"What's the difference between me saying yes to Potter and you to Black?"
"Easy. Potter is in actual love with you, but-"
"To Sirius I'm just an infatuation, he just wants a shag"
A story in where the reckless marauder can't help but fall i...
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"What the fuck just happened?!" Sirius questioned looking back and forth between Ivy who was now laying in his lap and Ophelia who laid in Remus's.
Both the girls realized they must've fainted while they were having their 'dreams or visions' or whatever they were at this point. They also knew they couldn't just tell the boys what happened, time was a messy thing. You can't just mess with the future.
"We probably just drained most of our energy with our emotions and passed out" Ophelia was quick to respond casually as if it was a normal thing.
Eventually they boys caved and began to carry on with their day. James and Peter decided to go to the great hall, Remus was walking Lia back to the common room, leaving Sirius and Ivy in the courtyard.
"Baby?" Ivy looked up to meet eyes with her boyfriend, somewhat scared of the soft gentle voice he using. Almost as if, he was scared he would break her. "Yeah?"
"You'd tell me if anything was wrong right? Like today you would've told me if it was more than just a drain of power, right?" Ivy sighed knowing she couldn't continue lying to him, he was pretty but he was also smart, she couldn't lie to him. She just wouldn't tell him the full truth.
Not wanting anyone to hear nearby, Ivy grabbed his hand and led him to a places she felt safe in the most. The Greenhouse.
"Ives why'd you bring me here?" Sirius asked, seating himself on top of a desk.
"We didn't pass out from lack of energy. We get, we being Ophelia, Pandora, and me, we all get these dreams. We think they show us our future, they happen randomly. They don't hurt us though, it's actually quite exciting really"
Sirius was just starting at his girlfriend with a mixture of confusion and awe. He was slightly fizzled by the concept of her seeing the future, but thought it was also quite cool. Is it like a metamorphmagus thing? I wonder if Ophelia knows if Bellatrix sees these things as well, he thought.
"You can't tell me anything, can you?" Sirius groaned as he watched Ivy shake her head. He knew time was a messy thing and only people who could be thrusted were usually allowed gifts such as these to respect time.
"That's fine, we'll have our future together anyway and I'll get to see it all for myself eventually" Ivy was shocked at how open Sirius had just been, sure they've been official for a few months now and we're together for a few before that, but never in her life did she expect Sirius Black to dive into his emotions like that.
"Our future?" Ivy began to tease, only egging on Sirius to continue talking. "Well don't you think? I mean I've told you before, your it for me, there is no one else. I'm in love with you Ivy Evans"
"You're so emotionally over dramatic and that's just one of the things I love about you, Fluffy" Ivy playfully patted his head like a dog. Only for Sirius to dive in stealing a kiss from her.
"You remember what happened here in 3rd year?" Sirius questioned looking expectantly at Ivy, Ivy who made a face as though she had no clue.
"Maybe you could remind me?" Ivy hinted, which thankfully her boyfriend got as he leaned down to bring her into another kiss.
Pulling away she began to giggle remembering hi in 3rd year she had just finished watering some of Professor Sprouts plants. When she turned around she was face to face with Sirius, leaving about 1inch of room between each other's faces. Then James thought it would be hilarious to shove Sirius into Ivy, which ended in his lips attached to her own for a good 7 seconds before they both realized what had happened. "It was my first kiss, of course I remember"
"Wait does that mean I'm the only guy you've kissed than?" Sirius asked hope and a strong ego building up in his eyes only for the light to be snuffed out by the ringing laughter of Ivy.
"You wish"
"Who were they?"
"Doesn't matter"
"Does too"
"Not it doesn't"
"But you're mine"
"Yes I'm yours, but I wasn't yours when the other lads kissed me"
"Lads?! Multiple?!!"
"Oh yeah and like you kept it in your pants, when we weren't together"
"Oh Puds, do I sense a sliver of jealousy?" Sirius teased. Only causing a deep blush take over Ivy's face the ends of her hair slowly changing colour.
"I never slept with anyone else" Ivy mumbled so soft Sirius barely made out what she said. He was her first, first kiss, first boyfriend, first love, first time.
Sirius couldn't help the cheeky grin the took over, feeling more protective over her than ever, she was his.
Ivy let a small scream leave her lips as Sirius suddenly carried her onto one of the desks. "What're you doing?"
"Say it again" Sirius demanded his eyes growing darker with lust. Just the way he looked at her made Ivy fall for him all over again. "Say what again?"
With a quick motion Sirius was already attacking Ivy's neck with kisses, bringing her own smug look turn to one of desire.
"Drop the innocence Red, say it" Sirius was protective, Ivy knew this. She just never thought her talking about other guys or telling him he was the only one who's seen her like that would make him even more.
"I've only ever been with you"
"Good, your mine" Sirius voice was deep and if it wasn't for knowing Ivy was the last person he'd ever hurt she would've been scared. She actually felt quite the opposite, he was her calm before the storm.
"We need to head back, it's getting late" Sirius's head dropped into her shoulder and Ivy could've sworn she could feel him begin to pout.
Pouting he was, until his eyes made contact with Ivy's neck. He'd almost forgotten how dark his hickeys can become especially contrasted against her porcelain skin.
Ivy was quick to catch his demeanour shift, he was almost way to happy to go back to the common room. "What?"
"Oh nothing love, just everyone's going to know you're mine" Sirius mumble the last part, leaving Ivy quite curious. Letting it go she interlocked her fingers with his before heading up to the common room.
Most of their friends were still up, most likely waiting for them to return. Everyone seemed to be starring at something and it wasn't until Peter said something that everyone quickly burst into laughter.
"Ivy why is half your neck purple?"
The remainder the marauders began throwing in comments as well, as Ivy rushed over to Lily to us her compact.
"Padfoot did you really have to maul her?" James laughed and in all honestly Ivy thought it was quite funny as well.
"And I thought Remny got protective with me? How the hell did you even get them that dark Siri?" Ophelia and Lily were soon to join in on the comments and laughter.
All of which was no surprise but an ego boost for Sirius Black, also seeing that Ivy had no intention of covering it up as she came walking back over to him smiling.
"You know I think it's only fair if you match" Ivy whispered innocently into her boyfriends ear, sending him beet red as he thought about what that meant.
Quickly grabbing her hand and dragging her up the stairs to the dorm not before yelling back down at the boys. "You lot might want to sleep down here tonight"