Chapter 8

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Avu's P.O.V.

Ugh what the hell is happening to me? Why am I thinking about that poor boy when I have better options? Well I guess I need to spend a night with some guy. Maybe my hormones will come under control. And honestly I am bored of this shit Manjul. Will find a new boy😏😏😏😏😏

Meanwhile with Sid

Sid was still sad about morning incident.

Am: Bro cheer up. Don't worry it's ok

Sid nodded and gave a sad smile.

Am: Cya tomorrow. Bye. Take care of yourself. Don't think much about it. Ok?

Sid: Ok

Am left and Re came after few minutes. She was smiling wholeheartedly. Sid saw her and felt happy. They rarely see that huge smile on each other's face. Re came and hugged him tightly. Sid hugged her back.

Re: Bhayia bhayia bhayia I love you. I love you so much

Sid: Hehe I know. But what happened? My cutie is so happy today. Something happened?

Re blushed.

Sid:(teasingly) Is it about that boy Jai?

Re: How do you know 😲😲😲😲

Sid: I am your elder brother I guess Reemie

Re: Ummmm ok

Sid: So say what your love of life said?

Re: You know😯😯😯😯

Sid: Of course I know. Whole day you keep talking about him. Jai is like this. Jai is like that. Even dreaming about him whole day and even night. Because once I got up to take water and heared his name from you while sleeping

Re blushed more.

Sid: So tell me what is it?

Re: H..he proposed me

And Sid's protective brother mode got on.

Sid: What? Ok I know you love him and all. But I need to talk to him. I need to meet him. And till the time I don't approve of him, you not gonna do anything. And ya if he does something wrong immediately tell me

Re started laughing.

Re: Shant mere bhai shant. You can meet him talk to him. Ok?

Sid: Ok

Avu's P.O.V.

I was moving towards parking lot. Well I don't know my mind is kinda messed up today. I dumped that Manjul. Well na who cares about him. But my mind is revolving around specky.

I saw him. Looks like waiting for someone. Then a girl came and hugged him shouting and jumping.  like a kid. I didn't see her face.

(A/n: Remember she hasn't seen Reem's face.)

And I don't know why I got angry. I felt like killing that girl. But why? Why do I care if he is with any other girl? In the morning, I didn't allow my gang girls to touch him.

I was lil away so can't hear them. Neither they see me. But then I heared that girl calling him bhayia. I felt an unknown relief. I just shrugged off my thoughts and left from there. I didn't see that girls face. I need to think about some boy for night instead of this poor boy.

With that, I sat in car and left home. Honestly I don't feel like going home when dad is not home and my so called mom always scolding me. Not to do this. Not to do that. I so hate her.

P.O.V. ends

To be continued

Why is Avu feeling weired?

Will she accept her feeling or her ego will come in between?

Stay tuned for next chapter

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