A Calm Collected Scott

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dedicated to my fans! lol hi lilred
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I was ready to start on my new plan, but the thing was Scott never visited me. He should have been at least a bit curious about what I said to him am I right? However, he didn’t even bother.

… Did I not make an impression?

A few days passed by, four winter days that were surprisingly pleasant. It was chilly, but my coat sheltered me and I was provided with a warm cell. The hospitality was fine, even though I was a prisoner. They sheltered me, fed me somewhat delicious foods, and I had an annoying guard to talk to. He never stopped talking, it was as if I was his friend. He was fine the very first day, only asking a few questions here and there to keep his mind busy. But as the days got increasingly longer and more tedious, he spoke to me with even more friendly manner.

Strange thing was that if I stopped talking to the guard, he will continue on talking and keep up a conversation with himself. It was amusing, to say at the very least. I never really got his name, but it won’t matter to me in the long run.

By then, my chest wound closed up a little. My paw was still swollen, but I was able to walk on it now with a bit more ease. I was still sore in many places, my back especially where the shocks ran up and down my spine. I didn’t feel like crap anymore, but I seen better days.

And I have to get out of here. Soon. Only problem, Scott is not visiting at all? How am I supposed to take my new if he won’t even see me?

That darn dog.

I didn’t really want to do this, but should I just ask for him? My pride got in the way, I thought that maybe if I waited it out Scott would be curious and eventually head out to see me for himself.

“May I speak to your leader now? I feel it is due time, I have been waiting long,” I asked the guard.

The guard looked at me, and replied, “I can’t really do that, it is up to him. He’s kind of busy at the moment too, so you got to wait. He’ll probably come soon though.”

“Your leader has taken me hostage, he can at least discuss with me what he will plan to do with me,” I reply.

 I guess I really have to do this… I spoke up again, making sure my pronunciation was clear. “I didn’t really want to say this, but you got the wrong wolf.”

“Oh, how so?”

“I’m not the black wolf.”

“Oh really?”

“The wolf that’s wanted is a male, I’m a girl. And the thing is, isn’t it so strange how easily your alpha caught me?”

“Then why keep quiet for four days? It took you that long to muster up a plan like that, and you think I’d really take the bait?”

I whimpered a little, trying to make myself seem a bit pitiful. “That’s the thing… I know this sounds a bit odd, but I could escape whenever you know. The bars aren’t honestly screwed tight, and the way you fall asleep? I can easily reach for your key any moment. Only reason why I stayed was because I wanted to join your pack.” I continued, and the guard looked on with interest. “My old pack, they were all fiends. All males, brutes with no sense of empathy. I was stuck with them, but this raid gave me the chance to get away from it all. I pretended to take on your leader posing as the black wolf, eventually give in to him. But he was so strong, that he almost killed me.”

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