Ch.30-That's 3 out of 4

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It was a peaceful morning Ivy was enjoying a freshly brewed cup of tea while munching happily on some avocado Sirius had picked up for her early yesterday morning

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It was a peaceful morning Ivy was enjoying a freshly brewed cup of tea while munching happily on some avocado Sirius had picked up for her early yesterday morning. Lily was sitting across from her reading the paper and from the smile on her face no tragic formalities.

"So Lils, what are the chances you go out with Jamesie?" Ophelia asked walking into the kitchen to join the girls.


"Cmon he's so much better now!"

"Lia you know why" Lily sighed going back to ready the daily profit while Ivy listened.

"That shouldn't matter, he's obviously still in love with you" Lia argued throwing her hands up in frustration.

"That's not the point and you know it. Even if hypothetically let's say I like James, I'd be going against everything I stood for. I'd be dating a Toerag" Lily complained dramatically.

Ivy couldn't help but see the blush that appeared on her twins face. "Lily bear you like Prongs!!" I've jumped up excitedly pointing at her sister. "You- you like him, you don't even think he's a toerag anymore do you?!"

"IVYPROFEN SHUT UP" Lily yelled is a half embarrassed half teasing manner.

"Lily bear? Ivyprofen? Who the hell did I become friends with" Ophelia scrunched up her noise in disgust at the awful nicknames.
"She's right though Lils, you didn't even call him arrogant or an idiot this time"

The blush on Lily Evans face continued to rise as the girls kept explaining her obvious crush on the Potter boy. "Lils what will it take for you to admit you have feelings for him?"

"If James Potter magically gets Head-Boy, I'll admit my feelings to him personally"

That seemed to be a good enough answer for the girls, although they all knew Remus was getting Head-Boy. Maybe in the future Lily would be brave enough to just tell James, but maybe today just wasn't that day.

"Our letters arrived!" Sirius yelled walking into the kitchen with James and Remus who had arrived the day prior, to hand each of the girls their letters. Peter would be arriving later in the evening.

Ms Ivy Evans

Astroloy: O
Potions: O
Charms: O
Defence Against the Dark Arts: O
Herbology: O
Arithmacy: A
Transfiguration: O
Alchemy: A

Ms Evans in spite of you and Mr Blacks current situation we strongly recommend taking an easier course load to reduce stress, please owl back with your decision as soon as possible.

Also we realize a pregnancy might not be an idle situation to show about the school campus, so if you wish there is a reveal spell you can use to hide your stomach. We also want to make sure you have the proper accommodations for housing a new-born and have provided an individual common room/dorm for you and Mr Black. Please feel free to ask any questions and ask for any help needed, the staff of Hogwarts is all aware of your situation and are more than willing to volunteer themselves in time of need.

Minerva Mcgonagall

"We get our own dorm"

"This is so cool Ives"

"I'm pregnant?"

"Lia your pregnant?"

"I'm head boy!!"


The 6 17 teen year olds voices overlapped one another as they all read through their Hogwarts letters for their 7th years. Ivy and Sirius seemed to have the least shocking news as their didn't really come with any surprises.

The other four were a wreck, James was insisting they made some sort of mistake while Sirius complained he betrayed him by stopping as low as Head-Boy, Lily was close to passing out as she knew what she promised, then there was Ophelia and Remus.

Lia was curled up in a ball in the corner crying, while Remus paced the kitchen violently. Nobody seemed to have heard what the couple announced except for Ivy.

"I just don't understand, how did Dumbledore figure out before I did?!" Lia mumbled in the arm of her black jumper.

"Pregnant. A child. No no no no no!!!" Remus kept muttering the same set of words over and over.

Now Ivy knew her friends were dramatic but at the rate these conversations were going they could film 3 seasons of some raunchy reality show.


Everyone stopped their rambling and slowly made their way onto the two beige couches, Sirius staying behind to quickly give Ivy as kiss on the cheek hoping he wasn't in trouble. "You're so hot when you boss people around"

"I'm nearly 5 months pregnant you moron, I get to say whatever I want don't butter me up" Ivy snapped dragging her smirking boyfriend behind her.

"Lily breathe, I'm assuming you made Head-Girl congratulations. James we heard you made Head-boy congrats. Lily go to James what you need to say on the porch" Ivy demanded in a sickly sweet voice.

Nodded Lily grabbed James arm bringing him outside, all the boys confused while Ivy and Lia had a subtle smirk. Ivy then turned her attention to couple, but before saying anything made sure to sir Sirius in the couch with her, just so he wouldn't kill Remus.

After cuddling up and making sure he couldn't try to attack without psychically throwing Ivy off the couch with him, which he would never do, she continued.

"Remus stop freaking out and Lia hun you need to calm down. This isn't the end of the world, you can't stress over this babes" Ivy calmly said addressing to obviously distraught couple who didn't realize this was happening.

"Siri you can't get mad at me, and you can't get mad at Rem. Okay?" Ophelia asked her twin  . Sirius slowly nodded tightening his grip around Ivy's waist.

"We didn't know. I'm not sure how Dumbledore even knew, then again the man has a way of finding out everything. I'm pregnant" the moment the words came out of Lia's mouth Ivy could immediately feel the anger in Sirius rise as he slightly attempted to get up before just pulling Ivy close for support.

Ivy rest her hand on his arm slowly rubbing soothing circles to calm him down while whispering that it's okay and that he's going to be an uncle.

That seems to calm him enough from his girlfriends touch to the thought of not only becoming a father, but he would also now be getting a niece or nephew.

The the most surprising sentence came out of Sirius Blacks mouth not only making Ivy insanely proud of the maturity her boyfriend has come to, but Ophelia couldn't help the happy feeling that spread over her body as her twins comment sinked in.

"I'm happy for you. You're going to be an amazing mum Phelia" Sirius said in a voice that was almost pure joy, yet still tried to keep his manly demeanour in pose. But Ivy could feel the like warm tears dripping onto her as Sirius nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck.

"Hey Moony?"

"Yeah Ives?"

"You aren't going to hurt it or mess this up. You're going to be one wolf-tastic dad" Ivy couldn't help herself with the pun maybe her maturity had rubbed off on Sirius and his immaturity on her.

With a roll of his eyes Remus jokingly threw a throw pillow at the ginger witch, but Ivy caught the soft smile gracing his lips and the way he turned to Ophelia so lovingly before bending down and kissing her stomach.

A/N: And that's a wrap on Act 2!!!
And the pregnancy adventure and future baby adventures officially begin. I'm so excited we're about halfway through the book at the moment. Please feel free to share your thoughts or opinions and I strongly recommend if you're enjoying reading Ivy and Sirius's story, I will have Ophelia's and Remus's plus their daughters stories up within the next month!!

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