Ch.3-First class

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Ivy Evans woke up in her dorm bed, having no idea how she got there

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Ivy Evans woke up in her dorm bed, having no idea how she got there. Surprisingly she was awake before everyone in her dorm even Lily, or at least she thought. Standing in the doorway of the bathroom with a smirk plastered on her face was Ophelia Black. Ophelia and Remus had both gone to bed after encountering there friends last night, but after 2 hours and Ivy still wasn't in the dorm, Ophelia went to go check. There she said her best friend and brother, tangled in each other's arms fast asleep. "You know you've gotten harder to carry since 2nd year? I practically dragged you up the stairs last night"

Ivy blushed realizing Ophelia must've found her last night, but was Sirius still there as well? Certainly not, other Ophelia would be teasing her for falling asleep with her brother. The tired metamorphmagus just ignored those thoughts and went to go brush her teeth. "I had to get prongs and moony to come grab Sirius since he wasn't waking"

That stopped Ivy, toothpaste falling out of her mouth, subconsciously running a handing over the braids that were definitely turning rose at the mention of his name. Spitting out the remainder of her tooth paste, Ivy turned to her best friend who was still giving her a knowing look, as if she expected something else happened last night. "Thank you for carrying me Lia. We were just waiting up for you and I asked him to braid me hair and then I guess we fell asleep"

Lia nodded before turning to go get herself dressed, still not entirely convinced that's all what happened, considering the compromise position she found them in last night despite there clothes being full intake. "Lia nothing happened. He's your brother, your twin, I couldn't do that. Not to you"

Ivy came out of the bathroom her braids still intake, but her hair still a shade a rose mixed with swirls of light green and warning sign yellow poking through. It was the first thing in the morning and Ivy was emotional letting her powers take control. Love, envy and denial clearly written throughout the strands of her hair. "Ivy look we don't have to talk about it. I trust you and If you like-"

"I don't" Ivy quickly cut her best friend off and although her tone convincing her hair colour was unchanged. Leaving the younger Black twin to believe maybe she just doesn't realize it yet. "Okay, well we should probably wake up the others, breakfast starts in an hour"

Once all the girls in the dorm were finished getting ready, they made their way down to the great hall. Ivy had gotten her hair to go back to it's natural strawberry blonde colour, letting out her braids so her hair fell in soft waves. She had applied light makeup enough to accentuate her features and make her eyes pop, but not enough to cover her freckles.

They had 10 minutes until their first class when all 4 marauder came rushing in all messily put together except for Remus who was most likely waiting for his friends for over an hour. "Mr Black, Potter, Lupin and Pettigrew. Here are your schedules, I hope to see you on time this year"

"You can hope Minnie, doesn't mean we'll try" Sirius called back to head of house earning himself a glare but Ivy couldn't help but notice the small smile on the older woman's lips. Mcgonagall could pretend to dislike the marauders all she wanted but everyone knew she favoured them. Lily just scoffed at the boys before turning back to her food. "Lily-flower you look more ravishing everyday I see you"

"Bugger off Potter" They've been here for 30 seconds, or 10 Ivy thought, and they're already arguing. Ophelia and Ivy just laughed at the flustered stare Lily was ending up in as James just wouldn't leave her alone. Remus and Peter slid into the seats beside Lia, while Sirius took his chance at a seat next to Ivy. The marauders sharing a look as they already knew how Sirius felt since the train, unknowing to then Lia had figured out how Ivy felt that morning. "Morning, Ives"

"Morning Black" Ivy responded smiling happily into her tea cup, as the boy took a seat beside her. The two once again sat in silence, conversing in conversations around them but not with each other for the remaining 9 minutes and 30 seconds until they had Herbology. "Why would I ever go out with an arrogant toerag like you?"

Ivy couldn't help but giggle and high-five her sister at the nickname, sending James an apologetic smile, although he didn't even seem fazed by the insult. "That's a new one, nice Lils"

"Thank you, now let's go" Lily dragged Ivy out of her seat to bring her to class not before yelling over her shoulder. "Lia you too"

"Arrogant, idiot, selfish, potter" Those were just a few of the words Lia and Ivy had managed to make out while Lily rambled on their way to the greenhouses. They knew by now it was just better to let her rant about Potter for a bit and then she'd be back to herself.

Severus was already in the class when they got there so Lily made her way over to him. Ivy offered him a slight wave, which he returned, Lia just glared. Lia and Ivy grabbed a desk just in front of Lily and Snape and began organizing there notes before Ivy went to go help water some plants for Professor Sprout like she always did before classes.

Except returning over to the desks she realized Lia had moved to the desk next to them to sit with Pandora who offered Ivy a smile. She'd be sure to go catch up with Pandora sometime this week. Sitting in the spot Lia was sitting in was her twin. Ivy could see the faint pink colour threatening to turn brighter at the ends of her hair, Lia and Pandora also noticing this started to laugh a little warning then a glare from their best friend. "Hello, fluffy"

"Aw cmon doll, aren't you happy to see me?" Sirius said in a flirty fine causing Ivy to roll her eyes before sitting herself down in her spot. Fortunately they shared herbology with Slytherin so there wasn't to many jealous glances being sent Ivy's way, maybe disgusted looks from her sister, and his two cousins Bellatrix and Narcissa Black. Bellatrix and Narcissa were born right after another making them in the same year, they had another sister Andromeda who had left Hogwarts a couple years ago. Lia had told Ivy about her once said she was disowned.

Now the looks of disgust she was receiving from the purebloods, weren't necessarily because she was a muggle born. That did go into it seeing as that's how they were raised but it was more to do with how they thought a nice bad ass witch like Ivy could do so much better then their delinquent cousin.

"I'm always happy to see you fluffy" Ivy answered quietly enough so just he would hear, unfortunately so did Lily Evans who couldn't help but worry about what was happening. She vowed to always protect Ivy and wasn't going to let the 'playboy' break her twins heart.

"Now you'll be in these partners for the remainder of year. Class dismissed!" Professor Sprout bellowed. Ivy wouldn't admit it but she actually enjoy class with Sirius, and he actually knew a bit more than she assumed he did about Herbology which was good. They duo was talking while packing up their things when Pandora and Ophelia came raving over, grabbing Ivy by an arm each.

"We need to talk to you!"

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