"What's the difference between me saying yes to Potter and you to Black?"
"Easy. Potter is in actual love with you, but-"
"To Sirius I'm just an infatuation, he just wants a shag"
A story in where the reckless marauder can't help but fall i...
Ivy had managed to get an O in each of her subjects last year and continued on with the ones she knew she wanted to take dropping History of Magic, Muggle Studies, and Divination. "Hey no I never took Arthimacy, Lils got a O in Arthimacy" Ivy tried changing the subject, taking a sip of her morning tea.
"I just don't get why you wanted to take so many advanced classes, you could've have spares like the guys a me" Ophelia tried pointing out. "Moony doesn't have any spares, he has just as full of a time table as mine" Ivy shot back with a pointed look, plus she already knew Mcgonagall was planning on signing up James, and Sirius for more classes.
"Minnie this is ridiculous, I only selected Astrology, Transfiguration, and DADA" Ivy heard her boyfriend complaining followed by an equally upset James.
Mcgonagall looked like she had been dealing with this for far too long, so Ivy stepped in. "Boys what do you want to do after school"
"Auror" Both of then said in sync, sometimes Ivy swore they were more like twins then Sirius and Lia were. "You realize to be an Auror you need to take Potions, DADA, Transfiguration, Charms, and Herbology, right?" Ivy shot both of them a pointed look, which Mcgonagall was grateful for, finally shutting the boys up.
As Mcgonagall walked up to the teachers table Ivy could briefly make out the words she mumbled 'And that's why she's my favourite student'.
"Look on the bright side Lily, Remus, and I are in all of your classes now" That seemed to bring a smirk to both the boys faces, one Ivy wasn't to sure was good or bad.
Sirius luckily seemed to take take notice of his girlfriends questioning look, bring his head down to whisper. "Phase 1 of getting Lily and James together"
"Don't do anything too stupid" She warned as they made this way down to the dungeons for potions with Professor Slughorn. "Darling I'm offended, when have I ever done something stupid?" Sirius asked mock-offended.
"Please sit with your partner when I call your name, you will be in these partners for the rest of the year" Slughorn announced to the group of 6th years.
"Pettigrew, Avery"
"Lockhart, Fortescue"
"Diggory, Prewett"
"Lupin, Black"
"Evans, Black"
"Snape, McKinnon"
"Black, Malfoy"
"Lestrange, Black"
"Evans, Potter"
Everyone was seated except for the Evans twins and the four Black relatives who all had no clue which one went where.
"Oh goodness, sorry about that. Ophelia your with Mr. Lupin Ivy you're with Sirius Narcissa with Mr. Malfoy Bellatrix with Mr. Lestrange And Lily that means you're with Mr. Potter. That should settle things, yes?"
Ivy and Sirius made their way over to a table directly behind Lily and James and across from Remus and Ophelia. Slughorn went on to explain what is to be expected and what we'll need in order to be successful this year, then finally he said something that made Ivy interested.
"If taken the time to brew a few potions for you today, now who could tell me what they are" Immediately Ivy and Lily's hand raced up alongside Narcissa and Bellatrix's.
"Since there's four of you why don't you each identify one then" Slughorn suggested as the four girls made their way to the front of the class.
Bellatrix was first to identify Polyjuice potion, then Narcissa with Draught of Peace. What shocked Ivy was when Lily was identifying Amortentia.
"Amortentia the most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumoured to smell differently as to what attracts you for example I smell Marzipan, fresh flowers, broom polish, and Um roasted chestnuts" Ivy watched her sister blush before turning as watching her boyfriend take a big whiff of James hair smirking knowingly.
Ivy identified the last potion to be Felix felicious more commonly known as liquid luck, and one lucky student would be given the vial at the end of class must the complete a perfect batch of draught of death.
"James shampoo. It's been the same for years brown sugar and chestnuts. Plush broom polish, I've never once seen your sister hold a broom" Sirius whispered quietly as they got on with their work. Everyone once and awhile the couple would stop to look at how happy James and Lily looked working together. Phase 1 was officially in progress.
"I'm curious what I would smell" Ivy mentioned nonchalantly, as she finished the last step of their potion it didn't nearly look as perfect as Bellatrix's or Snape's but it was pretty close. "I'd hope me of course" Sirius huffed, and Ivy could sense the rage of jealousy slowly forming within him, but why not tease she thought. She just shrugged before walking down to see.
It seemed Narcissa had a similar idea as she was also in front of the Amortentia. "You wanted to check as well?" Ivy asked getting subtle nod with Narcissa. "I needed to be sure, mint, pine, and rain" Ivy watched at Narcissa sighed making her way back over to Lucius Malfoy.
This was it, Ivy thought to determine if it's going to really be him or not. Freshly planted flowers, cigarettes, leather, honey and wet dog. Ivy knew the potion kept adding on each smell that reminded her of him, it was Sirius.
The end of the class came and Ivy had refused to tell Sirius what she smelt, although every time he came close and she began to smell him, her hair began turning pink.
Bellatrix Black ended up winning the bottle of liquid luck, it would've been Snape's, had Marlene not have bumped into him. Ivy shot Bellatrix a smile in congrats as they made their way out, receiving a slight nod in return.
Ivy was waiting for Sirius so they could head to Charms and didn't understand what was taking him so long. Then him came out and immediately dragged Ivy into a empty corridor. "Euphemia's homemade mince pies, fresh strawberries, white tea, and chaos, well ginger and clove but I think that was my minds way of coming up with what your chaos is"
Ivy stared up at her boyfriend as he quickly rambled on and on, most of what he smelt was associated with her. Cutting him off with a kiss so she could get a word in. "Gasoline, freshly cut flowers, cigarettes, leather, honey and wet dog. The longer I stood over the potion the more smells I associated with you came apparent"
Sirius was smiling so wide it made Ivy unbelievably happy. "Guess your stuck with me huh?"
Ivy just smiled grabbing his hand before dragging him off the greenhouses.