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Months had gone by and winter break was coming sooner than Ivy could anticipate

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Months had gone by and winter break was coming sooner than Ivy could anticipate. This would be her first Christmas where had Sirius as more than a friend, they still hadn't officially confirmed they were dating but it was kind of implied. Lily had been more protective of Ivy the past few months, not trusting Sirius since he was yet to make anything official, she had a feeling he was still behaving like his old self.

Ophelia and Sirius still weren't talking, Ophelia was willing to treat him like this until he could realize she's old enough to make her own decisions. Remus and Sirius had reconciled a few weeks later when the full moon happened. Remus was always there for Lia though, it really showed over the past couple months, whenever she had a breakdown Remus was there, he became Ophelia's support.

Things were awkward between all the twins, between Sirius and Ivy trying to sort out their relationship, Lily's protectiveness, and Ophelia's cold shoulder it was hard to get the group of friends in a room together without a fight.

Luckily They were due to leave for winter break in 2 hours and hopefully that would help the families pull themselves back together. Although the Evans twins were practically bouncing off the wall with excitement at seeing their parents and even a little bit to see Petunia, The Black twins and even their younger brother Regulas seemed to become more sickly looking the closer it came, dreading the place deemed as 'home'.

"Hey um, Phelia, Evans. Can I borrow Ivy for a moment" Sirius asked the group of girls who were currently in the great hall. After a meek nod from Lily and no response from his sister Ivy followed him out into the corridor.

Now Ivy was good at noticing things, simple details, emotions. What she observed over the Black siblings throughout the last week was they all lost their happiness, their skin appeared dull and grey like, the thought of going home made the siblings sick. "Sit with me on the train please"

Sirius had tears brimming his eyes, this would be the second time Ivy would watched the cocky, dominant boy break. It hurt her to watch this a boy she had begun to care deeply for this upset, not only that but her best friend was the same way and the siblings weren't even on speaking terms to help each other through it.

"Of course, I just have to make sure Lia is fine with me not being there. Not talking to you is hard for her you know?" Ivy spoke quietly, scared as though Ophelia would hear their conversation.

"I know, I don't feel the same when she's mad at me. At least I have you right?"Sirius asked smiling down at his girl.

"Yeah Fluffy, you have me"


Lia had understood when Ivy told her she was going to sit with Sirius during the train ride, she knew he needed someone to keep him calm. After all she still had Lily and Remus, she'd always have Remus.

So there Sirius and Ivy were in a compartment a few down from their friends. Sirius's arms wrapped around Ivy's waist as he pulled her close , her back pressed up against his torso. Ivy traced small circles and lines along Sirius arm, entranced and slowly falling asleep.

"Starlett wait up!" The girl from Ivy's dream was walking up the astronomy tower, although this time her hair was a similar red shade to Ivy's. A girl with sleek black hair and hazel eyes was calling out to her, trying her best to hurry up the steps to her friend. "Pop, you know I hate that nickname"

"You only hate it because he came up with it" The girl being called Pop addressed making the original girl rolls her silver orbs. Tears stains were present on the girls face a recurrence from the previous dream. She seemed older maybe only by a year or two, but still she couldn't help but resemble Sirius in some way.

"Look Ivy and Mum are worried, we have to figure this prophecy shit out and your so wrapped up with Head girl duties and trying to avoid Fr- him. You haven't been practicing" Pop tried explaining to her friend.

What prophecy were they talking about?
Ivy and mum? So Pop knows who I am?
The girl did look an awful like Lia.... could it be?

"Pop I know okay? You, and Mira have mastered yours even Cerise seems to be getting a hang of it. I just, I don't feel worthy I guess. That's why I can't." Tears were once again rolling down her face, the tips of her ginger hair turning navy.

What shocked Ivy was Pop's hair seemed to be doing the same thing, wait didn't Lia mention her girl was a metamorphmagus?

"Look none of us would've known what to do if it wasn't for you helping us, Cerise is so young S. She needs helps if she's going to survive this. You're the fire S, you heard the prophecy:
The Element four will resurface once more
The daughters of great witches before them
Will come together
And only once united will the army of the dark fall
No evil will succeed while the element four lives"

The element four? She's the fire? Army of the dark?

"You're right. I'm apart of this, I need to be"

"Oh Starlett I'm always right" Pop said cheekily and it seem her and Ivy couldn't help but notice the smirk that was all to similar to Sirius's form across her face.

A grin the resembled Ophelia in all to many ways worked its way onto Pop's features.
"I knew yo didn't hate that nickname"

"Your right I don't, because he made it"

The dream began to fade out Ivy watching what she assumed was her daughter and best friends daughter sitting there smiling, laughter filling the air.

She woke startled, so many questions till remained. What was the Element four, would Lia and Pandora also know about the prophecy? Who was this Cerise girl mentioned? And was 'he' the previous red headed boy from the dream before? Fred, Ivy recalled his name as.

"Ivy we're here" Sirius said sleepily into the crook on her neck. Neither one had gotten up despite knowing they had to depart, Sirius longing to stay happy with Ivy in his arms and Ivy wishing she could keep her boy unafraid.

"Sirius it's just 2 weeks. Even Regulas looked unhappy about this trip, maybe it's your chance to finally have that sibling bonding moment you and Lia have been waiting for. You guys can try and leave, together as a family." Ivy tried to comfort turning around to softly struck his check.

Although he wasn't convinced there'd be some sort of sibling rebellion, her words gave him comfort just enough to give him courage to face home. "You amaze me Ivy Evans"

"I'm all yours Black"

A/N- shorter yet sweet chapter, another dream and an exposure of the prophecy. You guys hav emo idea how excited I am for this book and all my main characters I have planned for sequels and an eventual series to what I'm hoping to call The Element Series. Please vote or share my story if you think it's any good :))

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