Ch.31-7th Year

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The now nearing 6 months pregnant ginger was current sitting cross legged with her back pressed gain at her boyfriends chest while she read some sort of parenting novel

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The now nearing 6 months pregnant ginger was current sitting cross legged with her back pressed gain at her boyfriends chest while she read some sort of parenting novel.

She had to place the revealing charm on her stomach before arriving at platform 9 3/4 and in all honesty it was the most comfortable thing. Her entire abdomen felt tingly and she had strong waves of nausea while using it.

Ophelia was sleeping laid out across the other side of the compartment, while Peter are his candy's on the ground. Ophelia was lucky she was only 2 months in and didn't have to hide her stomach yet.

Lily, James, and Remus all had a prefect meeting for another 20 minutes so the train ride was actually quite peaceful for once.

"Do you want it to be a girl or a boy?" Ivy whispered even though she already knew the answer. "Boy would be cool, but I want a daughter. I wanna spoil her"

Ivy chuckled at his response before going back to reading the book, although the page she had landed on seemed to have caught her eye. Around week 18-21 you be able to find out your babies gender.


Sirius just hummed I'm response while he continued playing with Ivy's hair which had turned his favourite colour the moment he made contact.

"It's says here we can find out the gender, do you think Pomfrey will cast a spell for us to find out?" Ivy asked turning so she was face to face with Sirius.

"As long as you want to then let's do it" Sirius responded smiling tucking a strand on hair behind Ivy's ear.

"What were you lot talking about?" James asked compartment with his arm around Lily's shoulders, Remus in tow.

Ivy wasn't quite sure what her sister and James were they weren't saying but they were affectionate, somewhat like her and Sirius were in the beginning. Minus the shagging.

Remus quietly lifted Lia's head off the seat before placing it back on his lap, Ivy noticed how the werewolf couldn't help but admired his sleeping girlfriend with such love.

"Talking about the baby gender" Sirius answers James question as the latter and Lily made themselves comfy on the floor beside Peter.

"It'll be a girl"


"I agree"


"Am I the only one her that thinks it'll be a boy?" James questioned looking around at everyone who nodded. "Fine then, I'll bet you all 2 galleons it'll be a boy"

"Deal" The group of friends chorused.

Eventually about an hour or so later Ophelia decided to finally join her friends. She did however wake up to a disturbing conversation about the marauders.

"I'm just saying if I had to chose one of the lads, I'd shag Pads here" James stated.

"I agree with prongs" Remus and Ivy said in unison.

"I'd shag you Prongs" Peter added in.

"Thank you Wormtail"

Ivy made eye contact with Ophelia who had obviously just woken up and was very confused. Just wait they've been having this discussion for 15 minutes, Ivy managed to somehow mouth to her best friend who shockingly understood. Yet neither the former or the latter were prepared for Sirius's answer.

"I think I have the same taste as my lovely twin so I'm gonna go with Moony" Sirius said sending a wink in Remus's direction.

"Stay away from my boyfriend Siri" Lia announced pointing a finger at her brother, with a stern look.

"Come of it Phelia, not like I haven't snogged him before. I'm just saying he's probably a good shag if he's half a good a kisser" Sirius shrugged nonchalantlyans it seemed none of the boys were even fazed by his comment.

"You snogged my brother?!"

"You snogged Rem?"

"Did you both not know they were Bi?" Lily added to her confused friend and sisters questions.

Both boys seemed to blush furiously as their pregnant girlfriends waited for an answer.

"I find guys attractive as well as girls. I tested out the waters a bit with Moony and Gideon Prewett back in fourth year. Is that okay with you, that I find men attractive as well?" Sirius asked quietly, to which Ivy just smiled before pulling her boyfriend into a hug.

"I'll love you know matter what you are. I love you Silver boy" Ivy smiled as Sirius leaned in for a kiss but stop just so she could hear him mumble I love you Blue Beauty against her lips.

The moment was however cut short by Ophelia pulling Ivy on her lap. Peter, James, and Lily just watched in interest as what was about to happen between the two couples.

"Ivy if they get to smog we get to as well" Lia pouted starring at her best friend with a knowing look. Ivy couldn't help but laugh, non the less she went along with her friend.

"It's just not fair Lia, they got to have all that fun together meanwhile we never go the experience" Ivy whined trying not to break character.

"Such as shame, such a pretty face. We could of fell in love you know? Such wasted opportunity" Lia continued.

"I did think you were always quite fit. Maybe I always had a secret crush on you as well as your brother" Ivy sighed slowly moving to straddle her best friends lap.

Sirius and Remus were quite conflicted, on one hand their girlfriends were about to kiss, on the other they were talking about falling in love and then Sirius realized that it was his bloody sister trying to woo his girlfriend.

"Phelia Ivy's mine" Sirius now whined glaring at his twin.

"Don't worry Siri this won't last long" Ophelia smirked. The boys didn't even have time to react before Ivy and Lia began snogging, until Sirius ripped Ivy from off his sister.

"That was fun Lia let's do it again" Ivy teased, sensing the growing jealousy within her boyfriend.

"I quite agree Siri let me borrow her more often" Lia laughed at the way her brother became fiercely over protective, a very different reaction from Mr. Lupin as he now stared at the two girls like porn.

Ivy was still poking fun and teasing Sirius quietly while everyone carried one. "Maybe I should be dating your sister"

His arms suddenly tightened around her waist pulling her closer. "You're a brat but you're my brat. You hear that mine, your mine" Sirius growled before placing a soft kiss to the girls head.

Ivy couldn't help the childish smirk that appeared on her face. She loved Sirius's possessive behaviour it's what brought her so much comfort knowing he's never let anything bad happen to her or their baby. Plus she couldn't deny the sex when he got jealous was so much better

"You couldn't rid of me even if you tried"

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