Teach Me

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Sorry for noy updating for such a while... Busy busy busy! Anyways, you'll find out something very interesting about Scott.


Holy shit. Oh god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.


Immediately, someone came rushing in from the woods. It was Roman, a pack member who was watching over Natalie. He grabbed onto me, the top of my arms in a way to see if I was fine.

He asked me in a frantic voice, “Scott, what happened? Are you Okay?” Vigorously, he shook me until my teeth chattered. “Did she hurt you? Don’t worry, I’ll end this… I knew I shouldn’t have let her talk to you.” He pulled out his pistol and two bullets, and began loading the barrel. “It’ll be nice and quick, this is a new model that will knock her with one shot.”

He still had the courtesy to smile, “Two for safety.”

I had to stop him. Before he had a chance to fully load the barrel of his handgun, I began to yell at him. “No! If you do, I’ll… I’ll cut you from this pack!”

Smart choice of words there, stupid.

And now my wolf decides to come up now, and with an insult to top it off?

Roman looked at me strangely, but didn’t ask questions. He put his hands down, and replied, “All right Scott, I won’t question your judgment.” He still looked on with suspicion.

“We’ll discuss this later, a meeting is to be conducted tomorrow. Please tell everyone, now.”

“Yes Scott.” He walked away, still holding on tightly to his gun. He looked back at me, eyes a bit wide and curious.

I didn’t pay any attention to him, I was still in shock.

Oh god.

Holy, holy shit.

 Natalie’s alive.

She was standing right in front of me a while ago. Her hair was a much darker color, more red brown from what it used to be when she was a kid. Her face was more petite, baby faced with big topaz colored eyes that accentuated her features.  She was still short as ever, the very same height from the last time I saw her.

She looked the same. I mean, she did lose a lot of weight but even when she was fat I could tell she had beautiful features. As soon as she showed me her true form, I instantly recognized her. It was that I was just so shocked, that Natalie, Natalie’s still alive after all these years. Years after I thought she was dead, killed viciously by rebel wolves. That day I felt something so different, so surreal and maddening. I can’t really say a part of me died, but what did happen was that I was so disgusted with myself I felt a new sensation. A sensation that filled me to the brim with feelings of disgust and utter humiliation, honestly, one of the worst feelings I had ever experienced. And I knew what it was, exactly why I felt those mixed emotions.

But never mind that, she’s still alive. That’s all that matters now at the moment.

It still took me a while to get a hold of myself, my hands were unsteady, shaking slightly with the weight of the keys in my hands.

Wait a moment; I don’t remember grabbing the keys at all… I was just talking to Roman a while ago. I was in my room already. I barely noticed I had a subconscious motivation, and my body listened to me before my conscious could catch up.

“Shit, this is messing with me,” I groaned. Who am I kidding? Just because it’s Natalie doesn’t mean I can just let her go, she’s part of the notorious gang. I can’t do it, I still have a duty as a pack leader.

Who gives a flying shit? Just let her go.

And you are one horrible, filthy snot guzzling wolf.

Trust me Scott. And you know you can’t say no to her.

 I am a man. Not only a man, but also wolf. Not only a wolf, but also a pack leader, alpha to say the very least.  Ohh and also, did you not realize that Natalie is the black wolf?  The one who purposely injures wolves, even to the point of permanent disability?

Oh my god Scott, I swear if you didn’t have a dick I would be very confused if you were either a boy or a girl.

And you are the worst wolf that I had ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Please, not everyone can have the privilege of owning such a wonderful spirit wolf like me. You wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for me. So shut the fuck up and listen, bitch.

… Geez alright. You’re so rude I can’t believe I actually put up with you.


Next thing I know, I’m already at the cell, unlocking the door. Natalie smiles gently and offers her neck, showing delightfully pale white skin, completely vulnerable to me. It took a lot of me not to touch her even more, and I had to immediately remove the collar.

My heart pounded with such intensity, and I swore I could have dropped from a heart attack.

Damn, you’re so female deprived you turn wet from physical contact.

I tried my best ignoring my Spirit wolf.

Natalie didn’t speak, she only dropped her head slightly focusing on the floor. Her lips pouted, full lips pink and moist, despite the cold.

I could kiss her right now.

Thankfully, before my thoughts would have raped the rest of my mind, Natalie speaks up, “This may be the worst thing to say, but I want to join your pack.”

 “Huh? Oh wait, we have to think about that. I can’t just, let you in. You’re a wanted person, and a huge bounty is on your head.” I did my best to sound stern, even threw in a harsh look here and there.

She had a small defeated look on her face, and accepted her fate. “Oh… Then I guess I can’t join? Well of course, I’ve been really bad Scott.” She came closer, biting her bottom lip. She backed me up in a corner, my feet shuffling backwards until I couldn’t any longer. My back touched the wall, and she was closing in on me. Finally, she laid one of her hands on my chest, tracing a squiggly line with one of her fingers. Then, she laid the killer move. Her voice sultry and soft, it reeked of femininity. “Scott, I’ve been so bad. Please Scott, teach me to be good again.”

I don’t know why, but the only thing that popped in my head at the time was, “Gee, it’s kind of hot in this cell right? I’m sorry I had you placed in this cell.”

She smirked, and turned quickly to head for the door. Before she did though, she responded back, “Scott, it’s winter.”

She left me alone in the cell, and with a few moments to myself I understood I made a fool out of myself. I didn’t answer her, and by bringing up another subject I basically accepted her in the pack.

I’m such an idiot.

But there was no way helping it, Natalie was too pretty and she charmed me.

I smiled to myself, and I knew things were going to get much better with her around. My Spirit Wolf could feel it.

Natalie the WolfWhere stories live. Discover now