"What's the difference between me saying yes to Potter and you to Black?"
"Easy. Potter is in actual love with you, but-"
"To Sirius I'm just an infatuation, he just wants a shag"
A story in where the reckless marauder can't help but fall i...
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Ivy Evans was in one of her chaotic episodes and she zoomed from from to room of the Evans house, desperately trying to find the charm bracelet Lily gave her last Christmas.
Even searching Petunias room, which only resulted in insults flying at her until she left.
Ivy felt defeated, tears straining her face. She
went to downstairs to make a cup of tea to hopefully calm her mind, with only 2 hours until this train.
"Hey genius, looking for this?" Lily twirled the silver bracelet around her finger, starring at her sister knowingly. Ivy sighed gratefully, clasping the silver onto her wrist. "What would I do without you?" Ivy praised her sister before taking a sip of her tea. "Probably die" Lily shrugged laughing.
Still only 16 both the girls hadn't gotten their apparition license and still needed their parents to drive them into London to catch the train, which meant their father would be running down the stairs any second name scrambling them to get in car since it was a hour and a half long drive.
"Nellie, where are the keys!! Ivy throw me a banana, it's breakfast on the road today girls, I repeat breakfast in the road" All twins laughed alongside their mum at the frantic state their dad was in, as they all made this way calmly into the car. Petunia used to come, but she started to become a tad to mouthy after second year. Ivy didn't mind although the thought of her oldest sister tugged at her heart every now and then, it never did bother her like it did with Lily.
They had left the house 30 minutes ago, both the girls wearing most of the school uniform being the shoes, socks, and the pleated skirt, but paired each with a jumper instead of the button up, tie, and vest they'd eventually have to put on. Lily wearing a burgundy coloured one, while Ivy wore emerald.
Ivy was leaning into Lily's shoulder while she quietly hummed to the songs playing on the car radio. "You know Ivyprofen, I think I may have even missed the marauders over the summer. Now that I don't have Severus constantly reminding me how bad they are I can see the appeal" Ivy smiled happily that her sister was finally warming up to the remainder of her friends, but for some reason Ivy believed there was something else. "I'm proud of you for setting aside your differences, maybe you'd actually hang out with one of them" Ivy tested seeing of her sister would take the bait. "Maybe, I don't know. I did receive a letter from James, that was nice"
"She said what?!" Sirius gasped in slight shock, although he already knew something about Lily that Ivy did not. "That's how I was reacting, I mean he's been in love with her for years and all she's called him is Potter or Toerag or Idiot, now she's calling him James" Ivy sighed, lying across her boyfriend dramatically.
"Wouldn't she tell me, if she liked him though?" Sirius couldn't help but laugh at his girlfriends dramatics, as she began to writhe around holding her chest as though Lily had truly pained her heart. "Alright, easy Puddlrd. If she likes him I'm sure she's going to tell you. Now the train is due to depart in 15 minutes and I would like a minute alone with you, before we go join the idiots" Sirius smirked pulling Ivy up to sit in his lap. "You are one of the idiots" she murmured just before their lips touched.
2 hours and 16 minutes later Ivy was rushing to find her clothes Sirius had scattered everywhere. Much while he sat quite amused at his half naked girlfriend running around the compartment. "Oh we just had to have bloody sex!" Ivy grumbled miserably.
"Hey you weren't complaining 2 minutes ago" Sirius smirked eyeing her up as she stood in just a white lace bra and thong set, she looks so innocent Sirius thought. "That was before we stopped, now I'm cold and can't find my clothes. You could help you know"
Reluctantly Sirius handed her the pile of her clothes he had collected and put aside out of her vision. Ivy glared, but Sirius could see the slight lust hidden in her emerald eyes.
"Where's my jumper?!" Ivy asked smacking her boyfriends chest, as she was now dressed in all her clothes minus the green sweater she had worn. Ivy could slightly hear Sirius mumble something, but couldn't make it out. "What?!"
"I want you to wear mine, plus I like the way yours smells and I want to keep it" Sirius said clearer this time slightly blushing. Ivy just laughed kissing her boyfriends cheek before grabbing one of his jumpers from out of his trunk he had with him. The black fabric smelt of honey and cigarettes, with a slight hint of wet dog, to Ivy it smelt like home.
After sorting everything out the couple finally made their way down to their friends compartment where they were met with laughter and accusations. "You guys totally shagged" James doubled over in his laughter, Peter shortly joining.
"Why have we never shagged in the train?" Ophelia asked not so quietly to her boyfriend. Earning both of them a glare from Sirius, the last thing he wanted to hear about was one of his best mates shagging his sister.
Although the Black twins were back to their normal ways and Sirius was finally accepting of his sisters relationship, it was just hard to let his guard down over the summer as he realized he was no longer the one protecting her, Remus was. Ophelia had decided to move into the Potter's manor when summer started seeing as Euphemia and Fleamont had always been her other parents. This was understandable to the Evans family and happily helped her pack up her things she and in the guest room.
"Topic change please" Sirius groaned throwing his head into Ivy's lap as she softly begin playing with his hair. Everyone just rolled their eyes at Sirius before continuing their own conversations.
When there was about 20 minutes remaining Ophelia had woken seeing the rest of the compartment still asleep. What shocked her was one extra person in there as well. Quickly kicking Ivy's shoe to wake her from her curled up position with Sirius. "What?" Ivy whispers through and hoarse voice.
Simply tilting her head to the ground by the door, what Ivy saw equally shocked her. There sat her twin sleeping with her head on James Potters shoulder. Despite having multiple seats around to choose from they were both on the floor. Ivy couldn't help but smile as she watched her sisters body subconsciously lean more into James side.
"I fucking knew it" Ivy whispered to her best friend who just as confused was also beaming like a 5 year old on Christmas morning.
This was going to be an interesting year
•••••• A/N: omg hiii. If you've made it this far thank you thank you thank for not hating my writing and enjoying my story enough to get to Act 2. My story does have mature themes and I'm sorry if that makes anyone uncomfortable but if you click on a story and it has the little blue mature logo on it I suggest you don't read if immature content makes you uncomfy, because trust me I'm just warming up :)