Chapter 37

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Sid cupped her face and leaned forward but sm1 knocked the door and both came in senses.

Sm1: Please be quick

They awkwardly looked at each other.

Sid/Avu: Sorry

They chuckled nervously.

Sid/Avu: It's ok

Sid: I...I going you change

He said looking here and there because of awkwardness. Avu nodded blushing. Sid quitely got out.

Avu's P.O.V.

OMG I never blushed because of any boy. But this boy. I don't know what is wrong with me.

P.O.V. ends

She shrugged off her thoughts and changed her clothes. She came out. Sid looked at her again with "I didn't mean to." look. Avu smiled at him.

Avu: It's ok Sid. Don't worry. Let's go

Sid smiled back and nodded. She paid for both their outfits and dropped him back.

Avu: So I will puck you at night. Be ready

Sid: Ok. Bye

Avu left. Later Jaireem also came. Jai dropped her and left.

At night

Jaineet came in their cars and picked their partners.

With Sidneet

Avu: Someone is looking handsome

Sid blushed.

Sid: (shyly) Thanks

Avu chuckled at his shyness and pulled his cheeks.

Avu: Awwwieee you are so cuteeeee

Sid blushed more.

Avu: Ok now stop blushing. You know what you can also give compliment.

Sid: Yee you are also looking nice

He said looking down. Avu frowned.

Avu: Just nice?

Sid: Umm I..I mean beautiful

Avu kept her hand on his.

Avu: Just chill dude

They reached the venue.

Sid's outfit

Avu's outfit

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Avu's outfit

THE RICH SPOILT BRAT {COMPLETED} ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now