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A week had passed since holidays started and Ivy was beginning to worry despite it being Christmas morning

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A week had passed since holidays started and Ivy was beginning to worry despite it being Christmas morning. She hadn't heard from Ophelia or Sirius since they train. Yes, although their parents were quite cruel, Regulas always gave them access to his owl so they could write their friends.

"Ivy come downstairs, mum made tea" Lily called to her sister, trying to pull her out of her troubling thoughts that she was always beginning to have about their friends.

Just when Ivy was about to head downstairs there was a tapping on the window, there was a large grey barn owl, carrying not one but two packages. Ivy quickly rushed over to let the poor thing in. "I'm so sorry you had to carry these, whoever sent you is an idiot"

She peered down at the the two messy but entirely different handwriting on the packages.
To my LilyFlower
To my girl
"Yep, idiots"

At least she knew Sirius was alright now that she knew he was at James house,that brought her a little bit of peace. But what about Lia?

Ivy made her way downstairs where everyone had been sitting under the tree waiting for Ivy's presence. The holidays always brought out the best in the Evans family, even Petunia would seem slightly happy. The downstairs smelt like tea and cookies, that her mum had no doubt made early that morning. "Hey Lils, lover boy sent you a package I put it on your bed"



Nellie and Anthony Evans had heard every bit of what Ivy had said and were now more invested in hearing about their daughters love life than presents. What Ivy did notice however was how Lily rolled her eyes but didn't make a single rude comment. She told her parents how there was a boy named James, James not Potter, James. Who fancied her although she didn't feel the same. Though Nellie and Ivy couldn't help but catch the blush appear on Lily's cheeks.

Christmas morning went good without a single hiccup, Petunia had even gone out and gotten presents for her sisters, which Ivy still couldn't decipher if it was out of her own generosity or her parents made her. Ivy ended up receiving a cream and maroon jumper from her parents, a few notebooks from Petunia, and a charm bracelet from Lily which had a gift box, a bunny, a water lily, and a ducking, representing Pandora, Ophelia, Lily, and herself.

"It's charmed so whenever someone important makes an impact a charm representing them will form, if these bonds every break or the person passes away the chance breaks off" Lily whispered to her twin before walking upstairs to her room, most likely to bask in the present James had sent her.

Ivy just spent a moment to appreciate everything around her before heading up to her own bedroom to change and maybe have a look at what Sirius got her.

Ivy had changed into the cream jumper pairing it with a burgundy pleated skirt and knee high cream coloured socks. She applied minimal makeup and let her nightly braids out to forks small waves down her back, the final touch was putting on the bracelet Lily had gotten her.

"Let's see what you got me Fluffy" Ivy opened the package and immediately rolled her eyes at the gold and burgundy tissue paper, no doubt James had bought it because it looked like 'Gryffindor'. There were two thinks in the box, first was a picture frame which had a picture of them sleeping on the couch from the night Sirius braided her hair and a oversized sea foam green sweater, that looked slightly worn in. There was also a note.

Hey Puddles,
Remus told me how him and Phelia snapped a couple photos of us before carrying us off. Thought you might want to have one of them, since I have the other 37...
I don't know if you'll recognize the sweater or not but it's the one you borrowed for like 2 months back in 3rd year, and since you haven't grown since we were like 12 I thought you might want it back.
Ps: I wore it for a day before sending it.

"He remembered" Ivy started thinking about how she had seen the sweater in Ophelias trunk the one day and just took it not realizing for a month after having it that it was indeed Sirius's. It was her favourite sweater up until she had to give it back. The thought the he remembered the ridiculous memory made her heart swell and then she noticed a soft light emitting from her bracelet. A shaggy dog charm.

The day went by quite quickly, Lily had gone to meet Severus at the park by their house in the little town of Cokeworth, to exchange presents. Petunia and Nellie Evans were busy cooking Christmas dinner, while Anthony Evans was busy trying to best his youngest daughter at chess. "How did you become so good at this?"

"We play it a lot at School, although the pieces at school kill one another" Ivy shrugged before taking her turn once again, her king was already in place all she had to do was move her queen. "And, Checkmate"

"DINNER!!" Nellie Evans soft voice rang throughout the house. Everyone took their places, Nellia and Anthony took the heads of the table, Petunia one the right and the twins in the left.

Now the welcoming feast at Hogwarts was great, but nothing best here mums Christmas dinner, from the turkey, stuffing, and Yorkshire's, all the way to her gravy and cranberry sauce, every bite tasted like home.

Dinner went by without a hitch, Nellie Evans was about to bring out an apple pie when there was a knock on the door. Ivy offered to go get it as the Evans family all wondered who would be coming to see them at the time on Christmas.

The sight Ivy saw when opening the door was one she would never forget and would haunt her until the day she died. Ophelia Black soaked wet, sobbing, covered in bruises and blood. "Ivy" That was the last thing Lia managed to say before she toppled over into her best friends arms.

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