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(Friday) (2 Days)

I had just finally caught myself up in all the work I had missed the past two days I was absent. I spent all of Wednesday and Thursday in my small apartment hard at work trying to complete my rigorous studies. My phone would incessantly ring off the hook. When I would glance at the Caller ID, it was either Jesse or Cindy. As much as I wanted to be apart of whatever activity they were participating in, I just had no time. So I, feeling guilty, ignored each of the calls until I was finished.

I stacked up all my completed papers on my oak desk and plopped onto my bed. I let out a sigh of relief.

"I am never skipping class again!" I said aloud.

I turned over to my nightstand and opened up the draw searching for a new carton. I ripped off the plastic wrap pulled out a single cigarette lit it, and took a few puffs until I heard a few knocks on my door.

"Coming!" I said with the cigarette between my lips.

I walked over to my door and looked through the peephole to see my landlord waiting impatiently with his arms folded across his chest.

"Oh fuck!" I murmured while hurrying into the kitchen and running the cigarette under cool water.

I was absolutely not allowed to smoke in my apartment, but I did quite frequently; I would be able to get a few puffs in without getting caught. I unlocked my door and opened it only to be greeted by a skinny, old, bald man, with loose baggy clothing on.

"Hey Mr. Jacobs, what can I do you for?"

"Well first things first Ms. Blakeley, I'm still expecting last months rent on top of this months, I will evict you if I have to..." he said sternly.

I sighed, "Hold on..."

I went into my bedroom and pulled out $500 for last month and $500 for this month out of my dresser in cash. I walked back over to Mr. Jacobs while counting the money.

"Well here you are sir, one grand total."

Before he left he recounted the money to make sure I wasn't scamming him. I rolled my eyes, and waited for him to finish. He nodded and turned to leave, I slowly began to close the door until he stuck his foot in it. I reopened the door and he let himself in, he started sniffing around like he smelt something he didn't like.

"Please don't find the cigarette, please don't find the cigarette..." I repeated to myself.

"Ms. Blakeley, is that cigarette smoke I smell?" he said while searching around my living room.

"Uh, no-no... I don't smoke." I fake laughed.

He gave up search after 10 minutes and headed back for the door.

"I'm watching you Ms. Blakeley, one cigarette and you're outta here!" he sternly said.

I gulped and nodded and then he left for good, I closed the door and slid down up against it. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes resting in silence until I heard my phone ring. I pulled it out from my pocket to see the message was from Jesse:

Hey, are you ignoring me? If you don't want to talk that's fine, you could've at least told me...

I sighed again and then proceeded to dial Jesse's number it only rang once and then Jesse answered.


"Hey, I'm sorry I haven't answered you the last few days, I have just been so caught up in my work that I had no time for texting or even breathing... I'm not annoyed or anything by you..."

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