"What's the difference between me saying yes to Potter and you to Black?"
"Easy. Potter is in actual love with you, but-"
"To Sirius I'm just an infatuation, he just wants a shag"
A story in where the reckless marauder can't help but fall i...
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After 2 months of not only having classes but having mommy duty, it was quickly revealed that Ivy Evans had become a mom.
Sure the professors tried their best to help out Ivy and the young witch often got Sirius to bring meals to the common room so she wouldn't leave Scarlett alone. After awhile though she just got fed up, she should be able to bring Scarlett with her, without feeling judged.
So that's exactly what she did when she walked into the Great hall for breakfast on the morning before they'd depart for Winter break. Most of Gryffindor house already knew about the newborn, but it sure was a shock to the remaining three houses when they watched the redhead still in with a month and half year old baby on her hip.
Even her friends and some of the Professors seemed quite shocked that Ivy Evans would willingly out her secret in front of the whole school.
She heard the murmurs and insults being thrown from the tables.
"There's a baby"
"Of course she's a slut"
"Why does she have a baby"
"What a joke"
"It's so tiny"
Nothing phased the new mom though as she went and seated herself between her sister and boyfriend, James being on the other side of Lily. "Good-morning" Ivy smiled grabbing a couple fresh strawberries and a slice of toast, since giving birth her love for the red fruit had returned.
"You brought out Scarlett!" Peter said amazed sitting across from Ivy next to Remus and Lia.
"I don't want to hide it, she's apart of my life. Plus I want her to get to know Hogwarts" Ivy shrugged continuing eating, as Scarlett giggled being passed over to her father.
Neither seemed to notice the enraged brunette storming over to their table. Maggie Rose was not impressed, not only was Ivy not hers, but she had done terrible at making her life miserable and as a result she know had her own little perfect family. Maggie despised that, it should've been her with Ivy.
"You're kidding me right?! You had a baby?! Are you fucking stupid!!" The Hufflepuff seethed glaring daggers at Scarlett.
"Why do you care? We aren't friends. You tried to fuck my boyfriend repeatedly and you've made my life hell. So please kindly get the fuck away from my daughter Rose" Ivy growled, eyes and hair turning red and she became protective over her daughter.
That little explosion seemed to calm down most of the insults, afraid of what the mother would do. Instead Ivy had multiple students come up and ask questions about Scarlett and congratulate the couple.
Ivy laughed as Marlene McKinnon practically feel in love with the newborn. The usual relaxed and cool-collected girl was as hyper as a 7 year old after too many fizzing whizbees. "Can I hold her??!!! Can I please hold her?!!" Marlene pleaded with Sirius who was currently holding his daughter.
Ivy was truly happy and two notes appeared in her hand.
Note #1 Ivy congrats!
We'd love to meet her! Sit with us in the carriages, being Phelia. Carriage #4
Cissy & Bella
Note #2 Ivy,
I'm shocked you'd bring the baby out, but the again nothing surprises me anymore. Hope to talk soon, Beck wants to hold her.
"Hello?" Ivy questioned hoping into Carriage #4, Scarlett bundled up in her arms and Ophelia right behind her.
"Holy Merlin!!! She's so tiny!! Narcissa squealed before Bellatrix threw a hand over her sisters mouth. "Cissy not so loud, it looks like she's sleeping"
Ivy just laughed, waving her hand off to say it's fine. "She just went down for nap, although I'm sure she's just going to wake up on the train" Ivy smiled starring down at her daughter.
"So you had a kid?" Bellatrix laughed starring at the redhead. "I mean we didn't even know you were pregnant!!"
"Found out in May, chose to keep it a secret. Then this thing decide to come earlier than expected" Ivy explained.
"Ophelia Walburga Black!!" Narcissa exclaimed pointing a finger at her cousin.
"Ew Cissy did you have to use my full name" Lia fake gagged at the mention of her Mother.
"You're pregnant you little sneak and I'd say at about 6 months from the looks of it" Cissy stated excitedly and she jumped up and down in the carriage.
Bellatrix looked shocked as she turned to look at her cousin who just nodded shyly. That meant she'd be due to have a kid in 2 or 3 years. At least she still had some time.
"So do you get the dreams anymore?" Bella asked.
"Not since I gave birth, which is kind of a shame, I liked getting to know what the future held" Ivy sighed thinking about the past couple dreams
"It's probably for the best Ivy. You wouldn't want to see something now that she's actually jere and try to change it, you could really mess things up" Narcissa explained kindly to her friend.
Nodding in agreement. Ivy knew she was right, but she was still certain she'd try to prevent her daughter from getting hurt as much as she can.
"I think my daughters a lesbian" Bellatrix admitted slightly embarrassed of how her friends will react.
"Really?! How do you figure?" Lia asked intrigued.
"We she always with a group of friends or she's practicing her element magic with your daughters, but she's often alone with this one girl in her year. They seemed to dislike each other at first because Cer was always with-" Bellatrix paused looking her sister smiling before counting. "- well she was always with someone the other girl didn't like. But they've been growing closer and I think they might be dating I'm not sure" Bellatrix finished quickly although she sounded somewhat questioning.
"And are you okay with that?" Ivy asked with a soft smile, no longer afraid of directly talking to her curly haired friend.
"Okay with what?" Bellatrix looked confused, as she tried to figure out her friends words.
"Is it alright with you fo she in in fact into to girls?" Ivy rephrased her question.