Ch.29-I love you (chocolate)

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Ever since their parents unfortunate demise, Euphemia and Flemaont Potter had been most generous to let the Evans girls moved in

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Ever since their parents unfortunate demise, Euphemia and Flemaont Potter had been most generous to let the Evans girls moved in. It was almost a dream come true for the older parents, James was a miracle baby and now they had 5 teenagers living under their roof. They finally had the big family that had always dreamed of.

Ivy adored Euphemia to a point that was non existent, so as the group of friends sat on the train ride home, she couldn't help but worry. She was terrified of Euphemais disapproval of her pregnancy and even though she knew and everyone around her kept reminding her, that Euphemia Potter could never discourage such a thing, her mind couldn't help but wander.

Madam Pomfrey had supplied Ivy with enough vitamins to last through out the summer and gave her the card of a doctor at St. Mungo's who would look over the rest of her pregnancy.

Now that she was 3 months pregnant and the pregnancy was out in the open it was no longer just Sirius who became over protective. Ivy couldn't find a time of day when either her boyfriend or her twin weren't breathing down her neck. She knew it was all for her benefit but sometimes she just wanted to be left alone.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" The candy lady walked over and to Ivy the sounds of a couple chocolate frogs didn't sound so bad and front he thought of it the baby agreed.

"Can I get 2 chocolate frogs please?" Ivy handed her money to the lady before quickly devouring the frogs before the could escape. What shocked her was when Sirius also got a few chocolate frogs.

"You hate chocolate" Ivy said pointedly.

"Yeah but obviously the baby doesn't, you never get anything from the trolley love. I can tell when your having cravings" Sirius stated before handing over 4 chocolate frogs and kissing Ivy in the heads.

"I love you"

"I love you too" Sirius was quick to say back but the laughs from James, Lily, and Ophelia brought his out of the lovestruck trance Ivy always put him in.

"Pads I'm not trying to burst you bubble or anything, but I'm pretty sure she was talking to the chocolate there not you" James tried saying sincere but couldn't help but laugh once more.

"Siri he's right I mean Remus does this to me all the time" Lia chimed in overlapping the soft I love you that emitted from Remus's mouth before he ate his chocolate bar. "See he just bloody did it again!"

"He Ivy?" Sirius poked his girlfriend to get her attention.

Turning but just raising an eyebrow in question as the youngest Evans mouth was currently stuffed with chocolate.

"When you said I love you a moment again, you said it to me not the chocolate right?" Sirius teased slightly.

Swallowing the last of the chocolate quickly so she could answer. Of course she was talking to the chocolate and not Sirius her hormones were all out of wack. "Of course I meant you" she lied.

Remus who had just started paying attention after his chocolate leaned forward in his seat across from Ivy. "Don't worry I do it to Lia all the time, she's never noticed" Remus whispered, not as quietly as he thought.



The Black twins voicing overlapped as they accused their partners. The useless argument went on for maybe about 20 more seconds before the whole compartment burst into laughter. Times like these, they really did forget there was a war brewing and at any moment one of them could be lost. For now though the remained innocent enough arguing about chocolate.


Arriving at the Potter Manor, Ivy couldn't bring herself to move from the cobblestone driveway through the white oak door.

"Ives what do you think you're doing?" Sirius asked as everyone and already gone inside.

"What if Euphemia hates me?!"

The question almost came out instantly. Euphemia Potter had become a huge part of Ivy Evans life and she was not a woman she ever wanted to disappoint.

"If it makes you feel better I've never known Mia or Monty for that matter to hate anything, well unless you're my parents. Just hold my hand love, you'll be okay" Sirius Black always knew what to say whenever it came to Ivy, he knew her like the back his hand.

Reluctantly Ivy interlocked her fingers with his before entering the house she now knew as home. Upon entry it looked like everyone had gone to go unpack, but if Ivy was going to tell her she needed to do it now.

The moment she heard the door open Euphemia rushed to go greet who she knew would be her second son and hopefully a future daughter in law.

But it was the way the couple presented themselves so loving even if they were just holding hands, not only that but Ivy was glowing. "Oh my Merlin! You're pregnant!!" The elder witch rushed forward embracing Ivy in a tight hug.

"Oh Fleamont can you go pick up a cake from that place the kids like? We're celebrating!!" Euphemia was excitedly jumping around like a kid in a candy store, she couldn't believe it a baby. "Oh I'm going to be a Grandmother!!"

At this point Ivy and Sirius couldn't help the wide smiles that graced both their faces at watching Euphemia's childish antics.

James, Lily and Ophelia were all shocked upon returning to the living room to see the Potter Matiarch jumping around yelling about being a grandmother. The amount of energy that woman had was unbeatable.

"Mia how're you going to be a grandmother? I mean Ivy and I aren't your kids" Sirius questioned the mum like figure in front of him.

"You've been my son since the moment you've step in this house and Ivy is practically already my daughter in law because of that" Euphemia quickly explained as though it was obvious. Hugging the couple quickly once again before scurrying off to make some tea for the 5 new arrivals.

"She was so happy"

"She called me her son"

"She was so happy"

"She called you her daughter in law"

"She was so happy"


The couple couldn't help but counties repeating what had just happened in the span of 5 minutes. Surprised, shocked, but most of all undeniably happy was what everyone at Potter Manor felt upon the current situation.

Only one person being scared was Ophelia, because if Pandora and Ivy were both already pregnant, she was next.

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