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"Your pregnant?!" Sirius asked half shocked and half amazed

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"Your pregnant?!" Sirius asked half shocked and half amazed.

"Almost 2 months in apparently" Ivy was strong, she was brave, she was the actual definition of chaos in its finest form, but in this moment she was terrified.

Sensing something was upsetting her Sirius began to pry. "Baby what wrong? Do you not want this?" Ivy couldn't help but smile at her boyfriend child like voice in that moment.

"I do, I just don't want to mess this up" Sighing Ivy turned her head so she was starring out the window, it was now well past curfew.

Regulas had gone back to to the dungeons but not before he finally got to talk to Sirius. It was awkward at first sure but you could see despite your trust that was lost the brothers still had love for one another.

Ivy had thought it'd be best if just Sirius came now, she'd tell everyone else in the morning, or knowing Sirius he would.

"Ivy cmon look at us were as perfect as it gets, our kid will be even better" Sirius couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he thought about what their future family would look like.

"You're right" Ivy sighed smiling as she placed a hand along her stomach. "I'm just glad I've figured out why I can't eat strawberries. I thought I had developed an allergy or something"

Sirius couldn't help but laugh, that really what she was most concerned with right now. Of course it would be, but Sirius knew slightly better by now. Ivy would used something light to joke about it when in reality there was something much bigger. He saw it in her eyes the moment she told him.

Ivy Evans has been protected her whole life and now she had someone she needed to provide protection for. It was the same look Lily gave Ivy and the same one Sirius gave Lia. Ivy now had someone to protect and Sirius swore on his life he would do everything to protect the both of them.

"Blue beauty, Chaotic girl
Tell me how much you can endure"

"Reckless fire, Silver boy
With you I'd go through it all again"

As the soon to be parents walked out of the hospital wing and back to Gryffindor tower, Madam Pomfrey couldn't help but notice the relaxing shade of blue Ivy's hair turned once she connected her hand with his or the way his rare silver orbs shone brighter when he looked at her.

Through Poppy Pomfrey's experience as a medi-witch she's seen what teen pregnancy's can do to couple. Not Ivy and Sirius, they'd make it she thought, they'd stay together. It wasn't everyday you saw a love as pure as theirs, unless you counted Remus Lupin and Ophelia Black who the medi-witch believed would do just as fine in this situation.


A few days and passed since the couple found out and already you could tell there was a significant change in their behaviour.

Sirius starting watching everything Ivy ate, seeing what she was craving that day and how much she ingested. He made sure not to smoke around her and and would make any of their friends stay clear if they were.

Ivy had begun taking vitamins to help with the pregnancy and began writing everything down in a journal. How much she slept, what she ate, what made her nauseous, if she went outside. She began documenting everything, that was the one good thing about having OCD she made sure she was in control of everything.

Then finally as the second week of June approached, the couple decided to tell their friends. One sibling took it it better than the other.

"You got my sister pregnant?!" Lily Evans spoke almost to kindly as she glared at Sirius Black. "Don't get me wrong Ives I'm happy for you, I love you and I can't believe I'm going to be an aunt, but-"

Lily marched over to where Sirius was currently trying to hide behind James and Ivy. "-you idiot. Congratulations, but you idiot" Lily was pinching the bridge of her noise is frustration. She truly was happy for her twin but they still had a year left of school and Lily wanted to make sure Sirius didn't think this was some type of joke.

"Evans I love your sister. I'm happy about it, I'm not going to screw this up" Every word out of Sirius's mouth was sincere although he still held James in front of him just in case she chose to attack. Instead Lily did the opposite she pulled him into a hug. "I know you won't"

The group took this as a cause for celebration meaning everyone decided to get drunk, well except for Ivy and Pandora who they snuck into the marauders dorm.

Pandora was ecstatic to finally have a pregnant friend, now she had someone to keep her company on nights like these when everyone else was wasted. So the two girls sat their drinking pumpkin juice while they watched their friends down another round of firewhiskey.

"I'm not coming back to school next year" Pandora's soft voice caught Ivy's attention as she carefully calculated what the blonde just said.

Instead of waiting for response from Ivy she continued. "I have a plan, and I fell in love. He knows I'm pregnant and he's willing to help take care of me and the baby. I know I can't come back they dreams are getting more intense and I understand certain precautions are going to come into play" Pandora smiled sadly into her cup while placing a hand along her stomach.

"I'm not sure when I'll see you again, but I wanted to tell you and the others. I already told Lia, and Bella. I assume you can tell Lils for me as Bella is doing with Cissa?" The blonde finally looked up and made eye contact with Ivy to see the soft smile and tears filling her friends eyes.

Ivy and Lia met Pandora during their second year and despite being a Slytherin she was the kindest person they've ever met. It never took much convincing for Lily and the boys to get along with her either, because when you meet Pandora Lestrange, you somehow fall in love with life.

Pandora was never Ivy's best friend or sister those roles belonged to Ophelia and Lily, but Pandora had always been there and it was going to be hard to never see the light that was Hogwarts return.

"I hope you find happiness in where your plan takes you Dora" Ivy smiled bringing her now 5 month pregnant friend into a hug.

The light that had disappeared from Pandora's Lestrange's eyes after finding out she was pregnant had come back, the father of the child didn't define her or her baby and she was going to make damn side of it. "I will, we've been having these dreams for a reason and mine are soon to come true"

That was the last night Ivy Evans would see Pandora Lestrange for 3 years.

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