"What's the difference between me saying yes to Potter and you to Black?"
"Easy. Potter is in actual love with you, but-"
"To Sirius I'm just an infatuation, he just wants a shag"
A story in where the reckless marauder can't help but fall i...
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"Ivy wake up!!" Sirius shoved his sleeping wife laughing. It was the morning of July 31st 1980, and Sirius had just received a patronus with the most brilliant news.
"10 more minutes" Ivy groaned rolling away from her husband.
"Oh so you don't want to meet your godchild?" Sirius smirked walking off to dress Scarlett, for their morning outing.
"Lily gave birth?!"
"Lily gave birth love"
Ivy Evans had never been so quick as to get out of bed and get ready than she was that day. Sirius laughed when Ivy came stumbling into the living room in muggle jeans and a band tee, her hair thrown up in a messy bun and her toothbrush still in here mouth. She may be a mother, but she's still the chaotic 15 year old in fell in love with he thought.
"Well doesn't mummy look charming?" Sirius laughed, asking Scarlett, who nodded with a toothy grin.
"Hey, it's shirts yours so if your making fun of it your making fun of you" Ivy laughed pointing an accusing finger at Sirius before taking Scarlett in her arms.
"I always did like you in my clothes" Sirius smirked moved again leaning against the doorway. Ivy just rolled her eyes at her ridiculous husband. "Let's go. I want to meet my godchild" Ivy sassed before apparating away with Scarlett, Sirius was quick to follow.
Ivy was so excited she didn't even knock, just casting a quick alohomora to the Potter household in Godrics Hollow. "Hi James nice to see you, where's the kid" Ivy addressed the obviously sleep-deprived James Potter, slowly drinking a cup of coffee in his night robes.
"Lily upstairs, baby loud. Goodnight" James answered before falling asleep on the table, only for Sirius to walk up and smack him upside the head. "Rise and shine Prongsie, you're a dad!!"" Sirius sang happily, yanking his best mate up to direct himself and Ivy to the baby.
Walking into the nursery Ivy spotted her sister right away, smiling down on her new bundle of joy. "Ivy, Sirius meet your godson. Say hello to Harry Potter" James announced, still slightly tired and he went and sat next to his wife.
"Scarlett, you see the baby?" Ivy asked her daughter, to which she nodded. "That's your cousin, his name is Harry"
"Arry?" Scarlett questioned looking back and forth from her mother to her baby cousin.
"Yes darling Harry" Ivy nodded smiling, to which Scarlett squealed happily is getting the word correct.
"I still personally like Elvendork" Sirius chimed in from the doorway.
"Maybe you can name you kid that then" Lily argued back sticking her tongue out at the man-child. Seeing the slightest bit of hope in Sirius's eyes at him and Ivy naming a kid 'Elvendork' Ivy quickly shut the thought down.
"He has our eyes Lilybear"
"Yes, but I can already see some dark hair. He'll take after James and I'm afraid to tell you both this baby is not a metamorphmagus" Lily addressed, making the youngest metamorphmagus stare at Lily curiously after using the world.