Ch.24-The Huffleslut

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Maggie Rose wasn't alway as a bitch

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Maggie Rose wasn't alway as a bitch. She didn't always feed off negative emotions. In fact she was the type of girl that collected butterfly stickers and could eat vanilla ice cream by the gallon.

It was her loyalty and her kind heart that got her placed into Hufflepuff in the first place, it wasn't a surprise seeing as she came from a pure blood family all ascendant a from Hufflepuff house.

Maggie used to be a very happy girl. She grew up as an only child yes her family was always swarmed with love. She was fearless yet so fearful. She would do anything to protect her family name, even if that meant changing who she was.

When it was time for the next Rose to enter Hogwarts her parents expected nothing but the best from their ray of sunshine. Hufflepuff, good grades, kind manners, well behaved friends, and a warm heart these were things Mr and Mrs Rose taught and told their daughter she needed to have from an early age.

Although it was kindness they were pressuring her with, non the less it was pressure. She couldn't afford to screw things up.

Never having siblings also made the girl quite shy, sitting for most of her train ride alone until she went to the bathroom to get changed.

What the brunette was least expecting was to run head first into a girl with fiery red hair tied up into a messy pony tail. At first Maggie was scared that the girl would get angry, but when they girl began to laugh and extended her arm to help her up she felt at ease. "Sorry about that. I can be real clumsy sometimes. I'm Ivy Evans"

The red haired girl smiled brightly helping Maggie to her feet. The brunette couldn't help the blush that came upon face as she stared back into the emerald green eyes of the girl in front of her.

Of course she was 11 though, how could she understand these feelings were something more than embarrassment. These feelings weren't apart of the lessons her mother provided. She was confused, embarrassed, but most of all their was something about Ivy Evans that hooked Maggie in.

"I'm Maggie, Maggie Rose"

The two girls ended up talking for the remainder of the train ride, Ivy even introduced Maggie as her new friend to who she would learn to be Ivy's twin sister Lily and their friend Severus Snape.

When the sorting ceremony came Mag was a nervous wreck. She couldn't help but doubt herself, what if she wasn't placed into Hufflepuff would her mum still braid her hair? Would her dad still buy her stickers for her birthday? Would she still have a place in their hearts.

Once that day it had been Ivy Evans who settled the girls nerves. Telling her new friend everything was going to be okay before grabbing her hand in a friendly supportive type of way.

It was those damn eyes and her soft ghost like skin that seems to be littered with freckles that drew the 11 year old so dangerously close to a ledge she wasn't even aware, she was slowly falling off of.

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