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The doctors were impressed that she was awake and speaking. Everything seemed fine at the time. She of course needed to stay put to give herself time after surgery but she was doing well. The boys were finally allowed back in but only one at a time incase she was over whelmed and they all looked at eachother giving a nod before looking to Yoongi.
"As much as we all want to sit with her you should go."
"You need to talk to her yoon. Then you can stop feeling so guilty about it." He took a shaky breath before walking to the room leaving a soft knock on the door before entering. She was pulling her gown back up her shoulder when he walked in sneaking a glimpse at the stitches scattered across her shoulder.
"Hey..." he stayed by the door unsure weather to approach her until she she said that making his heart heavy in his chest.
"You nearly died and the first thing you say is hey? Jesus Christ." She laughed at his words wincing when she did and he grew worried.
"You gonna stand there all day? I kinda want a hug." He walked over careful of her sore body as he wrapped his arms around her stroking her hair feeling the relief wash over him.
"I'm so sorry..." he finally choked out. "This is my fault I-"
"Please don't blame yourself. I don't want to hear it come out of your mouth okay?"
"Yoongi. Don't." He gave up his fight and just held her for a moment.
"I am sorry about what happened with Namjoon. I was scared I'd never get to tell you." She sighed pulling away from him looking absolutely exhausted in that moment.
"We were all in the wrong with it, but it doesn't matter right now. Okay?" She thought back to what he said when she was barely awake. Please don't die on me. She had only just heard it when she drifted in and out she had thought about giving up before he said it, letting herself slip away into a sleep and never coming back, but the way he said it... she couldn't leave them. None of them, even Namjoon after everything that's happened. As if by magic the door opened a little and a mess of black curls poked round the door.
"Yoongi. Namjoon is here with a change of clothes. Go and change no offence but you stink." They had been waiting for about 8 hours and Yoongi had spent the whole time pacing back and forth he had worked up a sweat plus the worrying helped. "Go on I'll stay with her." He placed a kiss on her forehead leaving the room as Tae walked over looking at her. "How you feeling jagiya?" She smiled a little the name like music to her ears as he looked down at her.
"I've come to the conclusion I don't like being shot." He chuckled at her sarcasm and sat down with a small smirk.
"Had to try it a few more times to work it out?"
"Hmm." She groaned a little at the pain in her shoulder and looked at him. "You know what?" He raised an eyebrow as she held in a small laugh making him question her. "I've nearly died so many times I'm starting to think I'm immortal."
"Ah doing wonders for that god complex I see." She let out a little laugh and groaned again. "Want me to get the nurse? You shouldn't be hurting." His calm and fun demeanour cracked a little showing how scared he was and she shook her head.
"I'm fine baby, but hey at least we know none of you can get rid of me since I can't die." Tae laughed shaking his head when the door opened again.
"Who can't die now?" She smiled as the boys entered one by one.
"Me." She looked over at a smiling Jimin who came to comb her hair back with his fingers.
"Is that so?"
"Yep, many a man have tried to take me out now Jimin, so either they were a bad shot or I'm immortal." He chuckled looked at Tae who was as equally assumed by her sudden revelation.
"Let's not put your theory to the test Hmm? I don't think you can spare anymore ruined clothes because of blood." He kissed her cheek and moved out the way her breathing hitching when she saw Namjoon was there, he stood in the corner taking in the sight of her broken body.
"It's not as bad as it looks, well I'm on a ton of painkillers so I'm assuming it isn't."
"How the hell are you still cracking jokes?" She smiled at the remark looking at him with tired eyes.
"Either I'm naturally funny or the drugs are helping I haven't decided yet." Jungkook let out a laugh at it and she looked over at him spotting Hobi next to him. "What do you think? Am I a little fucked?" He shook his head scoffing at her catching sight of the stitches creeping under her hospital gown.
"I think you need to rest sunshine, you got shot 8 times."
"Shit really? I didn't notice." Jimin was trying to contain his laughed and she groaned. "Sorry that was mean, I didn't mean that Hobi."
"It's okay baby I know but you do need to rest." She whined at him looking to the eldest in the room.
"Jin tell him I'm fine. I don't want to rest."
"No but you should sweetheart. Get some sleep and we'll be here when you wake up. She huffed looking at Namjoon catching his eye a little.
"Can you stay?" He looked around and the others were a little shocked, but she was basically high right now so they let it slide.
"No the brick wall behind you." She started to close her eyes a little and they all made a move to leave the room leaving namjoon frozen in the corner. "Can you erm... the covers are annoying me.." she tried to move to kick them off but stopped when he rushed over pulling them off her.
"Better?" She hummed in response and he looked down at the stitches all up her legs. He counted 3 bullet wounds in one leg, one in her shoulder that made 4 there was one in her other thigh so 5. It was like she could read his mind as his eyes followed over her because she pulled the end on her gown up showing him the last 3. One next to her bellybutton and two below it. "I..."
"If you say you're sorry I'll hurt you." She warned her nose twitching as she tried to hide her pain.
"Okay... did they erm hit anything? Inside.." she took a heavy breath nodding and placing a hand on her stomach.
"The one in my thigh hit an artery, they it it was a lucky I didn't bleed out but it was Lodged inside so they were able to help. And..." she trailed off thinking for a moment. "You can't tell the boys... but the 3 in my stomach damaged my uterus, they had to take half of it out. Plus the tube on that side and the ovary."
"I don't under-"
"I can't have kids Namjoon." He sat down not being able to stand with the amount of shock he was in, her lip quivered a little and she bit it to stop it shaking. "Before I left we were talking about trying to have a baby... they looked so happy, Namjoon I... I can't give them what they want... what any of you want... what do I do..." she tried to control her sorrow but her voice faltered under the thought.
"You have to talk to them Luna, they'll understand-"
"What if they don't? I can't loose them. I already lost you." His face dropped slowly taking her hand.
"Baby girl..." he sighed "I regret what happened between us so much... and I hate that you're in here because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. It was the most selfish thing I could've done. I've hurt everyone because of it but most of all I've hurt you too much... but you could never loose me. You never did, I'll speak to the boys if you want me too. Then we can take care of everything together. As a team."
"But management-"
"Don't worry about them. I spoke with sejin privetly after you all stormed out the other day. They aren't making you leave. They retracted the statement this morning and have agreed to let the relationship continue in the public eyes, apparently a lot of fans love the idea that one girl is making us all happy."
"Even you?"
"Especially me... when you get out of here I want to take you out, I know the boys will too since we can all be seen in public but just me and you, I want to fix everything and take it slow, if you'll let me?" She smiled a little feeling her eyes getting heavy again.
"Yeah... I love you Namjoon... don't leave again..." her hand slipped from his as she gave in to the exhaustion making him smile.
"I love you too baby, I'll never walk away again..."

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