E l e v e n

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"Why are you following me?" Mingyu stopped when he saw Wonwoo stop and talk, still not facing him but he knew who he was addressing. Him.

Things had been a bit awkward since their little incident at school leading up to them working in silence, Mingyu had thought he was making progress only to fall back to square one. Wonwoo had told his grandma he was walking home today so she sent Mingyu after him, wanting the older to reach home safely.

And that's how they ended up here, Mingyu lagging behind the older a bit as they walked on the grey pavement.

"I didn't want you to walk alone." Mingyu talked honestly, surprising himself as well as the latter it seemed like.

"I'm not a child." Mingyu could feel Wonwoo rolling his eyes.

"I know, but wanting someone to be safe has nothing to do with age." Mingyu still hadn't moved an inch.

"Right." Wonwoo conceded. "Was I walking too fast then?"

"Huh?" The taller put his hands into the front pockets of his washed out jeans.

"Why are you walking behind me and not by my side?" Wonwoo surprised him by those words.

Mingyu decided to be a man and finally walked forward. Only stopping when he was by wonwoo's side, a little space in between their shoulders before they continued on their path.

"You didn't know how to play that game did you." Wonwoo was the first to speak this time, referring to the arcade game Mingyu had played with him a couple weeks ago.

"Nope." Mingyu shook his head.

"Thank you- for playing with me I mean." Wonwoo didnt take his eyes off of the sidewalk.

Instead of saying you're welcome, Mingyu said something completely different. "I have a question."

"Mm." Wonwoo simply answered, telling him to go ahead.

"You said I was the most terrible person in your eyes the other day." Mingyu glanced over at him. "Why? Did I do something to you in the past or-"

"No." Wonwoo cut him off. "It's nothing like that. I've just seen the way you treat people. Like they have no significance other than being your punching bags. It's never sit right with me."

"Me and Hansol are good now." Mingyu sighed as if he was trying to get wonwoo's validation. "I didn't mean to hurt him on his first day of school."

It was his way of saying I'm sorry.

Mingyu wasn't mad but he could feel himself getting a little upset, until Wonwoo continued.

"I'm sorry."

Mingyu shot up to look at his face. Never in his 17 years of life did he think he'd ever get an apology from Jeon Wonwoo of all people.

"I know there's more to you than getting into fights and being the bad boy of the school. I just hope you know you don't have to act a certain way just because that's how you started out."

It was like Mingyu had been exposed, laid bare right before Wonwoo to examine.

"You're not so bad jeon." He finally spoke after recollecting himself.

Even though he had always known Wonwoo was beautiful in every way possible in Mingyu's eyes.

Mingyu was trying so hard not to show his excitement and anticipation for something he didn't quite understand, yet. He spoke up to fill the silence in hopes that Wonwoo wouldn't hear how fast his heart was beating in those moments, thudding against his rib cage, threatening to jump out and take what he wanted, Wonwoo.

"Right back at you Kim." Wonwoo spoke casually to him for the first time and Mingyu couldn't have been happier.

"Don't be so certain there's more to me than what you've already seen." Mingyu gulped as they turned a corner.

"I know there is. I've seen it before." Wonwoo replied. "I hope it's still there."

"Come and find out." Mingyu offered.

It was his own way of saying let's be friends. And come and bring out the better part of me.

And it seemed like Wonwoo knew exactly what he was asking because he replied with.

"I think I will."

Mingyu sighed because he felt himself falling deeper.

Because now, it wasn't just about how good looking Wonwoo was. Now, it was also about the type of person he was and is. The type to put his hatred aside for someone when it comes to helping them. The type of person to not make a big deal out of something because he didn't want anyone to feel embarrassed because of him. The type of person to see the good in everyone no matter how terrible they were perceived by others. Jeon Wonwoo really was something else

And he was okay with that, because for the first time in all the time of him knowing Wonwoo, he had seen a different side to him. A side he could and would come to love.

A part of me feels like this isn't the best it could be and it feels kind of rushed? But then the other part of me thinks it was about time and that it's perfect. Yeah

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