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(Weeks Later)

(Jesse's p.o.v.)

It honestly felt great to be back in Cali; I got to see my family again and sleep in my own bed. Although we were all home, that didn't mean our work was done; we still needed to practice. I met up with the boys every day since we returned from Boston, we'd chill at each others' places, go out to eat, or even go out to a party or two.

Today we hung out at Zach's place; we talked, laughed, and played a few songs. After awhile we ended up having Topper's for lunch. As I indulged in my pizza, I decided to scroll through Instagram.

I saw pictures of a few bimbos and jocks I followed and then I saw a familiar face, one I had tried to forget ever since I returned. It was her.

She wasn't alone in the picture, she was with that asshole Gabe. He was kissing her cheek and she had the biggest grin on her face. I frowned.

That could've been us, I thought.

I then read the caption:

My sweet boy, he is more to me than just a boyfriend.

I frowned and quickly tossed my phone to the side. I dropped my slice of pizza back into the box and brought my hands to my face.

"You alright dude?"

I looked up and saw Brandon, he came over from the bathroom and sat next to me.

"Yeah, I'll be alright." I sighed.

There was a moment of silence and then Brandon spoke again.

"Oh I see..."

I looked up at him and saw that he was on my phone looking at the picture of Gabe and Blakeley. He pressed the power button and shut off the screen.

"Listen man, this isn't going to help you forget about her..."

"I know I know... She's just everything I could've asked for and more. I can't stop thinking about her, and not talking to her makes it worse..."

I sunk lower into the couch and stared up at the ceiling. Brandon did the same and folded his hands in his lap.

"We'll help you dude, let's go out tonight, all five of us. We'll party and find a few girls, it'll be fun."

As much as I didn't want to go out and find someone else, I agreed with Brandon. She had already moved on, and now it was my turn.


(Blakeley's p.o.v.)

It's been two very long years since I was 18, but I did it. I finally graduated college with my Associate's degree. I couldn't have been any happier than I am now. I finally could quit my stupid job at Dunkin and do something better like become an English teacher. I know at first I wanted to be a writer, but for some reason I changed my mind and thought about teaching secondary school students. I couldn't wait!

I was on my way home from an interview I had at a local middle school, I was tired and all I wanted to do was get out of these uncomfortable clothes. I opened the door to my dark apartment.


The lights flickered on and there was Cindy and Gabe along with a couple of my friends all standing there with smiles on their faces.

"Oh my gosh, you guys!" I cried.

"Congrats sweetie!" Gabe said while wrapping his arms around me.

I couldn't stop crying I was overjoyed that everyone would come together to surprise me like this. Everyone walked over and enclosed me in one enormous hug.

"Thank you everyone!" I said squished.

Everyone pulled away and laughed.

"So have you decided where you're going to work?" Cindy asked.

"I'm thinking about the local middle school, I'm going to start off there as a substitute and see if they really want to hire me permanently."

"That's great!" my friend Josh said.

"I hope you get the job!" Linda said cheerfully.

"Thank you guys, I hope so too!"

The party lingered on for about 4 hours and then everyone went home except for Gabe and Cindy, they both helped me clean up.

"Thanks for the party guys, I could really use it."

"No problem!" Cindy said while placing an empty bottle of wine in the garbage.

"Yeah, you seemed kinda glum these past few weeks and we just wanted to cheer you up." Gabe smiled.

He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my cheek. They were right, I was sorta down in the dumps every since Jesse left, I really did miss him. He brought out a side to me that I never really thought I had, I wish I had it in me to call or even text him. But I thought it would be best if things were left unsaid...

Besides, I'm with Gabe now, I'm happy with him. I do care about him and I appreciate all he's done for me but I still felt like something was missing and I didn't know what...


(Several Months Later)

(Jesse's p.o.v.)

These concerts keep getting crazier and crazier every day. I mean we must've preformed at at least over 30 concerts and there were hundreds and hundreds of people coming to each. I have been so caught up in the music that I haven't even thought about Blakeley once. Yeah, I have screwed around with a few girls to fill in the missing gaps, and yeah they weren't like Blakeley but who cares? I'm free to do whatever the hell I want when I want.

We performed in Providence, Rhode Island today. For such a small state, there were a shit load of people in the audience cheering us on. After we finished, we did a few Meet 'n' Greets with our fans. There were tons and tons of girls all lining up to speak to me, I took pictures, gave out autographs and chatted with a few of them. After awhile, the crowd slowly started to die down because we had to move on to our next destination.

The last person who greeted me was a guy. This guy was a little pale faced, short brown hair, black ray bans covering his eyes and broad shoulders. He looked pretty tall from where I was sitting.

"Hey man, what's up?" he said while sticking out a hand for me to shake.

I shook it, "Nothing much, you enjoy the concert?"

"Hell yeah! It was great, I'm a huge fan."

"Great to hear bud," I smiled, "You want me to sign something or take a picture?"

"Oh! Yeah yeah! Sign this please." he said while handing me a Neighbourhood T-shirt, "And I would like just a single picture to show my friends."

"Let's take the picture first," I said while standing next to him.

He nodded and handed one of the security guards his iPhone. He removed his glasses to show his eyes. His eyes were a peculiar color, a color I had only seen once before, grey. Blakeley had the same color eyes, now that I think about it, he looked exactly like her but in a male version. I quickly wiped that haunting image of her from my mind; we took the picture and I proceeded to sign his shirt.

"So who am I making this bad boy out to?" I asked.

"Blake, Blake Thomas."


Could it be!? I just finished this chapter today for you guys because I was just so excited for no reason lol... I love when the gears in my brain start working! Sorry I'm weird bye!

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