Ch.18-Its getting worse

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"Ophelia!!!!! Get up!! Get up!!" Ivy was whisper screaming in her friends ear

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"Ophelia!!!!! Get up!! Get up!!" Ivy was whisper screaming in her friends ear. It was already 4am the boys would be back soon.

"I still don't get why they won't let us come with them, we can turn into any fucking animal we please" Lia grumbled miserably as she slipped on her slipped and her night robe, following Ivy down into the common room.

Ivy had taken on the role of wanting to help heal the boys while Ophelia provided food and water once they returned, also bringing breakfast to Remus when he woke in the hospital wing.

James ran through the portrait first, a worried expression on his face. "You both can't freak out. Tonight was bad that's all I'm going to say"
That was all James said before her rushed back out through the portrait to help carry in a bleeding Sirius who seemed barely conscious.

"Siri?!" Ophelia had already begun crying at the sight of her brother.

Ivy stood their in shock, they had come back with cuts and bruises before but never this much blood. "Love it's not as bad as it looks, it's just a scratch" Sirius managed to get out trying to keep his cool demeanour as the boys helped lower him onto the couch next to Ivy. "Your a bloody idiot"

Ivy had gone to work cleaning off the blood and dirt from her boyfriend before casting a healing charm over the wound that had been causing the blood in his abdomen. Sirius stayed awake watching her while she worked on healing him, although it hurt a lot. Ivy tried to force him to take a sleeping draught but he wanted to stay awake with her, to remind her he was there.

The cut really wasn't as bad as it looked, it was just a mixture from lack of blood and exhaustion from the night that led to Sirius's fragile state. Ophelia had left to go bring Remus something to eat in the hospital wing, while James and Peter went to go try and sleep for a bit before classes. "I don't think you should go to class today"

"Ivy I'm fine, you said it yourself. The cut wasn't as bad as it appeared. It was just a rough night" Sirius had begun arguing back with her as she kept trying to convince him to go to bed or to take the day off from classes.

They had been arguing for so long that Sirius didn't notice when Ivy just stopped arguing back. Instead she just grabbed his hand dragging him up into the boys dormitory.

Climbing into Sirius's bed and pulling him in with her, he finally stopped arguing back and just pulled Ivy closer to himself. "Now you're going to sleep, and your not going to class. I will stay with you as long as you stay put" Ivy mumbled into his shoulder before drifting off into her own much needed sleep.

When James Potter woke to find the sleeping couple he just went ahead and told Lily that Ivy had caught a cold from Sirius and they were both recovery up in their dormitory. To James amazement Lily Evans didn't question him and instead moved into another topic of conversation with him while they walked to class.

Ivy was seated outside with 3 other people, Sirius and who appeared to be a red headed couple smiling brightly across from them.

Ivy was a lot older, so was Sirius. The four of them sat there having nice conversation until a girl came running out of the house that appeared to be multiple stories tall and slightly lopsided.

It was the girl from the dreams before, and she was crying, why was she always crying Ivy thought.

"Baby what's going on?" The older version of Ivy jumped out of the chair to embrace her daughter. She looked different than last time, older, more mature, her red hair was turning midnight as she collapsed into older Ivys arms.

Older Sirius and the older red haired man both stood up going to go check the house and perimeters as if they were expecting some sort of attack.

"Molly can you cast the calming spell again? I've left my wand inside and she's beginning to hyperventilate" Older Ivy addressed the red haired woman named Molly who proceeded to cast a charm over the girls body which seemed to ease her panicked state.

The midnight of her hair began turning back to the natural red Ivy had seen in previous dreams, although a tinge of white remained at her ends.

"He came home" Older Ivy and Molly shared a knowing look, as they knew who 'Starlett' must be talking about. "I was in the kitchen, when I heard someone come through the fire place. I thought it was going to be Pop or George"

"Did he say anything to you? To cause you to have an episode again?" This time it was Molly's turn to speak. It was smooth and comforting.

The girl Ivy only knew as Starlett shook her head before turning her gaze back on the house. "Worse, he brought her"

Ivy watched at older Ivy's hair turned such a deep shade of red or could've been mistaken for black her eyes also turning a deep shade of blood. Molly seemed to have gone red in the face with anger as she began swearing under her breath

It was then Ivy took notice to the commotion coming outside the house. Older Ivy had ran over to hold older Sirius back as he seemed to want to attack someone that was being dragged out of the house by 2 other redheads.

Then the dream once again began to dissolve, the last thing Ivy reckless seeing was a blonde smirking all to evilly over her future daughter.

Ivy woke up screaming and crying out for Sirius who was right there before she even opened her eyes.

Panic laced his face as he tried tried to calm Ivy down. She had only just woke up now but had been screaming for several minutes before thus why Sirius was already ready to help her before she had another anxiety attack.

"Ivy you need to breath okay, breath with me ready? In and out, good. Again. In and out" He continued talking her through her breathing until she was back to a steady pace.

"The dreams are getting worse, something bad happens and I don't know what" Ivy whimpered pulling her knees up to her chest as Sirius tried comforting her. "I need to go speak to someone, I'll come back in a hour or so. You should go back to bed"

Reluctantly Sirius climbed back into bed watching his girlfriend leave knowing their was no easy way to win a fight with her.


"Ms. Evans, I've been expecting at some point" Professor Dumbledore peered up at the door way of his office. "Please come sit Ms. Evans"

"Sir I'm sorry for bothering you, it's just. I wanted to talked to about time" Ivy spoke, gaining the older mans interest. He already knew all about the dreams four of his students were currently facing but it was not yet time to reveal they plan.

The next 30 minutes were spent talking about how time is a fragile thing and how you cannot change something in the past or future without a consequence. "Although I must say there are certain cases where I believe time can be used to our advantage, and if we must face the consequence I believe they are for the best. Wouldn't you agree Ms. Evans?" Ivy nodded agreeing with her professors words.

"Well Ms. Evans I feel that Mr. Black is waiting for you return yes? Just remember that altering the past and future is never a completely wrong act, one might say you could save a life."

Why must he always speak in such complicated riddles Ivy pondered as she made her way back up to Gryffindor tower. One thing did stick out though, whatever pain was harvested in her daughters life, maybe they're would be a way to stop it.

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