N i n e T e e n

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"Mm." Hoshi hummed a little, thinking.

They had now eaten and were sitting around the living room when hoshi started talking.

"We should all sleep out here."

"Suddenly?" Seokmin asked.

"I think it'd be nice." Seungcheol shrugged, eyeing Jeonghan.

"What are we gonna sleep on?" Minghao questioned.

"We can bring pillows and blankets and push the couches back for more room." Seungkwan pointed to the space on the floor in between the brown couches.

There were more than enough rooms for all of them to sleep comfortably but they wanted to sleep together and in each other's presence.

Some of the guys went upstairs and started bringing pillows and such things while the others moved things around to make more room for them to sleep.

"Here, I got it." Mingyu put his hand in front of Wonwoo to stop him from leaning down and picking up one side of the couch to move.

"I'll help." The older went to the opposite side.

"No, it's okay. It's not that heavy." Mingyu shook his head.

He was lying. That couch was heavier than he had anticipated but he lifted it anyways as his face got slightly red but he managed to move it farther away from the living room area.

"Wish you had guns like this don't you, Jeon?" Mingyu flexed and it looked like his muscles were about to pop out of the long sleeve tee he was wearing.

"Ew." Wonwoo soured his nose. "Ego much?"

"Hey!" Mingyu stomped his foot, looking like a toddler who had just gotten their favorite toy take away from them.

"Alright." Hoshi heaved a sigh when they were all done setting everything up.

In the end, the living room floor just looked like one big bed, one that they would soon be sleeping on.

It dawned upon Wonwoo that all of them were going to be sleeping right next to each other, literally. And that just made it 100 times harder for him to sneak out or toss and turn freely. The last thing he wanted was to ruin someone else's sleep while he was chasing his own.

"Let's play truth or dare." Dino exclaimed as he sat down on the layered blankets that were actually really comfortable.

"Oh child." Jeonghan shook his head as everyone else laughed.

The other guys joined in, sitting in a circle as hoshi got an empty water bottle for them to spin.

Seungcheol spun first and it landed on Jeonghan.

"Truth or dare han?" The oldest of the group smirked.

"Truth, Cheol." The second oldest smirked right back.

"Who in our friend group do you think is the best looking?" The spinner asked.


Seungcheol quickly interrupted him.

"Who else besides yourself." Seungcheol rolled his eyes.

"Mm." Jeonghan looked around. "Hansol."

Hansol blushed as seungkwan threw Jeonghan a dirty look, moving a tiny bit closer to the younger.

Seungcheol was a little shocked for some reason. Was he wrong for wanting and fully expecting Jeonghan to pick him? He sulked a little as Jeonghan took the plastic bottle from his hand, brushing their fingers for longer than needed in the process.

The bottle landed on Mingyu and Jeonghan Couldnt help letting on a dark smile because this proved that he always gets what he wants.

"You seem to be thinking a little too hard today Mingyu." Jeonghan quirked an eyebrow at him.

In all honesty, Jeonghan had been observing Mingyu all night and every time he followed the youngers line of sight it had always landed on Wonwoo. So he wanted to test his theory out.


Mingyu intercepted before Jeonghan could speak fully. "You didn't even ask me truth or dare."

"Do you really want to pick dare when I'm the one giving them?" The older laughed a little.

Mingyu sighed as he gave him a 'fair enough' look. Telling him to continue.

"What's on your mind right now?" Jeonghan leaned forward. "The truth only."

Everyone looked at Mingyu as he froze for a second.

"Him." He finally pointed across the circle.

To Wonwoo.

Oh's and ooo's could be heard from the other 11 boys as Wonwoo looked away in what he thought was embarrassment and Mingyu put his pointed finger down by his side again.

"So you guys are good now?" Hansol whispered to Wonwoo who was sitting right next to him.

"I guess so." Wonwoo shrugged.

He didn't want to let on just how content he was with Mingyu being more present in his life. The younger has always been there but never got close enough to creat a bond, but now suddenly they had managed to put behind years of fighting and turn it into something quite beautiful.

Ok so I don't really know if you can imagine how the living room area is set up? ah

I hope you liked this chapter!!! I know  it was quite short

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