Not without my Permission

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I was right. I really am in a bad situation.

I woke up in the morning, feeling groggy. And very… horny. My heat, it’s almost time.

I’m about to have my heat.

It’s a really strange feeling, it’s like before you have it you hate guys and want to kill them all in sight. But when you’re close to having it or even you’re on it, you throw yourself onto every guy.

My heat cycle was exceptional, wolves didn’t typically notice unless I was on it. It comes unexpectedly, it justs creeps up on you and pounces. It’s as if I was just sitting there, and then a moment later it comes up on me like an explosion. Only Alex was able to notice ahead of time, since he had a very good nose.

But right now, I just felt pissed and aroused. I wasn’t in the mood at all to deal with people. And today, I woke up an hour earlier than usual.

It was four A.M in the morning. Practice was going to be in an hour.

So what can I do to waste the time? I can’t fall asleep anymore, I’m just too pissed.

“Fuck this. I fucking hate everything. Why was I born a girl? If I was a guy none of this stupid shit would have happened to me in the first place. I hate everyone here, no one even knows who I truly am,” I complained. I was so pissed off for some reason.

The time kept ticking, and I was there alone in my room, just complaining my life away. Next thing I know, I look up at the clock, and see it was close to five.

Oh. I got to get ready.

I get up to change, and decided it was way too hot for me to dress warm. Even though it was snowing, I felt too warm.

I mutter to myself, “I guess shorts and a t-shirt is the best way to go.”

Honestly, what I was wearing wasn’t very appealing. But I didn’t give a single fuck.

Not even one.

Before Ann could come rushing in my room, silently screaming at me to get up from bed, I was already one step ahead of her.

I went out the door, with her in shock. She gave me a stunned look, and I simply replied, “Got up early, not in a good mood.”

“Oh, all right.” Ann could only muster out a weak response. She then went on her way downstairs, taking the other staircase. She probably understood me because she was a girl herself.

Everyone else was still earlier than me as usual. It’s as if they had nothing to do all day. All of them were so chipper, it almost made me sick.

We all had to wait until Scott arrived with his hunkering drunkard of a best friend. Although Ethan was handsome, he was always drunk. I haven’t even seen him sober.

Finally there were here, and they made us do stupid things like making sure we practiced on how to address the other wolves.  Scott told us to also bow a certain way. And how to do proper etiquette along with other bullshit.

And for some reason, every single thing I’m doing, Scott is always scrutinizing. I’m doing every single thing wrong in his eyes.

“Natalie, you’re doing the bow wrong. And also, your stance is not right. Geez, why do you keep messing up?” asked Scott. He looked at me with picky eyes, criticizing me for everything.

He was very, very mean today. Bitchy. The biggest asshole right now.

I’m not in the best mood for it either. So today, I wasn’t handling it very well. I had very little patience today. And Scott’s been pissing me off for an hour now.

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