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She was right, I had no one to walk me down the aisle. Who would be the one to give me away? I had always pictured my father giving me away, whoever he was; in the back of my mind I tried to envision him, but I never could make out the face... I sighed aloud.

"Everything okay babe?" Jesse asked.

"No, not really." I frowned.

Jesse wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, "What's the matter?"

"It's just-" I started, "It's just, I have always wanted my dad to be the one to walk me down the aisle... But that clearly isn't going to happen because I haven't even met the guy."

We both sighed in unison.

"Don't worry about it Silver, we'll figure something out I promise you."

He titled my chin up so that I was looking into his glistening eyes, "Smile for me babe, we're getting married soon, and you're going to be the most beautiful bride in the whole world."

I forced myself to give him a small smile and he passionately kissed me. I didn't realize how long we were kissing until I heard Zach clear his throat.

"We're still here." he laughed.

"Sorry guys," I laughed, "All this wedding stuff is making me go a little crazy..."

"I can tell darling," Cindy started, "How's about we all go out for some pizza or something?"

"Sounds good to me!" Jesse immediately said.

We all laughed and began to head out of my apartment to indulge in a cheesy delicious, and savory lunch.


(Jesse's p.o.v.)

I was out at one of the local bars with the guys and Blake. We were having our own little bachelor party, nothing too major. I was getting married in two days and I was beyond excited because I was getting married to the girl I fell in love with since day one.

I wonder how her bachelorette party is going, there better not be any male strippers there... I told Blakeley no strippers for either of us, I'm not risking losing her in any way possible...

I played around with my second beer, tapping the brown glass and thinking. I was thinking about what Blakeley said earlier about her parents. I wonder where they are and who they are... If they were there at the wedding, it would probably make her whole day. I looked to my left to see Zach and Mikey laughing.

I tapped Zach's shoulder.

"Hey dude what's up?" he asked.

"I've been thinking-"

"Dude don't tell me you're backing out now!" he interrupted.

"No man," I chuckled, "Let me finish."

"Alright, go on."

"I've been thinking about what Cindy said earlier about Blakeley not having someone to walk her down the aisle and..."

"And what?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Well how rad would it be if I got her dad to walk her down the aisle? I could get both of her parents to come to the wedding!"

Zach's eyes widened, "Dude you're insane! You're getting married in TWO days! You don't even know who they are or what they look like, you'll never find them in time!"

"Oh yeah? Watch me."

Zach shook his head at me in disbelief and carried on his conversation with Mikey. I went back to playing with my beer, thinking about how I was going to execute this plan. I had two days to find them, where to start? Then it hit me, Blake and Blakeley are twins, they both went to the same orphanage. If I found the orphanage, it would probably have Blakeley and Blake's records and on those records would definitely be there actual biological parents names and possibly contact info.

I searched for Blake and found him coming out of the men's room. I hopped off the barstool I was sitting on and hurried towards him.

"Blake!" I called.

"Jesse!" he grinned, "What's up man?"

"Hey do you mind if I ask you about a few things?"

"Like what?"

"Well it has to do with your parents." I replied while putting my hand behind my head.

"My foster parents?"

"Well your real parents..."

He sighed, "What about them?"

"Do you know anything about your really parents?" I asked.

"Well I didn't find out that I was a foster kid until I was 16. When I did find out I was beyond pissed and the only thing they ever told me about them was that they were alive and they were going through some tough times. After that, I rarely asked about them and when I did, my foster parents told me they didn't know... Why are you so interested? What are you planing?"

"I want to find your parents for Blakeley so they can go to the wedding."

Blake raised an eyebrow, "You do understand you guys are getting married in a few days right?"

"Yes and yes, that's why I'm starting now. I don't know this area well and I know that orphanage you both were put in is somewhere in Boston... I just need the address or the phone number to contact them."

Blake sighed, "I don't know the phone number but I can give you the address and directions."

"Great!" I grinned, "Show me the way."

Blake gave me the explicit directions to follow and the address. I told the guys my mission and asked them all to keep it secret. They all shot me confused looks but I didn't care. I hopped into my escalade and put the key in the ignition, the car was brought to life in seconds. I was on my way to find Blakeley's parents; I was going to find them before the wedding and that was a promise...


Hey guys sorry I took so long with this part, I've been so caught up in schoolwork that I haven't really had time, thank you all who have commented/voted/read my fanfic, I really appreciate it! I will also be updating "Psycho" as well asap! Thank you for all being patient, I'm really trying as hard as I can to get these parts out to you all! Love you guys!

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