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It had been a couple days since she got home. Tae was still sleeping when she came in from her shower looking through a pile of clothes he still hadn't bothered to put away.
"Baby you gotta wake up." She said softly finally finding her pants and getting dressed.
"Hmmmm five more minutes." She smiled looking at him search the sheets to pull her close as she pulled the dressing from her stomach with a moan. "Why aren't you in bed?" He whined still not bothering to open his eyes. She changed her dressing pulling Yoongi's sweater down.
"Because I have to go to the studio today." He let out a huff and looked over finally managing to open his eyes.
"Oh right... I have to come too.." he sat up looking absolutely adorable as he rubbed his eyes.
"Unless you want to get in trouble for not turning up sure" she fixed her hair in the mirror and let out a yawn as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"How about we both don't go?"
"And face the anger of Namjoon, I don't think so." She reached up to play with his hair and checked her phone. "I'll meet you in the kitchen in 10 minutes." She placed a kiss on his cheek and made her way to the door only to be stopped by him pulling her back.
"I want a real kiss."
"Nope. Not until you're ready." She slipped out of his grip and walked to the kitchen picking up a coffee that Yoongi has made for her.
"He's not still asleep? We'll be late." Namjoon complained falling onto the couch.
"No. He's up, he's getting dressed I told him to be quick." Today's session was just the 4 of them and jungkook and she had some other songs that needed setting up before they could come home. The rest of them were off dancing for their day.

Finally reaching the studio they sat in the room as Yoongi pulled a song up.
"Ladies first. The faster bit in 34"  she walked into the booth placing her earphones on pulling faces and Yoongi.
"She playing something knew?" Namjoon asked and he chuckled.
"Something like that."
He started the music and they sat back listening.
"Baby, you might need a seatbelt when I ride it
I'ma leave it open like a door, come inside it
Even though I'm wifey, you can hit it like a side chick
Don't need no side dick, no" jungkook choked on his drink and Yoongi looked over his shoulder.
"Calm down jk." Namjoon covered his face in shock and Tae thought he might have a heart attack as she carried on.
"Got the neighbors yellin', "Earthquake"
4.5 when I make the bed shake
Put it down heavy even though it's lightweight"
"Oh my god"
"This woman will be the death of me"
"Yoongi did she write that?"
"We both did." He paused the music laughing through the speaker. "That's better. Can I get that chorus higher?" She gave a nod and Tae laughed looking at the floor knowing it can't get any worse.
"Can you stay up all night?
Fuck me 'til the daylight
34, 35
Can you stay up all night?
Fuck me 'til the daylight
34, 35" Namjoon was more than shocked at this point until jungkook spoke up.
"What does 34 35 mean?"
"Add them together dumbass" jungkook started adding in his head and paused for a moment.
"Wait what! You guys do that?" Tae let out a laugh watching the boy loose his mind over a song.
"Beautiful princess. You can come out now. Before jk's mind explodes." Yoongi spoke and she walked out looking at the 3 boys with raised eyebrows.
"Nothing!" They all shouted. Yoongi laughed leaning back in his chair.
"You should see the dance practice video for that. Kept me entertained for hours." He laughed and she couldn't help but go red.
"Yoongi..." he shrugged turning round in his chair
"Don't worry taehyung, I'm sure she'll give you a privet view when the stitches are healed."
"For fuck sake Yoongi!"

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