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"I-I'll do it." His voice wavered. "Just stay away from him."

"Good choice." The elder man grinned. "You know what to do, I want it done within this week or else."

"Fine. Fine." He finally conceded. "Get out."

He looked over at the frail looking boys body that lay unconscious on the ground in front of him. As the door closed behind the man. He fought back the tears as he grabbed the pile of flesh and bones from the cold floor to take to his room.

Mingyu could feel his heart beating as fast as it could, running purely on adrenaline as he took his whole arm back. Only to bring it forward, letting it crash into someone's face. He heard the crowd of students behind him as they cheered for him. He smiled getting up. Taking pride in yet another useless win from an even more useless fight.

As he looked around, he got a glimpse of something, someone. While everyone recorded or cheered him on, high-fiving him for being able to knock someone out. The said figure only made a disgusted face and turned around to be the first one to leave. Making Mingyu second guess himself. Something he rarely ever did.

"Who was it this time?" Seungcheol asked, taking in mingyu's bruised hands as he walked into class.

"I don't know his name."

"You didn't know his name but you fought with him?" Seungcheol asked dumb founded.

Mingyu nodded. "He bumped into me on purpose man."

"I doubt that." The elder laughed.

Mingyu rolled his eyes as he turned his attention to the front, students were still coming but he couldn't care less about anyone that wasn't in his friend group.

Until he caught glimpse of the boy from earlier, walking into their classroom with a gentle smile playing at his lips and tiredness dancing around in his onyx eyes.

Seungcheol followed his friends eyes until they landed on the same person. "Oh no." He started. "Please don't beat him up. He's friends with Jeonghan and-"

"What?" Mingyu asked, finally snapping out of his trance.

"Wonwoo. You were staring at him like-" mingyu quickly cut him off.

"Like nothing. He's not important enough for me to even think about." Mingyu shifted in his seat.

Seungcheol only hummed in response.

Mingyu was a liar. He had known it from the very beginning. Everyone around him knew it as well. Saying that Wonwoo wasn't important enough for him to think about only proved the well known fact that he indeed was a liar. He and Wonwoo had always known each other but never truly been introduced to one another. They kind of ran around in the same friend group but their personality's could not be anymore different. Although, the one thing they had in common was how they were loved by almost everyone around them, but the students that loved Wonwoo hated Mingyu and the ones that loved Mingyu, hated Wonwoo.

Mingyu was a rough person, always had been. It wasn't a normal school day if he didn't get into a fight at least once. His heart was in the right place, but the same could not be said about his mind. And even though he had good intentions, his actions did not do a good job of showing it.

Wonwoo on the other hand was known for his gentle and caring nature, he was at the top of all of his classes and favored by mostly all of the teachers. He could be considered a nerd but no one picked on him, he looked small and fragile but he had always known to stand up for himself and so they adored him like no other.

Mingyu couldn't stop his leg from bouncing up and down and he waited for their teacher. He tried so hard to fix his eyes on something at the front, anything to keep him from turning around and looking at wonwoo. Mingyu was dumb but he had eyes. And in his eyes, Wonwoo was absolutely beautiful.

Mingyu had tried so hard to keep his head forward but he just couldn't. So he turned slowly, peering at wonwoo in the back. He smiled as his eyes laid upon the latter, trying to study all of his features so he wouldn't have the urge to look at him so much anymore. Mingyu must've gotten too lost in the boys face and the way he clicked his pen like his life depended on it because soon his eyes were met with wonwoo's as he smiled like an idiot.

Wonwoo furrowed his eyebrows at him and Mingyu smirked, looking him up and down before turning his head back to look at the empty board, regretting smirking at him.

Wonwoo hated that stupid smirk of his, and especially in that moment when mingyu's smile faded and he smirked as he looked him up and down. Wonwoo felt so small, like he had committed a huge sin and Mingyu was deciding what to do with him. It was like Mingyu was looking down upon him, and Wonwoo wanted nothing more than to punch him square in the face and then kick him in the balls and walk away leaving him in pain. Ugh, he could not stand kim Mingyu. He never understood why people admired him in the first place.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Wonwoo stopped as he walked down the hallway, his eyes laid upon a small boy, sitting on the floors in front of the lockers, crying.

When the boy only sniffled, Wonwoo sat down beside him as well, they were out of the students way so he didn't see a problem.

"It's okay. Whatever you're going through, it'll pass." Wonwoo spoke softly, not wanting to scare the boy next to him. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I-Im new here. Yesterday was my first day and-" the boy wiped his tears as he finally picked his head up and looked at wonwoo.

Only for him to realize that he had a black eye, a cut on the top of his left eyebrow and blood that was still visible as it glistened due to the light coming in from the huge window.

"Oh my-" "what happened?" Wonwoo asked with wide eyes.

"I was trying to find my class this morning when I accidentally bumped into someone and they got mad at me and-" the boy cut off as he looked back down.

He was the one Mingyu had gotten into a fight with this morning.

"I'm sorry. Not everyone here is like that. What's your name?" Wonwoo smiled.

"I'm Hansol." He smiled. "I'm in year 11. A grade below you."

"It's nice to meet you Hansol, let's be friends from now on. I'm Wonwoo, I'll take care of you." Wonwoo ruffled the younger's hair.

"Thank you Hyung." Hansol smiled as he attempted to get up.

He didn't notice someone running his way. Crashing right into him, again.

"Hansol-" Wonwoo went to help his new friend back up.

"You. Again?" Someone chuckled behind them.

Wonwoo helped Hansol up only to be met with the face that had always managed to get him riled up and irritated, so while he gritted his teeth together. Mingyu's smirk faltered for a little bit when his eyes laid on Wonwoo.

"You're such an asshole." Wonwoo mumbled as he grabbed Hansol's hand to leave.

"What did you just say jeon?" Mingyu stopped in his way.

"I said, you are an ass hole." Wonwoo spoke slowly, hitting Mingyu with every word.

"You don't even know me." The taller of the three shook his head.

"And I'm very much thankful for it, I feel bad for your friends." Wonwoo spoke with venom in his voice. "Now, If you'll excuse me." Wonwoo moved to the side and walked away from him.

Mingyu had never let anyone get the last word when he was involved in an argument of any sort, so what was happening now?

All he knew was that him and jeon Wonwoo were now enemies.

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