Breaking point

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Namjoon slipped into Tae's room the next day, most of them were out or busy in their room, Luna on the other hand was still in the bedroom making the bed so she could go and help Yoongi in the studio.
"Hey, can we talk?" She looked over her shoulder at him giving a nod and getting her bag to start getting ready to leave. "Yesterday I... I messed up, I'm really sorry I never meant-"
"Why are you saying sorry? You got what you wanted right? You wanted to get off and you did."
"That's a little harsh isn't it?"
"Really? I thought carrying on after I told you I couldn't do it was harsh."
"Luna. You said green."
"After 20 minutes of asking you to just let me sleep and you biting me." He huffed as she slammed things into the bag.
"Can you just stop for a minute we really need to sort this out." She ignored him until he reached out pulling her wrist towards him almost on instinct she pushed him backwards and pulled away. "Luna."
"Leave me alone Namjoon."
"You led me on and now you're mad because you couldn't take it?"
"I'm mad because you wore me down! Even when I told you it was hurting me! You shoved my underwear in my mouth like I'm your whore! Coz that's what I am aren't i?" He gulped remembering his words and the names he called her while on top that morning, his stomach twisted with guilt as she reminded him.
"No namjoon. I'm done."
"What?" He looked at her in shock as she headed for the door of the bedroom. "Luna wait please." He tried to get on her way but she only pushed him.
"Every time you take it too far! Then you say sorry and the next time we lay down it happens all over again. I came to you because I was slipping and I wanted to feel safe. You took advantage of it."
"I didn't know you were slipping or I wouldn't-"
"That's what would've stopped you? Not me telling you to stop? Not the fact I said the safe words and then you decided to cover my mouth?"
"You haven't told anyone about that have you?"
"You're lucky I haven't. Now get out my way."
"Luna please don't they don't have to miss out on you because of me." She frowned for a moment clocking what exactly he meant.
"Namjoon, I'm breaking you with you. Not them. They didn't do anything wrong. Until you learn to control yourself and listen I'm not going to be around you." He snapped the moment she said it following her out the door trying to get her to talk to him.
"WILL YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!" His hand ending up in her hair instead of the shirt he aimed to grab and he pulled her backwards against him as she let out a painful Yelp. "I'm fucking talking to you." Her hands were gripping his wrist behind her head as he looked down at her.
"Hobi..." she said looking at the man in the doorway frozen in shock.
"What the fuck is going on out here." He looked like he was ready for training but now his mind was on anything but work at the soon Namjoon manhandling her the way he was. Suddenly the leader snapped back letting go of her and stumbling back. Hobi pulled her close searching her face for emotion, he saw how startled she was and cupped her face. "You okay?" She nodded quickly and he wiped away a tear she was unaware of falling. "Okay go on, Yoongi is waiting at the studio for you, the car is outside just go and I'll take care of it okay?" She nodded running off down the hall as Namjoon sank to the floor trying to process what he had done.

"Yo Hobi what's up? He did what? Is she okay? Alright alright. Yeah I'll send Jimin out to meet her now. Okay man. Yeah don't worry about it. Text me okay? Alright later." Yoongi put down the and looked at Jimin who was sat on the couch while Tae was in the booth. "Go and meet Luna outside, she needs cheering up."
"What happened?" He stood up concerned.
"She's was fighting with Namjoon about yesterday and he grabbed her. Hobi caught him and sent her out."

"Hey princess you alright?" She walked into the studio and he spun around in his chair opening his arms for her. She came over to settle in his lap while they listened to Tae sing his track. "What happened Hmm?"
"I don't wanna talk get into it, can we just do this?" He gave a nod seeing her phone light up in her lap with texts from Namjoon telling her he was sorry and he didn't mean it.

Baby I'm so sorry.
Please come home and talk to me.
I'll let the boys hold me down so you know I won't touch you.
I didn't mean it. Baby, you're not really leaving me are you?
I love you so much baby please talk to me.

Yoongi read through them all when she disappeared to the toilet for a minute and sighed to himself, they weren't supposed to get involved in each other's arguments but this... surely he couldn't let this slide. He passed the phone to Jimin letting him read to and they looked at eachother.
"But if she breaks up with him..."
"He'll loose it if the rest of us keep her around."

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