Ch.36-Scarletts first Christmas

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"We aren't getting her a toy broom, she's barley 2 months" Ivy sighed in frustration as Sirius and James continued to pick out the most ridiculous Christmas presents for Scarlett

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"We aren't getting her a toy broom, she's barley 2 months" Ivy sighed in frustration as Sirius and James continued to pick out the most ridiculous Christmas presents for Scarlett.

The group of teenagers had arrived at Potter Manor a few days prior and Euphemia being the loving person she is, offered to watch Scarlett while they went Christmas shopping. While Ivy, Lily, and Ophelia had picked out most of their presents already, Ivy left the boys with one task, to find things for Scarlett.

The task however proved to be difficult as neither boys genuinely knew what a baby wanted.

"Ivy it's okay. Continue your shopping I'll make sure the boys get good presents, you know something that won't injure anyone" Ophelia offered smiling. Although Ivy was sure Lia would just pick out something equally as ridiculous, she let her best friend wander off to help the boys.

Ivy had already gotten everyone's presents, some books for Remus, birthstone earrings for Lily and Ophelia, some sweets for Peter, a new tea-set for Euphemia, a new watch for Fleamont as he had broken his last, she even managed to get a signed Puddlemere United jersey for James, then there was Sirius.

They'd had always given each other small gifts but nothing was ever to extravagant, as that wasn't something the couple ever did. This year however was their first year as a family and Ivy wanted it to be special, that's why when she saw the retail section in the paper she knew she had to do it.

Her and Lily were left quite a bit of money after their parents passing, and it was more than enough for Ivy to place a damage deposit on a Ivy covered cottage on the shore, it was a 20 minute walk for the Potter Manor and it was right by the ocean. Ivy hoped he'd like it, as she could already see their family growing at the quaint little cottage.

Smiling down at the key she held in her left hand she didn't even notice, Lily make her way back over to section of the store Ivy was in. "What's that?" Lily asked confused, pointing at the silver object.

Ivy slightly startled and embarrassed hair turned pink and silver. "It's a key" Ivy stated casually tucking the key back into her jeans pocket.

"A key for what?" Lily questioned starring at her twin expectedly.

"For a home" Ivy answered as she began browsing through Children's books, hoping to find a couple muggle fairytales to read to her daughter.

"A home?"


"Who's home?"

"My home, well mine and Sirius's and Scarlett's" Ivy spoke softly hoping no one else was over hearing.

"Aw you bought a home for your family. That's his present isn't it?" Lily knew exactly what her sister had planned. She knew her better the Ivy knew herself, and she always supported Ivy's decisions.

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