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"A baby!?!?" Cindy squealed.

"Yes!" I said cheerfully.

"When were you planning on telling me!?" She asked.

"Well I've been busy, I'm only four months and I have a bit of a stomach... I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier!"

"It's fine, at least I know now, I can't wait to see him or her! I'll fly right to Cali when they pop out of you!"

I laughed, and then a long pause arose between us.

"Blakeley?" Cindy spoke.


"I really miss you here in Boston... Sometimes I wish you would come home."

I frowned, "I know, I miss Boston and you too. It's been quite hard adjusting to the Californian lifestyle down here, they're so much more different than New Englanders."

"You'll adjust sooner or later love," she said, "but I'll have to talk to you later, I have work. Give Zach a kiss for me?"

"You bet!" I laughed.

"Thank you, I love you girly."

"I love you too."

Cindy ended the Skype call. I really did miss seeing her and I wished that I wasn't so far from her, but it was time to live my own life now and be with my husband, Jesse.

I was scheduled for a check-up today to check on the baby's growth and development. My doctor's name was Dr. Flores, she was a short, middle-aged, brunette with pink rosy cheeks and a pale complexion. Dr. Flores was also very kind as well as informative as to how I should take care of myself to ensure a safe and healthy delivery. I was alone for this check-up, Jesse was with the rest of the band recording a few songs for their new album.

"Hello Blakeley!" Dr. Flores spoke.


"How are things? The baby in particular?"

"Great, I've e felt a few little kicks, nothing major... But I know she's doing well in there."

"She? You suppose she's a girl?"

"I think so, I know I haven't really asked about the sex, but I'm so curious to know that I cannot wait any longer!"

I watched as Dr. Flores looked over her papers, "Well it says here that you're halfway through four months, is that correct?"

"Yes ma'am." I replied.

"This is usually around the time we can figure out the sex, would you like to find out?" She smiled.

My heart filled with joy and I felt a rush of warmth throughout my body.

"Yes! More than anything in the whole world!"

She laughed, and the procedure began.

Dr. Flores put on two powdered blue latex gloves and applied some cool bluish jelly onto my stomach. She glanced at the monitor and searched for the fetus.

"Ah, there they are!" she smiled.


(Jesse's p.o.v.)

"I'll never decide, I'll change every week. I won't stay in the middle, I'll kill everything, yeah I'm stuck in between if I'm wrong or I'm right. I would ask for advice, but I'll just do what I like. Can't get over the fact, people living a lie, just to stay entertained. What a waste of a life, what a waste of the space, what the fuck is your point? You're a waist with no spine, you're a waste of my time. I smoke cause I'm stressed, I try to get high, but it gets me depressed, I'm just tryna get by..."

I stopped singing, "No, no I don't like that beat change it."

"This is the third time we've changed the beat Jesse," Brandon said "How many times are we going to change it?"

"It's the bass, the bass doesn't sound right."

"Mikey change it up a bit." Brandon said.

Mikey messed around with the bass until I told him to stop. I repeated the lyrics with the new sound and it sounded perfect.

"Great, this is definitely the right sound." I said.

"Finally." Mikey rolled his eyes.

"Don't get sassy Margott." I narrowed my eyes.

"Whatever you say 'mom'." He said sarcastically.

"Only twelve more songs to go..." Jeremy interrupted.

"Well we're almost finished with the album, we should be able to release it soon for the fans." I said.

"And we already know how long they've been waiting for that..." Zach smirked.

I glanced down at my phone, the time read, seven o'clock. Looks like I'm going to be home late again... I was about to call Blakeley and let her know but I Brandon touched my shoulder.

"C'mon man, no time to be playing around we got an album to finish recording."

"Alright man."

I shoved my phone into my jeans pocket and went back into the studio.

"Alright next song, Dangerous."

"Ridin' round in my city, same thing I used to do."


(Blakeley's p.o.v.)

"Hey, this is probably like the third time I've called... I have some exciting news. Call me back please? I love you, bye."

I sighed at my phone, and stared out the window of our apartment. The world was dark, pitch black except for the few lights that illuminated in the distance. I rubbed the small bump on my stomach.

"My sweet little baby, Daddy will be home soon and I'll tell him all about you."

I laid down on the couch and rested my head on the arm.

I yawned, "Don't you worry dear Arabella, he will be home soon..."


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