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*Hours Later*

I finally finished up the final touches with Cindy in the hall I rented for the after party. I let out a loud sigh and Cindy did too.

"We finished." I said while leaning against the bar.

"I know." She said doing the same.

We were silent for a minute, taking in the view of the hall. A bouquet of roses at every table, pearls scattered along the table with white table cloths. Every plate, and kitchen utensil was neatly placed. Everything was finally in place and exactly the way I wanted it to be.

"Thank you so much," I said while enclosing Cindy in a big hug.

"Aw Blakeley, I wouldn't have done it for anyone else!"

We both smiled at each other until she drew her attention to the clock hanging over the bar.

"Hey shouldn't you be getting home to see your soon-to-be husband?"

I glanced at the clock too.

"Oh yes! Quick, help me get these empty boxes into my car!"

Cindy and I gathered all the empty boxes and placed them in the trunk of my Camry. When all was put away, I drove Cindy to the guy's apartment (because she wanted to see Zach), and began my drive home.


I arrived home and was making my way up the stairs when I heard my phone go off. I glanced down at it and realized it was a message from Jesse:

Hey babe, you on your way yet? (:


I smiled and texted him back:

Making my way up the stairs now darling.

I hit send and continued to walk up the stairs until I reached our floor. I knocked on our door and immediately Jesse opened it.


"Hi Jesse!"

"Oh I missed you so much!" He said while picking me up.

I laughed, "It hasn't been that long."

"I know, I just feel like I haven't actually held you and felt your warmth in ages."

He placed me back on my feet and I gave him a lingering kiss. Before we could go on any further, Jesse pulled away.

"Blakeley," he started, "I have something I want to show you..."

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Close your eyes and take my hand."

I smiled and did what he asked.

Jesse guided me to my surprise, eventually we stopped and he told me to open my eyes. Feeling a rush of excitement, I did. I opened my eyes to find a man and woman sitting upon my couch gazing at me. I quickly rose an eyebrow, who were these people?

The first to speak among the four of us was the man, "Blakeley..." He said while reaching for me.

I took a step behind Jesse, I was confused and scared.

"Don't be scared Silver," Jesse reassured me.

"Who are these people?" I whispered.

Jesse turned around to face me and took both of my hands in his.

"Remember how you told me how much you wished to see your real parents?"

I nodded.

"Well when you said recently that you wanted someone to walk you down the aisle, I knew that the only person who could do that for you, was your father..."

I didn't speak.

"So I found him, and your mother..."

My jaw dropped and my heart felt as if it was no longer beating. I could not find any words to say. This was impossible, how could this be?

The man slowly rose from my rundown couch and made his way towards Jesse and I. I retreated behind Jesse, I feared the strangers in my home.

"It's okay Silver," he said while turning his head to face me, "They aren't going to hurt you, I promise."

I looked from Jesse to the 6 foot tall man in front of us. He wore a green, plaid button-up shirt with dark jeans and caramel colored boots. His dark beard looked neatly trimmed, as well as his short brown hair. The last thing I glanced at was his silvery grey eyes... I took a step from behind Jesse and towards the tall man.

We now stood inches apart, both of us unsure what to do next... Within minutes, without words, he reached out a large hand in my direction.

Did he want me to take it?

Hesitantly, I did. His skin felt rough and coarse, but oddly warm as well. The feeling was quite comforting. I glanced up at the man and noticed a smile forming upon his lips.

"Blakeley," he said in a soothing voice, "How I've longed to see you..."

Soon my eyes became glossy, I knew that this was my father. It wasn't just the appearance of him, it was just something I felt when I took his hand. It was like a surge of electricity was transferred from the veins beneath his skin to mine, and everything somehow made sense.

I looked up at the man who was in fact my father and said the one word that I never thought I'd ever get to call any man in my entire lifetime:


Immediately he pulled me into a deep hug and I wrapped my arms around him tightly as if this was the only time I'd ever see him. He kissed the top of my head as he held me and rocked me back and forth.

"I'm so sorry we left you..." his voice cracked, "Never again, never again..."

The tears spilled from my eyes and stained my father's shirt. My dreams came true, words could not even explain my feelings right now. My father pulled away from me, his eyes were slowly turning a shade of red from his excessive tears.

The woman who was sitting near him rose and came to my side. Her eyes too were glossy, as she stroked my face with her cold index finger a smile soon formed across her lips.

"My baby, my sweet little girl. It's been so long since I've actually touched you or your brother."

"Mom!" I said as I lunged into her arms.

My father enclosed us both in a group hug. My family was reunited again for the first time in forever. The only one missing, was Blake...

But as if on cue, there was a knock on the door. Jesse ran to the door and opened it and Blake flew in.

"Blakeley!? Jesse!? I came over as soon as I could. What's the emergency?"

Blake paused when he saw me within the arms of our mother and father. He examined our tear stained faces and then became puzzled.

"What is going on?" he asked.

My mother released my father and I and stepped towards Blake.

"My baby boy..." she said while reaching out a shaky hand.

He stepped back, "Do I know you?"

"Blake," I said while walking over to him, "It's-it's mom and dad."

"What!?" He said shocked.

"Yeah," I smiled, "They found us."

Blake stared deeply into our mother's eyes, he was searching for answers, signs, anything that proved she was our legitimate mother. They stared at each other for at least 5 minutes until Blake's eyes became glossy.

"M-mom?" His voice cracked.

She pulled him into a deep hug, and they both cried. Once again, the four of us were all crying in each other's arms. The Thomas' were reunited for the first time, in 23 years.

Silver - [Jesse Rutherford]Where stories live. Discover now