"What's the difference between me saying yes to Potter and you to Black?"
"Easy. Potter is in actual love with you, but-"
"To Sirius I'm just an infatuation, he just wants a shag"
A story in where the reckless marauder can't help but fall i...
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December 16th 1976 Lily and Ivy Evans were woken by their head of house around 4am. Nothing good ever came from being woke by your head of house, or being pulled into Dumbledore's office.
"Please girls do have a seat" Their headmaster gestured to the two seats across from him. Multiple of their teachers were currently in the office Professor Sprout, Flitwick, Slughorn, and Minnie. "Sir if you mind me asking what was so important that we needed to be woken at this time?" Lily asked grasping her sisters hand, a feeling twisted inside Ivy that made her sick.
"It comes with my great regret to inform you girls of this. You both know about the rising of a dark wizard and the attacks on muggles and muggle-born witches. Last night there was an attack on the town of Cokeworth. Aurora were sent as soon as we got word unfortunately your parents did not make it I am terribly sorry that it is me you have to hear this from. Your sister Petunia has been informed by the muggle police and luckily she was not there last night as she was with her fiancé and she is safe. I send you girls with my deepest apologies and I am so sorry for your losses. Whatever the school can do to provide we will be here"
Ivy hadn't realized she had begun to hyperventilate until Dumbledore was finished speaking. Her hair a shining silver through the darkly lit office. Lily's grip on her twins hand never faltered as the sat their crying together over the loss of their parents. Ivy's breathing began to quicken too soon for her to regain and soon enough everything once again went black, the thought of her parents death burning in the back of her mind.
Ivy woke up in the hospital wing with a scratchy throat and a feeling of despair. Her parents were gone. The moment she thought back to her headmasters words she began to hyperventilate again.
"Shhh, Ivy I'm here it's okay it's okay" Sirius was quick to go to his girlfriends side to moment he hear her breathing increase. Mcgonagall had gone and told the girls friends what had happened to their parents, and Sirius wouldn't rest until Mcgonagall brought him to see Ivy.
"Where's Lily?!!" Ivy asked worriedly through a hoarse voice. Sirius passed her a glass of water as he explained she went back to the dorm about an hour ago to rest.
"I'm so sorry baby" Sirius spoke pressing a soft kiss to his girl friends hand. Ivy didn't think she could cry anymore and yet here she was having her boyfriend wipe the tears from her eyes. "I don't really want to talk about it today. I don't even really want to be seen today"
It broke Sirius's heart watching the usual light and chaos surrounding Ivy, be dulled down to dark shades of black and blue. Her hair hadn't returned back to normal since she found out, still remaining silver with a few streaks of navy.
"Do you want to go back to the dorm?" Sirius asked hoping he could convince Ivy to at least get out of the hospital wing. With a subtle nod, Sirius helped her get up and they walked back to the common room hand and hand.
Walking into the common room it wasn't a surprise to Ivy to see Ophelia with Lily waiting in the couch. She could tell Lily had been crying from the mountain of bunched up tissues, she also knew Lily was better at getting through bad times around people, where as Ivy was the opposite. She recalled back when she was 5 and their pet bunny had died Ivy would only speak to Lily for weeks on end until she finally got over it. She isolated herself and only talked to a select few, just until she could get her emotions under wrap.
Ophelia went to go hug Ivy but Lily quickly pulled her down seeing as she knew her sister well and that she most likely just wanted to go back to bed. Lily couldn't quite recall how long Ivy had gone without talking last time their had been a fatality, but she knew this was going to last awhile. She was just grateful her sister didn't seem to be shutting Sirius out.
"Can we go lay in your bed? I don't want to talk to anyone right now" Ivy mumbled through a fresh batch of tears that were all ready falling. With a quick nod Sirius led her up to the dorm where thankfully the remaining marauders were not currently inhabiting.
She wasn't quite numb yet, although she knew that feeling would come soon. Instead she just felt anxiety coursing through her veins, it wasn't right they didn't deserve to die. The war was coming sooner than she thought and Ivy was prepared to fight, for her friends, for her parents, and for her future daughter.
"Sirius?" Ivy asked as they curled up under the covers. All she go got back was a light 'hmm'. "Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" Sirius turned his head so he could look at his girlfriend. Sighing "Yeah. Yeah it is, but whatever happens I'm not going anywhere"
Ivy didn't know why out she always felt at ease in her boyfriends arms. The entire castle could be burning but as long as she had Sirius nearby she'd feel okay.
"Can you braid my hair?" Sirius smiled nodding at his girlfriends request, before adjusting themselves so Ivy sat between his legs while he began forming the soft plaits.
Just like how things were beginning of 5th year. Sirius watched at the silver began to fade and turn to baby blue. He loved that his touch brought her the Serenity she needed.
Sirius placed a kiss onto Ivy's shoulder when his finished bearing her hair, letting her know his was done. "I'm never going to let anything happen to you Ives"
And although it was sweet and Ivy knew it meant it full heartedly, he couldn't keep that promise. They needed to do something. Maybe becoming a healer would have to wait a bit, the war was already here and Ivy wasn't going down without a fight.
"I'm going to fight. When we graduate, I'm going to fight back. I'm going to fight until I draw my final breath" Although it startled Sirius to hear what his girlfriend was thinking he couldn't agree and more importantly there was something to keep the chaos within her alive. "And I'll be by your side when we do so my love"
••••••• A/N: Short chapter also I'm sorry I went from happy smutty time to death but sun it's just the way she rolls? I don't know. If your reading my story thank you so much!!! Be sure to leave comments or suggestions and recommend this book to friends if you think they'd enjoy it as well!!