard for me to understand him in the beginning, but I gotten used to it since he’s been by my side for years now. Ethan is also taller than me, by three inches. His height proved to be useful in many situations, particularly in scuffles at the local bar. Ethan is not typically a heavily built man, but compared to me he appeared to be years older than me despite him being a year younger. He’s a good guy, it’s just that he has a tendency to do things in his own hands. Also, one of his bad habits was that he did not really see people eye to eye, he preferred to be narrow minded and aloof to the others. The only way he could really open up to you was that you had to know him for a long time so he could get used to you, or he had to be under the influence of alcohol.

But like I said, Ethan is a good guy. I feel that I’m talking badly about him. There was this one time when he found a stray female calico kitten, one abandoned by its mother for being such a runt. The rest of the pack didn’t allow Ethan to bring in the stray, they said it smelled of disease and it was a natural prey to us wolves. So out it went into the cold, for it to die of starvation, disease, hypothermia, or even perhaps of predators.

However, Ethan refused to leave it alone. He spent all his time with the kitten, feeding it kitten replacement powdered milk and nurturing it back to health. For twelve days the kitten was in dire health, but with Ethan’s persistent care the kitten was finally able to be healed from its disease. Ethan spent his days like a dog, sleeping outside and drinking rain water. He grew a thick beard and scruff, enhancing his wild appearance. He would only come in the house once in a while to grab some food and toiletries. Their relationship was out of the ordinary, wolves didn’t like keeping cats at all as pets and despised them. We tolerated their presence but disdained them in private.

Ethan was a gentle man, the sight of him and his cat continues to amaze me. He appears to be an aloof man used to the natures of the wild, but the sight of him with such a small vulnerable creature continues to amaze me. To this day Ethan prefers to spend his time with the housecat, and gradually the pack got used to a cat hanging around in the barracks. The cat didn’t really heed anyone attention except Ethan, so of course all was fair.

I didn’t mind it at all, I knew Ethan tried his best to capture them. “It’s fine, at least we chased them away.” I then walked closer to him, barely containing myself to tell him of what I faced. “Guess what, I met the black wolf. Killed it instantly.”

He merely stared at me, squinting his eyes in a hesitant manner. “You did?”

“Yeah I did, and I’m actually disappointed. The wolf wasn’t even putting up a fight.”

“Huh, all this talk about the wolf being tough and all and he’s dead now,” said Ethan. He folded his arms over his chest and leaned back. “At least we get a bounty for the body now ain’t it?”

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