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"Jeremy!" I screamed.

"Blakeley!?" He yelled from the other side of the door.

"It's coming!"

Jeremy pushed the door open rapidly and saw me holding my stomach on the bathroom floor.

"Oh geez," he panicked.

Jeremy carefully helped me to my feet and helped me out the door and to his car.

"Oh God this hurts!" I yelled.

"I can only imagine!"

Jeremy brought the car to life and sped off to the nearest hospital.

"I need to - Aargh! - I need to call everyone."

I pulled out my phone from my pocket the first person I called was Cindy.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Cindy!" I screeched, "The baby!"

"Oh my God! Zach and I will be at the hospital in a couple of minutes!"

I hung up the phone with her and called Jesse. I waited patiently for him to answer, but he didn't. I wasn't going to even bother calling twice. The next people I managed to call were Mikey and Lauren and then finally Brandon.

I tried to hold back the screams of pain from my stomach as Jeremy drove as fast as he possibly could...

Somehow we all arrived at the hospital relatively around the same time. They checked me in and rushed me to a delivery room. My friends were all told to wait outside.

"Please," I said grabbing onto a doctor's forearm, "I don't want to be alone for this."

"Is your husband or father of the child here?"

"No - ah! - he's not." I grimaced in pain.

"Then we can't let anyone else in."

"Let Brandon in please, he's the closest thing I have to a husband right now..."

The doctor nodded and hurried back into the waiting room to grab Brandon. The procedure was already beginning. This baby was absolutely ready to come out. Brandon rushed in by my side.

"You're going to be just fine Blakeley, I promise." He said while holding my hand.

"Did - did you guys find Jesse yet?" I panted.

He groaned, "Not yet sweetheart, but I'm sure we'll find him and he'll be here soon..."


(Jesse's p.o.v.)

I don't know why, but I listened to No. 1 Party Anthem by the Arctic Monkeys for the fifth time today. I sat alone parked on a hill in my black Escalade. The windows were down to let in a breeze and the sun was just beginning to set. I had a thick blunt in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other; not to mention, I had a great view of good ol' suburbia.

I hadn't lit my blunt yet, and I hadn't really taken any swigs of beer, I was just sitting there staring at the shitty city I lived in. The speeding cars hurried in and out of every street some faster than others... Where did they have to go in such a hurry?

I felt myself sink deeper into the leather seat of my car, as the lyrics of the song entered one ear and went out the other.

"What the hell am I doing?" I asked aloud.

I turned off the music and tilted my head back up towards the sunroof. I glanced back down at the blunt and beer in my hands and tossed them out the window. As I did this my phone went off. Jeremy was calling me.

Silver - [Jesse Rutherford]Where stories live. Discover now