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Picture this, Boston Massachusetts, a city that never seems to sleep (aside from Las Vegas); people were chattering at a local bar across the street and cars were honking their horns out of rage or excitement for an unforgettable Friday night. It was 10:05 PM and I was tired as hell from a long day of working at the Dunkin Donuts down the street and running a few errands. I slammed the window near my bed shut to mute the obnoxious noises coming from outside and plopped onto my bed. I grabbed my classwork I had to complete for the courses I took at BC (Boston College) and began to fill them out. My plan after college was to get an English Major and become a writer, unless I could make it big in the music industry because I loved to sing.

I guess you could say I was pretty intelligent, but I had another side to me that came out when it was time to get down and party... I picked up my pencil and began to write out my full name Blakeley Cheyenne Thomas, this sheet of paper I was filling out required my age, current occupation, hobbies, et cetera; pretty much a "tell us about yourself" kinda paper. Well I'm 19, soon to be 20, I'm an only child, and both of my parents abandoned me when I was very young, so I mainly spent most of my life moving in and out of foster homes. I work at Dunkin Donuts as of right now, I write and listen to bands, mainly The Neighbourhood, and I sing. I also live alone in a small, yet cozy apartment not too far away from the college I attend, and I have a good amount of friends...

After I finished filling out that paper and the rest of my work it was 12:00 AM, I decided it was time to get some sleep, after all, I did have work at 9 tomorrow.


"Hi, welcome to Dunkin Donuts. How may I help you today?" I said with as much enthusiasm as I could.

"Hi, can I have a large regular ice coffee, cream and sugar, along with a glazed donut."

"Sure thing."

I told him his total and prepared his coffee. He paid in cash, and when I gave him his donut and coffee he hurried off without a simple thank you. It never really bothered me when people weren't polite and didn't use manners here, but it would be nice every once in awhile to hear...


Finally it was break time, the best time of the day. I leaned up against the outside of the tiny Dunkin Donuts with one foot on the concrete wall and the other on the ground. I pulled out my carton of Marlboros and opened it to find only one cigarette left in there.

"Damn." I said aloud.

I keep saying I'm going to quit but I never do, I guess I'm just too stressed out most of the time to care. I threw the carton on the floor and took my favorite tie dyed lighter and lit the cig. As I took a small puff from my cigarette, I heard someone yelling my name.

"Blakeley? Blakeley!"

I whipped my head around to see Cindy Blaine standing on the corner waving frantically at me. Cindy was my best friend since I started college, but I have been a little jealous of her physical appearance. She had beautiful long dirty blonde hair and stunning hazel eyes, whereas me, I had simple long straight brown hair, with the only thing I liked about myself, grey eyes. She practically skipped over to me and had the biggest smile on her face that seemed to extend from ear to ear.

"Hey Cindy, what's up?" I said while taking another drag from my cigarette.

"Guess who got two tickets to see the greatest boy band in the whole world and is taking you!?"

"Cindy, I don't like One Direction..." I sighed.

She rolled her eyes, "No you idiot! The Neighbourhood!"

As I took a drag, I choked a little, "The Neighbourhood?"

"Yes and I am taking you! They're performing here tomorrow!"

I choked again on my final drag, "T-Tomorrow!? But tomorrow is my birthday!"

"Yes I know, it's my birthday gift for you! I was going to tell you earlier but I kept forgetting, and I knew how much you loved them so I wasn't going to give that ticket to anyone but you!" she laughed.

I threw my cigarette butt to the floor and enclosed Cindy in a tight hug.

"You're welcome!" She giggled.

"I wish you would've told me earlier! Now I don't know what to wear..."

I began to panic which made her put both of her hands on my shoulders. "Listen, the concert isn't until 6 tomorrow okay? You have plenty of time to find an outfit and mentally prepare yourself." She laughed.

"Okay, okay..." I breathed.

Cindy and I began to fangirl, until one of my coworkers tapped on the glass of the nearby window signaling that my break was over. I hugged Cindy one last time and thanked her for the most amazing birthday gift, and hurried back into Dunkin to finish the rest of my shift.

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