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"Mr kin taehyung." He smiled as the lawyer addressed him taking his seat at the stand. "What was your thoughts when you first met Miss seoyoen?"
"Well I thought she was a sweet girl, and that she was very pretty."
"Right. You help her move into her apartment right?"
"Yes I did and the boys help later on in the day."
"Is this when you met her father for the first time?"
"What was your first impression?"
"I didn't like him."
"Why not?"
"He made comments about leaving her to clean after we had eaten. And she seemed off around him."
"What do you mean by seemed off?"
"She was quite and seemed to act careful with everything, she just seemed nervous."
"Would you say she is a nervous person?"
"Not unless she's around her father."
"Can you recount what happened on may 28th?"
He thought for a moment and nodded.
"I had stayed over at her apartment the night before and I woke up to shouting."
"Who was shouting?"
"Mr seoyoen."
"What was he saying?"
"He called her names and told her she was in trouble."
"Where was this taking place?"
"In her bedroom?"
"Where were you?"
"The living room."
"So you walk to the bedroom and then what?"
"I pushed the door open as he hit her."
"Like a punch?"
"No a slap."
"Then what?"
"I got mad. He left and I asked her to speak up."
"What did she say?"
"She told me not to say anything because it would get worse."
"And what made you speak up?"
"When he starved her til she passed out in a practice."
"I realised it couldn't get worse."
"You looked after miss seoyeon when she returned from the hospital yes?"
"Yes. Me and my band mates."
"How was she after this? After mr seoyeon had been removed from her?"
"She was happier. She was eating well and it was almost like she could be herself."
"You two entered into a relationship in this time am I correct?"
"Yes we did."
"And you would say you've seen the effects he had had on her?"
"Yes I would say that."
"And you can say confidently that she is happier and healthier than when you first met."
"Yes. I can."
"That's all your honour." He wasn't asked anything more and he came to sit down.
"Calling next jeon jungkook." She gave him a hopeful smile as he walked over to the stand.
"Hello sir. Would you say you and miss seoyeon are close?"
"Could you describe your relationship to the court please."
"She's like a big sister to me, ever since we got to know her she has always taken care of me and helps me with things like writing songs and dancing."
"That's lovely. You started your friendship by dropping her mail over didn't you?"
"Tell me about that."
"Well. In the building we live in the people who work there hand out the mail and some times it gets mixed up. So her letters and things sometimes came to us. It was always my job to hand it out to the rest of the boys so I would take hers as well."
"Right. Now you witnessed marks on miss seoyeon around this time right?"
"Yeah. I caught her on the way back from practice and her cheek was starting to bruise."
"Did you ask her about it?"
"Yes sir."
"And what did she say?"
"She said she had fallen."
"Did she ever tell you the truth?"
"Yes. She said she was sorry for lying but she was scared that he might hurt her more."
"That who might hurt her?"
"Her father."
"Thank you no more questions."

After more witnesses Yoongi was finally called to the stand giving a reassuring nod to Luna.
"How are you today?"
"I'm good. I'll be better when this is over."
"Why is that?"
"Because it will mean that my friend is safe and she can get on with her life." The lawyer nodded and continued his questions.
"You saw the aftermath when miss seoyeon was attacked right?"
"How did that happen?"
"Me and taehyung broke her door down."
"And what did you find?"
"She had been hurt really bad. So I went to find her dad and taehyung took her to our apartment to lock the door."
"How did you know is was him?"
"I heard him shouting at her to shut up."
"And if you had found him?"
"I would've done what he had done to her."
"No further questions thank you."

The group sat listening to episode seeing images of weight loss and things such as a belt that had been used against her when her father was called to the stand.
"Mr seoyeon. Do you love your daughter?"
"Of course I do."
"Before we wrap up this case is there anything you would like to say to her."
"Objection your honour. The defendant has already caused enough."
"Overruled. I'll let him speak."
"Luna," she finally looked at him for the first time almost like a knee jerk reaction. "I will never stop being proud of the woman you have become. And I would like to think that I had a hand in shaping you. Just know that I love you."
"Is that all?"
"Would Luna like to give a reply before we sentence?" She thought for a moment everyone thinking she was going to remove when she stood up.
"Yes. Thank you your honour." She walked onto the floor biting her lip.
"When I was young I never understood why mom would flinch when you spoke. Or why you would lock my bedroom door for days on end. And I still don't. But you're right. I stand here today, stronger than I have ever been, because I can face you. And I can tell you that I still hate you. And you did help to shape me, you shaped me with belts and fists and shouts, and in the end you helped to shape me with a gun. That night you killed the only part of me that was scared of you. That would jump when you shout. And now I'm going to walk out of here, with the people who love me. I'm going to face the world, and I am going to do this. For me. Not for you, because I will never. Do this for you again."

"Life." The words hit her like a ton of bricks. Her mouth hung open and she stayed sat and people clapped.
"Luna? Luna? Did you hear that?"
"We did it." She finally stood up and she was pulled into a hug by all of the boys and her father was taken away.
"Come on. Let's go home." Namjoon said and she was lead outside to see a sea of reports and they finally stopped so she could speak.
"I have no words, I am unbelievably happy that now I can live without the fear of him over my head. All I can say is thank you to everyone including my band members who stood and spoke for me today. And thank you to-" she let her tears go a little and Tae hugged her as she composed herself "sorry, thank you to the fans who stood with us at this time and the support all around the world. I hope I can from now on be the best person possible and we can work together to create a world where no one ever has to live in fear again. Thank you." They were escorted to the car and she sat in between Tae and Yoongi finally crying and letting everything out.

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